Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 1 Poised For Leadership Workshop Discover what it really takes to break through into leadership May 24, 2010 San Francisco, California Register for $269 at Sponsored by:
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 2 SUCCEEDING AS AN AGENT OF CHANGE Betty Chan-Bauza, Vice President, Corporate Strategy, LifeLock Jo Miller, CEO, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 3 Corporate Subscribers
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 4 Jo Miller CEO, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc 11+ years providing leadership coaching and seminars Coached hundreds of women worldwide Seminars for women’s networks at Intel, Oracle, Alcatel-Lucent, Nortel, Rockwell Collins, UBS, and more Silicon Valley’s “Women of Influence”, 2008
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 5 Betty Chan-Bauza Vice President, Corporate Strategy, LifeLock Joined LifeLock in 2007 and has held various Vice President roles including Operations, Product and Strategy, overseeing new product development, product marketing, and market intelligence. Now leads the company’s strategic initiatives for new growth. In the 17 years leading up to LifeLock, held a series of increasing management responsibilities ranging from product, project, business operations, and business development focusing on two industries: Wireless Telecommunications and Electronic Payment Processing.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 6 Betty Chan-Bauza Vice President, Corporate Strategy, LifeLock Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering at Bradley University. Enjoys cooking and good food and wine, traveling near and far, hiking scenic locations and trails, and reading (mostly mysteries). Her family consists of a loving and supportive husband and one loving and no questions-asked 13 year old Westie dog.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 7 You recently moved into the role of Vice President of Corporate Strategy. What are you now responsible for?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 8 What is a Change Agent? A change agent is someone who acts as a catalyst for change. Their goal is to make change stick.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 9 What is your definition of ‘Change Agent’?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 10 Two Types of Change Agent 1) A leader brought in with a mandate to lead change. They are given the authority, title and backing to make change happen. 2) A person who seizes an opportunity to make a difference, regardless of their job.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 11 In your new role, what types of changes are you leading?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 12 In the past, when you weren’t in a job that conferred authority to be a change agent, were there times you decided to be one anyway? Can you give us an example?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Qualities of a Change Agent Future-oriented
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Qualities of a Change Agent Future-oriented Courageous
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Qualities of a Change Agent Future-oriented Courageous Action-oriented
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Qualities of a Change Agent Future-oriented Courageous Action-oriented Understands people
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 17 Do any of these four characteristics come naturally to you? Are there any you needed to work on?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Qualities of a Change Agent
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Future-oriented Observe the current business environment, and recognize trends Look into the future Envision where a team, organization, business, product, or process could be See solutions where others see problems Articulate a vision of the future so that it seems attainable Get others engaged and excited.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 20 A change agent looks to the future, and says “Here’s where we need to be”. What tips can you share, for being future-oriented?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Courageous Willing to take risks, and voice opinions that may be unpopular Able to call out endemic problems, i.e. ‘name the elephant in the living room’ and champion a solution Champion new ways of doing things, when faced with “but we’ve always done it this way” Persist with a course of action before results are noticeable.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 22 Being a change agent takes courage. What does that look like, to you?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 23 Have there been times you took a risk, and messed up or failed? What happened? How did you bounce back?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Action-oriented Understanding the big picture and the details, all at once Identifying “What do we need to do, to get there?” Taking a big vision and breaking it into goals, and a plan.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 25 A change agent identifies “What do we need to do, to get there?”. How do you go about doing that, in practice?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc Understands people Knows what motivates people to act… or to not act Knows what’s important to people Can motivate, engage, and bring out the best in others Know when to ‘step on the gas’ and when to ease up Understands the source of peoples’ objections and resistance, and how to work productively with them.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 27 What advice can you give on how to sell a vision to those whose alignment is needed for an initiative to succeed, especially when that vision is bold or controversial?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 28 EXERCISE: 1) Identify an area in which would benefit from your acting as a change agent. 2) Take time to think about: Where do we need to go? What must I do, to be courageous and take risks? What will it take to get there? Who will I need to get on board, and how will I get them on board?
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 29 Q & A
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc American Business Award winner: People’s Choice Stevie Award for Favorite New Product, and Favorite New Service for LifeLock’s TrueAddress.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc American Business Award winner: People’s Choice Stevie Award for Favorite New Product, and Favorite New Service for LifeLock’s TrueAddress.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 32 Betty’s Keys to Success 1) Do not let other people define you in both life and work 2) Be inquisitive: ask questions, but stop to listen to the answers 3) Do not take it personally.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 33 6/22, Managing Others, With or Without Direct Authority Carla D. Brockman, Vice President Corporate Governance and Assistant Secretary, Devon Energy Corp. A leader is someone who makes a greater difference than one person can make alone, and this does not require the authority of a leadership job title. Learn how to motivate, engage and inspire individuals and teams, regardless of whether they report directly to you.
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 34 Poised For Leadership Workshop Discover what it really takes to break through into leadership May 24, 2010 San Francisco, California Register for $269 at Sponsored by:
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 35 Today’s slides and recording will be posted within 24 hours to: emerging_saa.htm
Copyright 2009, Women’s Leadership Coaching Inc. 36 Discussion Questions 1.What opportunities are there in your company, for you to act as a change agent? 2.What are examples of someone communicating a vision of the future? 3.In your company culture, how do people effectively take risks and suggest new ways of doing things? 4.What are ways to take a big vision and turn it into goals, and a plan? 5.What are ways to motivate and engage others to get on board with a new initiative?