“Bajalia is Empowerment” Music: soft instrumental that gradually crescendos into powerful symphony
Scene 1 Close-up of hands beading a bright colored necklace. Soft music in background Background quickly blurs and Bajalia logo fades onto center of screen. Fade out
Scene 2 Fade on to artisan Esperance sitting with blurred yellow background of shop where she works – Subtitles with name and country (Rwanda) Esperance tells her story beginning with “To me Bajalia is…” – This should be something related to her journey with the company and her life before it. i.e. “My escape from genocide…” – Include subititles Fade Out
Scene 3 Fade on American woman wearing Bajalia necklace – Sitting, filmed from chest up, interview style – Middle aged, white – No subtitle or name Blurred background of her home with pink color scheme – This can be done with film filters if necessary “To me Bajalia is a symbol of strength and beauty from women across the globe” Fade out
Scene 4 Fade to Bakht Background a different color themed shop Subtitles with her name and country (Afghanistan) She says “To me Bajalia is…” – i.e. “Freedom from…” – Include subtitles Fade out
Scene 5 Fade on American woman wearing Bajalia earrings – Middle age, white or Hispanic – No subtitles or name Blurred background of domestic scene with another highlighted color “To me Bajalia is a cultural bond through wearable art” Fade out
Scene 6 Fade to scene of artisan’s hands beading necklace again. Fade smoothly to woman fastening same necklace around her neck and touching gently as if shes looking in the mirror – Close up on jewelry, face out of shot Voice over: – Esperance: “Bajalia is opportunity” – Woman 1: “Bajalia is giving back” – Bakht: “Bajalia is inspiration” – Woman 2: “Bajalia is empowerment” – All Women (overlapping): “Bajalia is empowerment” Music crescendos Scene blurs and fades out; Music dies down
Scene 7 Fade on to white screen Pink Bajalia logo fades on “Design, inspire, empower” fade on – Each word individually Music is now only a twinkling noise All fade out End