PHP : Working with Resultsets. Last class  Open a connection to the MySQL server.  Specify the database  Issue queries (no updates at this stage) 


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Presentation transcript:

PHP : Working with Resultsets

Last class  Open a connection to the MySQL server.  Specify the database  Issue queries (no updates at this stage)  Display the results in the table form.  Flush memory  Close the connection.

Today’s class  Learn to create database, tables, attributes using mySQL  Embed PHP “type” code with HTML “type” code  Help and kick start your project in your SAD class  Help and kick start your project in this class  Good Luck coz you need LOTS OF IT!

Create Table  If you need help on data type definition

Obtaining the number of columns/attributes  In MySQL you would do the following: $query = " SELECT * FROM employee " ; $result = mysql_query($query);// need this to get resultSET if (mysql_error()) { die( " cannot processed select query " ); } $num = mysql_num_rows($result); // obtain the number of rows/rec $numFields = mysql_num_fields($result); //obtain the number of cols  To obtain the column/attribute names $name = mysql_field_name($result, $i); where $i is the column number.. going from 0 to ($numFields – 1)

Obtaining the number of columns/attributes  Obtaining the length of an attribute $attrLen = mysql_field_len($result, $i); where $i is the column number.. going from 0 to ($numFields – 1)  Obtaining the attribute type $attrType = mysql_field_type($result, $i); where $i is the column number.. going from 0 to ($numFields – 1)

More function  Obtain the tables within the database $tables = mysql_list_tables("test_alum"); $numTables = mysql_num_rows($tables); $tableName = mysql_tablename($tables, $k); will give you the table names where $k goes from 0 to ($numTables – 1)

More function – field names $fields = mysql_list_fields("test_alum", $tableName); // field result $numfields = mysql_num_fields($fields); //get the number of fields // Do a for loop here to get the attribute name for index 0 to ($numfields – 1) for (…. ){ $fieldInfo = mysql_fetch_field($fields); echo $fieldInfo->name; } Note: The mysql_fetch_field() command will get you the NEXT attribute property.

Other characteristics echo $fieldInfo->blob; echo $fieldInfo->max_length; echo $fieldInfo->not_null; echo $fieldInfo->numeric; echo $fieldInfo->primary_key; echo $fieldInfo->table; echo $fieldInfo->type; echo $fieldInfo->unique_key; echo $fieldInfo->unsigned; echo $fieldInfo->zerofill; echo $fieldInfo->multiple_key;

Exercises jex7.php, jex8.php combine with HTML coding. Use skeleton code  jex7.php: You are to show all the tables and for the test_alum database  jex8.php: You are to show the attributes for the “users” table. In particular, you have to show the name of attribute; the type of attribute; whether it is numeric (show T is it is numeric and F if it is not)

Skeleton code PHP CODE with HTML commands <?php //insert your PHP code inside here ?>