Energy MAP Introduction to Energy MAP
Contents Context setting Energy Management – what is it Structure of Energy MAP
THE KEY DRIVERS 3x20% by 2020 By % EU GHG 20% by 2020 EFFICIENCY BIO-FUELS 10 % 2020 binding E-ELECTRICITY HEATING & COOLING By % RENEWABLES NATIONAL TARGETS and ACTION PLANS Competitiveness, Environment, Security of supply
EU Energy Efficiency Action Plan Objectives: 20% estimated savings potential in EU annual primary energy consumption by 2020 To provide EU citizens with the globally most energy-efficient infrastructure, buildings, appliances, processes, transport means and energy system Realising the Potential: Transport - fuel efficient cars; better use of public transport; introduction of biofuels Appliances - tougher standards and better labelling Buildings - improving the energy performance of the EU’s building stock Improving the efficiency of heat and electricity generation, transmission and distribution Implications for Ireland Energy Efficiency Action Plan
Leading to ambitious targets White Paper on Energy Policy target RES-E15%33% Ocean500MW RES-H5%12% Biofuels5.75%10% Energy Efficiency20% EE Public Sector 33% EE Indicative30% CHP400MW800MW Transport130 gCO2/KM (2012)
Calculating the 20% Reference Consumption = 5 Year Average Target Savings 20% of reference consumption (White Paper Target)
A bit on energy costs and security of supply… Import Dependency %
Norwegen Russland Niederlande Algerien Ägypten Libyen Rumänien Deutschland Ukraine Aserbaidschan Kasachstan Turkmenistan Usbekistan Großbritannien Frankreich km km km Sources Natural Gas 1999
Sources Natural Gas 2010 Norwegen Russland Niederlande Algerien Ägypten Libyen Ukraine Aserbaidschan Kasachstan Turkmenistan Usbekistan Großbritannien km km km
Sources Natural Gas 2025 Russland Turkmenistan km km km
Still no lights… No, the Earth is not all dark at the same time…nor is it flat…
A bit on competitiveness Energy prices - oil
A bit on climate change… There is real concern that human activities will change the basic conditions that have allowed life to thrive on earth. There is an overwhelming scientific agreement on this. This does not often happen There is still uncertainty Scope Scale Timing Non-linearity
Energy Users Perspective Competitiveness- Reducing costs, staying in business Security of supply –Price security Environmental Protection – Legislative requirements, Best Available Techniques Perceptions-Operational Effectiveness Budget Control
Which translates into the following drivers for action.. Regulations Emissions Trading (EU ETS) Integrated Pollution and Prevention Licences (IPPC) Building Energy Rating (BER) Financial Electricity +60% in 6 years Fuels ?% + Environmental Clients environmental concerns Reduction of Carbon Footprint Cost of Carbon And on, and on
What’s the main objective? Energy SupplyEnergy Usage Pay less per unit of energy Reduce energy consumed AIM To achieve business objectives at minimum energy cost
Where to start… Energy Management Copyright SEI 2005 Energy MAP Energy Agreements IS393 Energy Supply CHP Tender Supplies Green Electricity Biofuels EEI / EPI’s M & T Audits Energy Usage Energy Teams Housekeeping Training Benchmarking Planning Checklists
How to do it…ad hoc Approach 0 5Years -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0 +5% Costs Costs high = Audit Waste cutting, some investment Under control. Costs high again: Where’s that last audit? Here we go again!
Structured Approach Senior management commit to programme 03Years -20% -25% -15% -10% -5% 0 +5% Costs Investment Initial savings sustained Housekeeping first – then investment Becomes company culture
What is it all about…3 key elements People People Developing an energy efficient culture Organizational Management Commitment Technical Understanding your energy usage and how to control it Balance all 3 for a successful programme
In practice… Reality suggests: Management commitment is not a given Staff time is in short supply Staff is technically, not management-oriented Limited energy management “infrastructure” How to manage energy, with no time, no resources and no management support!
A Strategic Response SEI Structured Supports Energy Agreements IS393 Mentoring for SME’s Energy MAP (Management Action Programme) Training Mini MAP Applied Training Certified System Awards Grants Energy MAP Web site
How can SEI help… Our programmes ½ day energy assessments – the starting point “In my work as an SEI advisor for small businesses, I find I never leave a company after a short visit without identifying immediate savings worth more than the cost of my visit.” Energy MAP Training – setting a solid foundation During the process of implementing SEI’s Energy MAP, the plastics manufacturer Tech Group Europe Dublin identified initial energy- saving opportunities of €300,000, and as a result revised downwards their expected 2007 energy bill by 17%.
Energy Agreements The Ultimate Strategic Response You agree… IS393 Energy Management Systems Special Investigations SEI agree to… Provide supports – support manager, workshops Financial supports
DIY? Energy Awareness Resource Tool (Step 13) Energy Management Workbooks for Small Businesses
Energy MAP Training 3 workshops over 6 months - agree next 2 dates today Homework You get trained Your organisation gets an Energy Management Programme You get a certificate Your organisation saves energy and money Aim for minimum of 10%. 20% if you’re serious about it. You decide timeframe. Site surveys, mentoring, support Networking
Take ActionPlan ReviewIdentify Commit 5 Pillars of Energy Management
Take ActionPlan ReviewIdentify Commit 5 Pillars of Energy Management Management Commitment Senior Manager TeamCo-ordinator Opportunities Key Factors & EPIs Energy Consumption Significant Users Objectives & Targets Programme Plan Resources Training Culture & Awareness Implement Plan O&M, Design, Procurement Programme Review Management Review Corrective Action Measure & Monitor Energy Policy
Take ActionPlan ReviewIdentify Commit 5 Pillars of Energy Management – Day 1 Management Commitment Senior Manager TeamCo-ordinator Key Factors & EPIs Energy Consumption Significant Users Resources Measure & Monitor
Take ActionPlan ReviewIdentify Commit 5 Pillars of Energy Management – Day 2 Management Commitment Senior Manager TeamCo-ordinator Opportunities Key Factors & EPIs Energy Consumption Significant Users Objectives & Targets Programme Plan Resources Training Culture & Awareness Measure & Monitor
Take ActionPlan ReviewIdentify Commit 5 Pillars of Energy Management – Day 3 Management Commitment Senior Manager TeamCo-ordinator Opportunities Key Factors & EPIs Energy Consumption Significant Users Objectives & Targets Programme Plan Resources Training Culture & Awareness Implement Plan O&M, Design, Procurement Programme Review Management Review Corrective Action Measure & Monitor Energy Policy