Challenges in Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Scientific Codes Boyana Norris Argonne National Laboratory Ivana.


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Presentation transcript:

Challenges in Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Scientific Codes Boyana Norris Argonne National Laboratory Ivana Veljkovic Pennsylvania State University

SIAM CSE2 February 13, 2005 Outline Performance evaluation challenges Component-based approach Motivating example: adaptive linear system solution A component infrastructure for performance monitoring and adaptation of applications Summary and future work

SIAM CSE3 February 13, 2005 Acknowledgments Ivana Veljkovic, Padma Raghavan (Penn State) Sanjukta Bhowmick (ANL/Columbia) Lois Curfman McInnes (ANL) TAU developers (U. Oregon) PERC members Sponsor: DOE and NSF

SIAM CSE4 February 13, 2005 Challenges in performance evaluation +Many tools for performance data gathering and analysis  PAPI, TAU, SvPablo, Kojak, …  Various interfaces, levels of automation, and approaches to information presentation  User’s point of view -What do the different tools do? Which is most appropriate for a given application? -(How) can multiple tools be used in concert? -I have tons of performance data, now what? -What automatic tuning tools are available, what exactly do they do? -How hard is it to install/learn/use tool X? -Is instrumented code portable? What’s the overhead of instrumentation? How does code evolution affect the performance analysis process?

SIAM CSE5 February 13, 2005 Incomplete list of tools Source instrumentation: TAU/PDT, KOJAK (MPI/OpenMP), SvPablo, Performance Assertions, …TAUPDTKOJAK SvPablo Binary instrumentation: HPCToolkit, Paradyn, DyninstAPI, …HPCToolkitParadynDyninstAPI Performance monitoring: MetaSim Tracer (memory), PAPI, HPCToolkit, Sigma++ (memory), DPOMP (OpenMP), mpiP, gprof, psrun, …MetaSimPAPI HPCToolkit Modeling/analysis/prediction: MetaSim Convolver (memory), DIMEMAS(network), SvPablo (scalability), Paradyn, Sigma++, …MetaSimDIMEMASSvPablo Paradyn Source/binary optimization: Automated Empirical Optimization of Software (ATLAS), OSKI, ROSEATLASOSKI Runtime adaptation: ActiveHarmony, SALSAActiveHarmonySALSA

SIAM CSE6 February 13, 2005 Incomplete list of tools Source instrumentation: TAU/PDT, KOJAK (MPI/OpenMP), SvPablo, Performance Assertions, …TAUPDTKOJAK SvPablo Binary instrumentation: HPCToolkit, Paradyn, DyninstAPI, …HPCToolkitParadynDyninstAPI Performance monitoring: MetaSim Tracer (memory), PAPI, HPCToolkit, Sigma++ (memory), DPOMP (OpenMP), mpiP, gprof, psrun, …MetaSimPAPI HPCToolkit Modeling/analysis/prediction: MetaSim Convolver (memory), DIMEMAS(network), SvPablo (scalability), Paradyn, Sigma++, …MetaSimDIMEMASSvPablo Paradyn Source/binary optimization: Automated Empirical Optimization of Software (ATLAS), OSKI, ROSEATLASOSKI Runtime adaptation: ActiveHarmony, SALSAActiveHarmonySALSA

SIAM CSE7 February 13, 2005 Challenges (where is the complexity?) More effective use  integration Tool developer’s perspective  Overhead of initially implementing one-to-one interoperabilty  Managing dependencies on other tools  Maintaining interoperabilty as different tools evolve Individual Scientist Perspective  Learning curve for performance tools  less time to focus on own research (modeling, physics, mathematics)  Potentially significant time investment needed to find out whether/how using someone else’s tool would improve performance  tend to do own hand-coded optimizations (time- consuming, non-reusable)  Lack of tools that automate (at least partially) algorithm discovery, assembly, configuration, and enable runtime adaptivity

SIAM CSE8 February 13, 2005 What can be done How to manage complexity? Provide  Performance tools that are truly interoperable  Uniform easy access to tools  Component implementations of software, esp. supporting numerical codes, such as linear algebra algorithms  New algorithms (e.g., interactive/dynamic techniques, algorithm composition) Implementation approach: components, both for tools and the application software

SIAM CSE9 February 13, 2005 What is being done No “integrated” environment for performance monitoring, analysis, and optimization Most past efforts  One-to-one tool interoperability More recently  OSPAT (initial meeting at SC’04), focus on common data representation and interfaces  Tool-independent performance databases: PerfDMF  Eclipse parallel tools project (LANL)  …

SIAM CSE10 February 13, 2005 OSPAT The following areas were recommended for OSPAT to investigate:  A common instrumentation API for source level, compiler level, library level, binary instrumentation  A common probe interface for routine entry and exit events  A common profile database schema  An API to walk the callstack and examine the heap memory  A common API for thread creation and fork interface  Visualization components for drawing histograms and hierarchical displays typically used by performance tools

SIAM CSE11 February 13, 2005 Components Working definition: a component is a piece of software that can be composed with other components within a framework; composition can be either static (at link time) or dynamic (at run time)  “plug-and-play” model for building applications  For more info: C. Szyperski, Component Software: Beyond Object- Oriented Programming, ACM Press, New York, 1998 Components enable  Tool interoperability  Automation of performance instrumentation/monitoring  Application adaptivity (automated or user-guided)

SIAM CSE12 February 13, 2005 Example: component infrastructure for multimethod linear solvers Goal: provide a framework for  Performance monitoring of numerical components  Dynamic adaptativity, based on: Off-line analyses of past performance information Online analysis of current execution performance information Motivating application examples:  Driven cavity flow [Coffey et al, 2003], nonlinear PDE solution  FUN3D – incompressible and compressible Euler equations Prior work in multimethod linear solvers  McInnes et al, ’03, Bhowmick et al,’03 and ’05, Norris at al. ’05.

SIAM CSE13 February 13, 2005 Example: driven cavity flow Linear solver: GMRES(30), vary only fill level of ILU preconditioner Adaptive heuristic based on:  Previous linear solution convergence rate, nonlinear solution convergence rate, rate of increase of linear solution iterations 96x96 mesh, Grashof = 10 5, lid velocity = 100 Intel P4 Xeon, dual 2.2 GHz, 4GB RAM

SIAM CSE14 February 13, 2005 Example: Compressible PETSc-FUN3D Finite volume discretization, variable order Roe scheme on a tetrahedral, vertex- centered mesh Initial discretization: first- order scheme; switch to second-order after shock position has settled down Large sparse linear system solution takes approximately 72% of overall solution time Original FUN3D developer: W.K. Anderson et al., NASA Langley Image: Dinesh Kaushik

SIAM CSE15 February 13, 2005 PETSc-FUN3d, cont. A3: Nonsequence-based adaptive strategy based on polynomial interpolation [Bhowmick et al., ’05] A3 vs base method time: ~1% slowdown - 32% improvement Hand-tuned adaptive vs base method time: 7% - 42% improvement

SIAM CSE16 February 13, 2005 Component architecture PerfDMF Metadata extractor Checkpoint Runtime DB TAU Experiment Monitor Off-line analysis insert extract start, stop, trigger checkpoint adapt request adapt: algorithm, parameters extract query

SIAM CSE17 February 13, 2005 Future work Integration of ongoing efforts in  Performance tools: common interfaces and data represenation (leverage OSPAT, PerfDMF, TAU performance interfaces, and similar efforts)  Numerical components: emerging common interfaces (e.g., TOPS solver interfaces) increase choice of solution method  automated composition and adaptation strategies Long term  Is a more organized (but not too restrictive) environment for scientific software lifecycle development possible/desirable?

SIAM CSE18 February 13, 2005 Ext. dependencies, Version control Configure, make,… Performance tools Job management, Results Debugging Typical application development “cycle” Implementatio n Production Execution Production Execution Compilation, Linking Compilation, Linking Deployment Testing Design Performance evaluation

SIAM CSE19 February 13, 2005 Future work Beyond components  Work flow  Reproducible results – associate all necessary information for reproducing particular application instance  Ontology of tools and tools to guide selection and use

SIAM CSE20 February 13, 2005 Summary No shortage of performance evaluation, analysis, and optimization technology (and new capabilities are continuously added) Little shared infrastructure, limiting the utility of performance technology in scientific computing Components, both in performance tools, and numerical software can be used to manage complexity and enable better performance through dynamic adaptation or multimethod solvers A life-cycle environment may be the best long-term solution Some relevant sites:   (performance tools)  (component specification)