How to Recruit and Retain Top Talent Kate Pletcher Founder/CEO, Treehouse Partners
CA Unemployment
The Job Market A shift from a buyer’s market to a seller’s* Current unemployment: 5.9% (CA 6.9%)** Management/Professional: 2.8% Sales: 5.4% Admin: 6.1% Construction 7.6% Trends affecting future Baby Boomers Shortage affecting disproportionally: law enforcement, manufacturing, transportation Immigration and increases in productivity could balance 82% of companies fail to choose the candidate with the right talent for the job (Gallup)
The Cost of a Bad Hire 41% say a bad hire costs them at least $25,000 25% say a bad hire costs them at least $50,000 Where are the losses felt?: Productivity Time devoted to recruiting Expense related to recruiting Employee morale Negative effect on client delivery
Why is it So Hard? Expectations not in-line with job market Hiring managers using ineffective sources Employees are looking for different things Example: Millennials care about mission, flexibility, impact Source of Job Agency/Recruiter 14%13%10% 9%12% Direct Approach 7% 8% 9% Internet Job Board 25%26%24%19% Newspaper/Periodical 1% 2% 6% 7% Other 7% 8% 9%12% Networking 46%45%47%48%41%
…And When You Find Good Talent Multiple offers Due diligence Informational calls Interested in the complete package Compensation (of course) Benefits Trajectory Other perks
Missed Opportunities Only considering full-time employees Considering specific job requisites vs. team objectives Not utilizing Contract talent Not taking advantage of maternity/sick leave Waiting for your business to grow before hiring Not staying in touch with great prospective employees regularly
Change Your Recruiting Strategy Attracting the right candidates Be clear of position objectives, not just job description Make sure to accurately broadcast company culture Use job description as a sales document to align talents with job objectives and source the Right people Cast the net wide Close the deal “Trial close” throughout Get the Right person to accept/anticipate objections Don’t nickel and dime for the Right person
Hiring Strategy: Retaining A Players! Engagement remains shockingly low 30% in US 13% globally Why? Bad managers Unrealistic/unknown expectations Keep a pulse on what your employees are saying Engagement surveys Formal and informal communication channels
Get Off to the Right Start Give your new employee a GREAT first day No doubt in the decision to hire them Welcome from the team Set the stage for culture Thrown into the deep end (a bit) Meaningful work Opportunity for impact Valuable team member
Keeping Them Engaged Make sure employee’s goals are in line with those of the company Not just about promotions Allow for an appropriate balance between work and life Give your employees decision making opportunities and the freedom to be creative Don’t focus on how to divide the pie, try to make it bigger! Leads to greater productivity and less turnover
ABR – Always Be Recruiting Just like any other relationship Have thoughtful conversations Non-traditional recruiting and interviewing methods Court your candidates Not a fit right now? Who do they know? Maintain the relationship Get to know competitors and comparables Make sure employees are incented to recruit friends/former colleagues
Questions/Key Takeaways Kate Pletcher Founder & CEO, Treehouse Partners