UNLOCKING OPPORTUNITIES for Careers and Transitioning Krista M. Davis, O.D. Columbia Lighthouse
Statistics 119,386,252 total USA population 4,453,200, population over 40, with vision impairments and blindness Approx. 82,000 children in public schools with vision impairments 16 million patients in USA with Diabetes Diabetes leading cause of blindness in working age adults in USA Obtained 2000 census and Prevent Blindness America
Top Five Barriers to Employment POVERTY – 96% listed as number 1 Employer discrimination – 59% Lack of education and resources – 48% Employers lack of awareness – 44% Lack of necessary technologies – 35% Obtained through the Journal of Vision Impairments and Blindness (JVIB)
Addressing Barriers Educating employers Show success stories and utilize technology to decrease employer concern Know the technology and how to access it Know the cost! Training employees Working with resources to obtain technology/ equipment
Creating Partnerships Identify the employer’s need Know the cost and expectations Identify external KEY partners Identify the necessary technology and cost Know your candidate pool and identify their strengths Establish new training programs to increase the skill sets of candidates Create a WIN-WIN-WIN situation FOLLOW THROUGH!
Track Your Candidates Know your market and your candidates. What types of employment are your candidates looking for? How do you access them? What skills to they have? Do they meet the employers need? If not… How can you assist them? What programs and training do you offer?
CLB Success Stories VAMC Switchboard State Department Mailroom Arrow Financial Services Jackson and Campbell Andrews AFB AAA MidAtlantic Supply Cart Stores
Transitioning Job or further education? Skill level? Career interest inventory
Transition Strategies Support groups Summer programs –Social skills –Academic enrichment Identification of available programs –NASA Goddard summer jobs Volunteer opportunities Internships
Additional Resources Scholarships and grants Available community resources –Rehabilitation Services –Para transit –Alternate formats
Navigating the Rapids of Life Videotape and booklet from APH –Focuses on employment success for young people with visual disabilities Teaches incidental learning, organizational skills, compensatory skills and social skills Available as part of Transition Tote system –Assists high school students as they explore and prepare for the world of work