Eight donor government constituencies Seven quasi-regional constituencies of implementing countries eligible for grants Private Companies Private Foundations WHO UNAIDS Partners (stop TB, roll back malaria, UNITAID World Bank (trustee) Civil Society Technical Partners Private Sector Public Sector (Governments) NGOs from developed countries NGOs from developing countries Communities, persons and populations living with the disease T HE G LOBAL F UND B OARD C OMPOSITION Chair, Vice-Chair, Executive Director, Swiss Member Voting Non-voting
C ONSTITUENCY R EPRESENTATION IN GF The ESA (22 countries) and WCA (24countries) = 46 countries Each constituency participate in GF governance through appointment of representatives and alternates from the ESA and WCA ESA and WCA largest recipients of GF resources 65%
RATIONALE Many countries under each constituency which makes coordination difficult Language barriers thereby affecting effective communication within the constituencies Different disease burdens making consensus on common positions difficult Huge responsibility for two Board members to handle (reading, translation, analysis, etc.) Lack of effective participation at The Global Fund processes, decisions and strategies /policies directive
GF A FRICA C ONSTITUENCIES G OVERNANCE REFORMS In 2012, the two constituencies agreed to develop a Governance Framework document that would guide its operations and functionality. This was to cover: Holding of competitive and democratic election processes that include all country members from the 2 constituencies Establishing defined communication process for effective engagement in GF processes Establishing a joint ESA and WCA Bureau Governance framework was signed in Angola in 2013 by the African Ministers of Health at the AFRO meeting.
A FRICA C ONSTITUENCIES B UREAU FUNCTIONS Identify regional issues prioritized by countries in Africa, develop positions, and ensure that ESA and WCA priorities are reflected in Global Fund strategy and annual operational plans and are proactively tabled at the GF board, committee and other meetings. Strengthen the ability of constituency in country focal points to lead discussions of Global Fund documents and build consensus in response to topics / issues and decision points put forth by Global Fund committees for Global Fund Board decisions.
A FRICA C ONSTITUENCIES B UREAU FUNCTIONS (2) Review the implication of the Global Fund policies and strategies on the Africa region and alert countries on the impact of given decisions Provide information and act as a communication clearing house for all Global Fund documents in-coming and out-going, on issues related to the African region. Synthesize Global Fund documents for constituencies, board members, alternate and committee members, for better understanding.
I DENTIFICATION OF THE HOST COUNTRY FOR THE A FRICAN C ONSTITUENCY B UREAU February 2014: Board members for ESA and WCA issued a call for expressions of interest to member governments and regional organizations May 2014: The Task force and GMS undertook an assessment of the four responses received from potential host countries (Ethiopia, South Africa, Zambia and Gabon), and scored responses September 2014: Task force and GMS consultants undertook an in-country assessment of the top-scoring country (Ethiopia).
I DENTIFICATION OF THE HOST COUNTRY FOR THE A FRICAN C ONSTITUENCY B UREAU Due to fund limitations, the field / on-site assessment was undertaken to only one country. Additional countries were only to be visited only if fundamental challenges were identified. The assessment visit to Ethiopia confirmed that the ACB could operate cost-effectively in Ethiopia, and would be granted diplomatic privileges to ensure this. The African Constituency Bureau is therefore to be based in Addis Ababa.
N EXT STEPS TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE B UREAU Appoint a focal point to follow up registration: The ACB task force shall oversee and shall continue negotiating on behalf of the African constituencies on the institutional arrangements, until the Bureau is fully functional. Assign power of attorney (POA) to a focal point in Ethiopia to coordinate registration and initial office set-up activities – the Ethiopian Public Health Association has been identified to play this role To ensure sustainability of funding for the ACB, the Global Fund WCA/ESA constituencies’ funding will be supporting the Africa Bureau activities and channel through them
N EXT STEPS TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE B UREAU Appoint a focal point to follow up registration (cont.): APHRC to continue providing policy analysis and research support for the African Constituency Board and Committee members. Finalize the registration of the Bureau: Government of Ethiopia to provide the draft Country Host Agreement for the ACB in Ethiopia Constituency members and related parties to review and recommend amendments to the draft CHA Government of Ethiopia to amend and finalize the Country Host Agreement
N EXT STEPS TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE B UREAU With taskforce, initiate human resources recruitments for the Bureau: Identify and appoint a Director Initiate recruitment procedures for the rest of the ACB staff – the Bureau Director shall be responsible for appointing the rest of the staffing for the ACB
A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The former ESA and WCA board members and alternates with special recognition to Dr. Mphu Ramatlapeng Financial and technical partners: Bill & Melinda Gates USG/GMS APHRC The Global Fund Africa Governments We remember the Late Mr. Rangarirai Chiteure, task force coordinator from Zimbabwe and governance reform task force leader, who passed away in December 2013.