Session #14 Resolving Database Match Results (SAR-C codes) and CPS Rejects Ginger Klock Teri Hunt Ida Mondragón
2 Session Objectives Learn how the CPS generates “C” codes and selects records for rejects Understand what the SAR ”C” codes and rejects are telling you Learn how you can help the student correct the data, eliminate the reject or “C” code and how and when you can or cannot disburse aid based on remaining “C” codes
3 Agenda CPS Processing – Edits – EFC Calculation – Verification Selection – Data Matches CPS Matches –Social Security Administration –Veterans Affairs –Department of Homeland Security –NSLDS –Selective Service Rejects
CPS Processing
5 The CPS Receives data Processes data Calculates EFC Disseminates data to students, schools and other agencies
6 Options for submitting FAFSA data Web Applications and Corrections (English & Spanish) Paper Applications and Corrections (English & Spanish) Schools and Third Party Servicers Applications and Corrections using FAA Access on the Web or EDconnect and SAIG
7 Initial Receipt and Editing Ensures data and files are valid according to the specifications Checks for field length and valid values Pulls forward and converts previous cycle data for Renewal Applications
8 Processing Edits Substantive edits on application data to determine if EFC can be calculated Edit for basic eligibility requirements (name, date of birth, citizenship, drug offense conviction, dependency status) Edit for validity and consistency of financial data
9 Assumption Edits Assume a logical response for missing or incorrect data based on comparison with other responses provided by the applicant –Assumed values are used in calculating the EFC –Data is identified as assumed for both the student and the FAA –Some assumptions can be overridden by the student or an FAA
10 Reject Edits Missing or significant conflict in key information, and a logical assumption cannot be made An EFC is not calculated Fields are highlighted and SAR comments are provided A correction is required
11 Types of Rejects Alpha reject codes indicate reject reasons that are verifiable - that is, the student can verify the questionable data by re-entering the same value, or can correct it to a different value Numeric reject codes are not verifiable - the questioned data must be changed or provided Most alpha rejects and a few numeric rejects can be overridden by an FAA
12 Warning Edits Data is questionable or contradicting but not severe enough to be rejected Includes cross year edits EFC is calculated Fields are highlighted and SAR comments are provided
13 EFC Calculation Performed for non-rejected and signature only rejected records Calculate primary and secondary EFC if SNT is met and asset information is provided Calculate eleven alternate EFCs for programs of less than and greater than nine months
14 Verification Selection Records with EFCs or rejected for missing signatures only Goal is to select 30% of all applicants 100 targeted criteria used - each with an associated score Total score used to determine if record will be selected Only Pell eligibles selected except for random selection
15 Data Matches Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Selective Service Veterans Affairs (VA) National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) Social Security Administration (SSA)
16 Paper FAFSA (IDC) Social Security Admin. Veterans Affairs NSLDS COD FSAI C EDE Destinations (Schools, States and Servicers) FAFSA on the Web Products/ FAA Access SAIG Internet CPS Dept of Homeland Security Selective Service Social Security Admin
CPS Data Matches
18 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Match for eligible non-citizen
19 When can I disburse for an eligible non- citizen? “Y” flag in the DHS Match Flag –ISIR field 276 or “Y” flag in the Secondary DHS Match Flag –ISIR field 277
20 When can I disburse with a “C” code for eligible non- citizen? No response from DHS on Secondary Confirmation submission –15 days –supporting documentation See FSA Handbook – Vol. 1, Chapter 2
21 When do I have to do Secondary Confirmation? When you get a ___ flag in the Secondary DHS Match Flag - ISIR field 277 – “P” - wait 10 days – “C” - wait 10 days – “X” - don’t wait – “N” - don’t wait
22 Where do I get a G-845 Form and where do I send it? IFAP, Electronic Announcement, entitled, “Summary: Update on USCIS Field Offices for Submission of Immigration Status/Document Verification Request, G- 845-New Field Office for Schools"
23 How do I fill out the G-845 form? For best results be sure to provide: –DHS Verification Number in #5 (ISIR Field 279) –Add student SSN in item #8 in “Other” –“Submitting Agency” is YOU, the school –Supporting documentation needed MATCH FLAGS SSN Match Flag: 4 Selective service Registration Flag: Selective Service Match: Y DHS Match Flag; N DHS Verification #: SSA Citizenship Code: DHS Sec. Conf. Flag: X VA Match Flag: 1 FSSN Match Flag: 4 NSLDS Match Flag: 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag: 4 MSSN Match Flag: 4
24 What happens if the applicant leaves the citizen question on the FAFSA blank? Reject 17 –Unless, SSA confirms that the applicant is a U.S. Citizen - ISIR field 289 = “A” or is blank –Unless, the applicant provides an ARN Correction to indicate citizen or eligible non-citizen, as appropriate Are you a U.S. citizen? Mark one.
25 What if the applicant corrects to “citizen” but SSA does not confirm? Reject 17 will disappear “C” code requires resolution: collect documentation showing proof of citizenship such as birth certificate or passport
26 What if the applicant corrects from eligible non-citizen to citizen or changes the ARN? New for –SSA Match to check citizenship –ARN changes go to DHS Match “C” code if SSA does not confirm –Collect documentation –Make correction to SAR
Selective Service (SS) Match for registration status
28 Can I disburse when the Selective Service Match flag is N (not registered) and there is a “C” code? ONLY when you have documentation of Registration Acknowledgement or letter of registration from Selective Service OR if the applicant qualifies for a waiver or exemption
29 What’s up with adding a response of “Female” to FAFSA Question 21? More direct question so females won’t leave the question blank Blank responses are sent to the SS match Less documentation required -- for females not confirmed by SS
Veterans Affairs Match (VA) for dependency status
31 What do I do when a Veteran is not confirmed by VA? Independent Student VA does not confirm –“C” code – Collect documentation – Make a correction to SAR
32 What happens when a student responds “Yes” to active duty, but not to Veteran? Independent Student No Match with VA If Veteran is “Yes” and VA does not confirm, still Independent
Just Say “NO” to Drugs
34 What correction is needed to get off the Drug Abuse Hold File? Reject 19 DOJ refers records to FSA Debarment Expiration Date Student works with Parole Officer and the courts New ISIR not automatic –FSA:
35 Is there any way I can disburse on a “C” code because of FAFSA Drug Question 31? Cannot be left blank Must make correction Must eliminate “C” code
NSLDS Match for aid history on SAR/ISIR
37 What is the purpose of CPS sending NSLDS aid history information? First alerts Providing Caution Information outside your own school Assists in your own reporting to NSLDS
38 What NSLDS information does CPS provide that causes the “C” code? FSEOG, Perkins or Grants in Fraud or in Overpayment Defaulted Loans Bankrupt Loans Discharged Loans Close to or Exceeding Loan Limits Identifier Mismatch
39 So, do I have to eliminate the “C” code before I can disburse? Timing of updates to NSLDS Never pay on a “C” code without appropriate documentation
40 Where do I find out more about the NSLDS information? NSLDS Sessions –#1 Security & What’s New –#2 NSLDS Aggregate calculations –#23 NSLDS for Beginners - hands on FSA Handbook: Volume 1, Chapter 3 ISIR Guide: NSLDS Financial Aid History and Appendices B and C
Social Security Administration for verifying identifiers
42 SSA indicates that SSN is invalid or belongs to a deceased individual An EFC will not be calculated If SSN Correct –Student contacts SSA –Then reaffirm SSN on SAR If SSN is NOT Correct –Correct SSN on SAR –Can re-file with the Correct SSN
43 SSA does not confirm Name or DOB for student An EFC will not be calculated If Name/DOB is correct –Student encouraged to contact SSA –Reaffirm Name/DOB on SAR –Record goes back to SSA for Match –If SSA still does not confirm, CPS reject will be suppressed “C” code will remain Documentation required before disbursing
44 What if SSA confirms the second time around? No “C” code. No further resolution required For Parents –Even if SSA does not confirm after parent reaffirms, no further resolution required
45 Do I have to resolve “C” codes for SSA mismatches for parents? No “C” codes for parents Parents encouraged to contact SSA to resolve discrepancies Require a full match for at least one parent Rejects must be resolved
Reject Codes Reject Reasons Reject Resolutions
47 Reject Codes and Reject Reasons Reject Codes – Alpha/numeric – Verifiable/non-verifiable – Information is highlighted – FAA overrides
48 What happens when parents enter all zeros for SSN, but indicate Tax Filer? –Reject: J, K –Reason: If they filed taxes, they should have SSN –Resolution: Correct or re-enter to verify—FAA Documentation for student
49 When will a student get a signature reject? –Reject: 14, 15, 16 –Reason: Failed SSA match or Student/ Parent failed to sign paper FAFSA, Signature page or SAR –Resolution: Correct at SSA or Provide signature
50 What if student/parent reports income greater than IRS filing requirements? New edit –Reject: 20 –Reason: Non-filer with income greater than IRS filing requirements –Resolution: Correct or FAA override with documentation
51 What if a student wants to project or change marital status? New edit Non-verifiable—FAA override –Reject: 4 –Reason: Marital status date is greater than application date. Student is attempting to change “snapshot” –Resolution: Correct or FAA override
52 What happens when Taxes Paid is > $0 and > or equal to AGI? Non-verifiable reject – FAA override –Reject: 3 or 12 –Reason: Student/parent has entered unreasonable number for Taxes Paid –Resolution: Correct to a different value Re-enter same value (reject remains) –Only the FAA can override
53 What if Taxes Paid is not equal to or > than AGI but > a reasonable % of AGI? –Reject: C or G –Reason: Student/parent has an unusually high number for Taxes Paid –Resolution: Correct or re-enter to verify data – FAA can override on 01 transaction
55 References On IFAP: –The ISIR Guide –Federal Student Aid Handbook –Electronic Announcements
56 Contact Information If you have additional questions or issues on Data Matches or CPS Rejects: Phone: