Superintendents’ Monthly Webcast November 26, :00 noon to 1:00 p.m. (EST) ( questions to 1
Unbridled Learning Accountability Model 2
Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Year 2 Reporting The Next-Generation Learners Overall Score for Proficient is locked to provide an Overall Score goal for Schools that achieve the locked Overall Score in 2013 will be Proficient. 3
Unbridled Learning Accountability Model Year 2 Reporting Schools will receive three independent accountability scores in the summer of 2013: 1)accountability scores for Next-Generation Learners (NGL) Year 2 (Achievement, Gap, Growth, College/Career Readiness and Graduation), which include the AMO; the classification labels of Needs Improvement, Proficient and Distinguished; and the Rewards and Assistance labels 2)Program Review (PR) classifications for arts & humanities, practical living/career studies and writing 3)a new set of combined (NGL & PR) goals for
Answer question 1 of the interactive poll questions. URL: Access Code: kde 5
Further Clarification on Program Reviews 6
Public Reporting of Program Review Scores In : Reporting to occur in summer/fall 2013 Program Review to be stand-alone accountability component Schools labeled as Needs Improvement, Proficient or Distinguished Scores and labels will be in the School Report Card Scores reported to the media Schools to be accountable for their scores through the public release of information 7
2014 Public Reporting of Program Review Scores In 2014 school year, Program Reviews and the Next-Generation Learners component to be combined into one number to set school goals 8
Program Review Reconciliation For , schools are offered the option of doing one in-depth Program Review (Arts and Humanities, Practical Living/Career Studies, or Writing). All three Program Review rubrics have been streamlined and now have fewer questions to be answered for each program. The link to the new streamlined rubrics is: aspx aspx A program report can be accessed through ASSIST for each program submitted during the school year. Schools are encouraged to access these reports, go over this year’s questions for each program and consider the evidence in last year’s report and how it transfers to this year’s questions. 9
Program Review Reconciliation A reconciliation has been completed to assist in determining the match between the and questions for each Program Review in ASSIST and will be available on the Program Review web page. In February 2013, Program Review diagnostic tools will be in the ASSIST system and ready for electronic submissions. All Program Reviews for all program areas must be submitted in ASSIST for school accountability by June 1 st. All elementary schools are field-testing the K-3 Program Review this year and it will be a part of accountability in school year
Answer question 2 of the interactive poll questions. URL: Access Code: kde 11
Delivery Planning Process 12
College/Career-Ready Results Increase the percentage of students who are college/career ready from 34 percent in 2010 to 67 percent by We exceeded the 2012 delivery target of 40 percent. 47.2 percent of 2012 seniors graduated college- or career-ready! 13
Proficiency Goals Increase the average combined reading and math Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) scores for elementary and middle school students from 44% in 2012 to 72% in Increase the percentage of children ready for kindergarten from 28.1% in 2012 to 64.1% in Increase the average combined reading and math Kentucky Performance Rating for Educational Progress (K-PREP) scores for 3 rd grade students from 46.1% in 2012 to 73.1% in
Achievement Gap Goal Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group (African-American, Hispanic, Native American, With Disability, Free/Reduced-Price Meals, Limited English Proficiency) from 33 percent in 2012 to 66.5 percent in
Delivery Website efault.aspx From KDE’s homepage, click on Commissioner of Education -- Delivery General information about Delivery Delivery Plans Progress Reports 16
Answer questions 3 and 4 of the interactive poll questions. URL: Access Code: kde 17
Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) Training 18
PGES Field Testing Kentucky is field testing dual systems: Teacher Effectiveness Principal Effectiveness 19
Opportunities to Learn Commissioner’s Fast Five on Friday Superintendents’ Webcasts PGES Webcasts KDE website Kentucky Superintendent Network Meetings Coop Meetings 20
Phase 1 ( ) Field Test 50 participating districts identified Districts trained and implement field test protocols Multiple measures of effectiveness defined Districts participate in regional field test status meetings Feedback and revisions Phase 2 ( ) Extended Field Test Districts trained in and implement protocols Districts participate in regional status meetings Feedback collected Rubrics finalized Phase 3 (2013 & Beyond) Statewide Pilot & Implementation Statewide training and statewide implementation Collect baseline data Timeline for Teacher and Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System Full accountability in Spring 2015
New Opportunity: Principal Certification for Observation Teachscape provides “Early Bird Special” Online principal observer training and assessment $349 per participant through 6/30/13 Contact Shirley LaFavers at: 22
PD360 Valuable Tool to Prepare Principals should familiarize themselves with the Kentucky Framework for Teaching before accessing the proficiency system. Aligned resources in CIITS can be used through PD360. Aligned resources are categorized by domain and delineated by school level (elementary/secondary). 23
Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System The Principal Professional Growth and Effectiveness System pilot is based on the work of Dr. James Stronge and Val-Ed 360. Superintendents and principals participating in the pilot can access the archived video from Lync at: df2c&id=27A47713F201DF2C% df2c&id=27A47713F201DF2C%
PGES Winter Summit 4 instructional leaders from all 174 districts invited to attend February 4, 2013 Ashland – KEDC February 5, 2013 Bowling Green – Corvette Museum February 11, 2013 Lexington – Fayette County Extension Office February 12, 2013 Somerset – Center for Rural Development 25
Answer questions 5 and 6 of the interactive poll questions. URL: Access Code: kde 26
Districts of Innovation 27
Districts of Innovation Districts of Innovation web page has been updated: New to the site are the PENDING regulation, application and application scoring rubric. Remember these are PENDING per approval of the legislature. Timeline for approval: December Public Comment period on regulation January or February Regulation presented to Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee March Regulation presented to House and Senate Education Committees March Earliest estimate of regulation becoming law 28
Districts of Innovation During this time, districts are free to begin the development of your application for District of Innovation status using the resources on the website. The Division of Innovation and Partner Engagement will regularly be adding additional resources to our website to assist you in the development of your application. We also plan to schedule on-line technical assistance sessions after the first of the calendar year. We will not be able to accept applications for the school year until the regulation becomes law. We will, however, be available for guidance throughout the next several months. 29
Districts of Innovation District of Innovation ISDistrict of Innovation IS NOT High bar designed to create whole school re- design More focus on the flexibility to waive statutes - Calendar - SBDM - Facilities - Funding - Job Classifications Status to serve as an incubator and observation site Chance to re-allocate funds and “selectively abandon” business as usual Opportunity to say “what if”; increased partnerships with business and community to expand learning opportunities and focus on personalized learning with a mastery approach. Not about adding programs to existing structure Not about simply waiving regulations (e.g., attendance, grad requirements) Not a recognition program Not a grant program Permission to try something that is already possible 30
Answer questions 7 and 8 of the interactive poll questions. URL: Access Code: kde 31
Statewide Office 365 Implementation 32
Office 365 Offers New Communication Avenues Beginning in January, monthly superintendents’ conversations with the commissioner to be scheduled by region through the Lync Collaborations and Digital Meeting Spaces feature of Office 365. Districts already have 3 pilot accounts for this tool. KDE will be working with CIOs/DTCs at the district level to communicate a plan to get all superintendents connected with Lync so they can participate in the monthly conversation for their region. 33
Collaborative Components for students, teachers, & administrators: Implementation Statewide |
Answer questions 9 and 10 of the interactive poll questions. URL: Access Code: kde 35
Questions? to: 36