CHANGE management HR COURSES December 2, 2013 Silvia Jelenikova, Dell
PRE-READING MATERIALS: J.Kotter – Our Iceberg is Melting – pdf file & web links
Agenda / Goals for today. - understand change and its. effects on us Agenda / Goals for today - understand change and its effects on us - learn the role of HR during changes - practice during case study
Change… - example with watches - your example of change …is the only stability in our life
Why we need to manage change? Change will not change Change has impact on humans Change curve
Case on change What happened in the story? On an iceberg in the Antarctic lives a penguin colony. One day, a bright penguin called Fred realizes that his colony is in great danger. The iceberg is melting and because of that the penguins have to move – the change is urgent! But Fred knows that nobody is going to want to hear the bad news. Nevertheless he is able to convince important stakeholders of the colony and with their help the other penguins as well to conduct the required steps and to master the necessary changes! The story of the inquisitive penguin Fred and his friends shows above all that we have to change the way we think, act and work together.
Change process J.Kotter
Mistakes – how to avoid them? Ownership of change Speed (too fast or too slow) Process vs. chaos Lack of vision Forget change after change
Case II. – Acquiring a company Case study – IT POWER company acquiring MOUSE Read, form 2 groups, discuss, present outcome 20 minutes preparation, 10 minutes presentation (2 groups x 5 min)
HR role in change Help manage change impact on people & company culture People engagement – link to company results Organizational energy Type of changes Support process Change as a project Legal aspects
Dell – best practices Change of Strategy: Leadership Imperative – how to manage transformation – toolkit about change M&As – how HR is getting ready to support it, HR role in these projects…
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