planting harvest 4 leafLayby60% open bolls Roundup Ready ® Flex Cotton In-season; emergence to 60% open 4.5 lb a.e. total in-crop Max of 1.13 lb a.e. per application Maximum of 4.5 lb ae/A from emergence to 60% open, or 128 oz W.Max or O.Max Maximum of 1.13 lb a.e. per application, or 32 oz W.Max or O.Max Maximum of 1.5 lb a.e. (44 oz W.Max or O.Max) from layby to 60% open No restrictions on timing of sequential applications Maximum of 1.5 lb a.e. (44 oz W.Max or O.Max) from 60% open till 7 days preharvest 1.5 lb a.e. 7 days Preharvest
Grower Thoughts About RR Flex Cotton “Got rid of his cultivator five or six years ago. Now he may be about to dispense with his post-directed spray rigs.” “New technology may make it possible to control weeds much more efficiently than a post-directed sprayer.” SE Farmpress, Nov 16, 2005
Spiderwort and Resistant Palmer are Ready if Our Growers Have the Same Mentality
Roundup-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in GA Fall of 2004 county agent called Seed were harvested, cleaned, chilled Greenhouse work began
Suspect population Known sensitive
Experiment 1: Palmer 3 to 5 inches when treated. Dual Magnum applied over entire trial to eliminate continual emergence. WeatherMax 33 oz 66 oz 132 oz 198 oz 264 oz
WeatherMax 33 oz/A
WeatherMax 66 oz/A
WeatherMax 132 oz/A
WeatherMax 198 oz/A
WeatherMax 264 oz/A
Worried About Hard to Kill Weeds? 67% of 600 Indiana growers are not overly concerned that some weeds are shrugging off Roundup as farmers expect chemical companies to develop new herbicides for weeds that do not respond to Roundup. Purdue University, Nov 29, 2005, Herbicide-defiant weeds causing anxious moments
Lets Be Clear! Not only are there no new products in the foreseeable future, we are in jeopardy of losing the “old” chemistries that we currently have. For Those Living On Planet Earth:
Managing Roundup Ready Pigweed.* Avg. 2 central GA loc % control Roundup MPOST 68 c Roundup + Direx LPD
Managing Roundup Ready Pigweed.* Avg. 2 central GA loc % control Roundup + Dual Magnum MPOST 67 b Roundup + Direx LPD
PROWL + Cotoran PRE Roundup + Dual MPOST Roundup + Direx LPD
Managing Roundup Ready Pigweed.* Avg. 2 central GA loc % control Roundup + Dual Magnum MPOST 99 a 67 b 100 a Roundup + Direx LPD
PROWL + Reflex PRE Roundup + Dual Mag MPOST Roundup + Direx LPD
Managing Roundup Ready Pigweed.* Avg. 2 central GA loc % control 76 b Roundup + Dual Magnum EPOST Roundup + Staple MPOST Roundup + Valor LPD
Palmer Already Resistant to Staple Present in 4 counties. Being tested in 17 other counties.
2005 ALS-Resistant Pigweed Survey 61 samples, 21 counties Prostko, 2005
Once a Palmer is confirmed to be resistant to both ALS and glyphosate products – There will be no topical herbicide for control
Palmer Already Resistant to Staple Present in 4 counties. Being tested in 17 other counties. Present in 4 fields in 3 different counties. Being tested in 103 other fields. Palmer Resistant to Roundup
Palmer Amaranth 1.Male and female plants 2.Pollen from male to female to produce progeny 3.Typical 400,000 to 600,000 seed per plant 4.Resistant male pollen pollinates sensitive female (>50% offspring resistant in initial work)
Controlling Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer UGA Extension will meet and discuss potential systems prior to March Need 100% control!
Delaying Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Spread (Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer NOT present) 1.Diversity -herbicide selection -cropping system -cultural practices such as tillage 2.Monitor and be aware! 3.Three to five year plan!!!!
Delaying Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Infesting Roundup Ready Cotton (Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer NOT present) PPI or PRE (at least one herbicide broadcast): Yellow, Cotoran, diuron, Staple, Reflex* POST: Roundup + Dual or Staple LPD: Caparol, diuron, Suprend, Valor mixed with MSMA (If wont use MSMA then Roundup) *Reflex must be labeled prior to use, do not apply Staple alone, if using Staple do not use Staple or Envoke POST if other alternatives exist.
Has Flex Missed Prime Time? Residual Control Dual Magnum Cotoran Contact Control Aim mixtures MSMA mixtures Valor or Direx mixtures
Has Flex Missed Prime Time? PPI/PRE Prowl Cotoran Diuron Reflex Staple POST Roundup Roundup + Dual Roundup + Staple Layby Caparol Diuron Suprend Valor MSMA Roundup
Grower Thoughts About RR Flex Cotton “Got rid of his cultivator five or six years ago. Now he may be about to dispense with his post-directed spray rigs.” “New technology may make it possible to control weeds much more efficiently than a post-directed sprayer.” SE Farmpress, Nov 16, 2005
How Will UGA Weed Team Address These Issues? Tropical Spiderwort: 1.Continue to focus on the most effective management 2.Understand spread and emergence patterns 3.Understand impact on nematode populations
How Will UGA Weed Team Address These Issues? Glyphosate-resistant Palmer 1. Determine exactly where it is at 2. Determine how far and quickly it will spread 3. Determine if conservation tillage can survive 4. Determine the most effective management programs