IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS How to help PhDs to enter a company: some examples of French actions ¿Cómo ayudar a los doctores a incorporarse a una empresa? Algunos ejemplos en Francia Marie-Gabrielle Schweighofer Head of ABG
Graduate studies in France ABG/MGS-mentors 17/2/04
Evolutions in graduate studies in France 1980: foundation of the Association Bernard Gregory 1982: CIFRE : supervised by an academic researcher, realized in a company 1984: the thesis is shorted to 3 years : of the number of theses ( X 2 ) 1994: Doctoriales® 1995: slowing down in enrolments of PhD students : creation & development of the « Écoles doctorales » 1998: « Chartes des thèses » (PhD Charter) 2003: beginning of the BMD (3-5-8) process growing attention in the PhD student and his/her professional integration IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Number of theses (per year) All disciplines IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
PhD students PhD graduates/year % 45% 62 % ABG/MGS-mentors 17/2/04 26 %
Écoles doctorales Each PhD student is registered in a Graduate School. Their main actions are: l 317 graduate schools l develpment of PhD community l scientific support for PhD students l preparation of PhDs integration in both public and private sectors l follow-up of the PhDs after the thesis www. recherche.gouv.fr IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
The PhD Charter l The thesis as a step in the professional project l Topic and feasibility of the thesis l The thesis supervision and follow-up l The thesis duration l To publish and exploit the thesis l Mediation process It is a joint commitment. The agreement is signed by the PhD student, the supervisor, the heads of the laboratory and of the doctoral school. Decree of September 3rd, 1998 IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Professional integration in the private sector: some problems of French PhDs l specific problem brought on by the highschools of engineers: French companies know them better than university education l thesis supervisors first care about scientific results l the academic and companies worlds have different cultures l most PhD students want to become researchers in the public sector (70%) still work to do - by PhD students - by supervisors - for companies to be informed In spite of these actions, French PhDs still have obstacles to get over if they wish to join companies:
PhDs employment: some figures ABG/MGS-mentors 17/2/04
After a PhD ( ) all disciplines 3320answers
Ministère délégué Recherche et nouvelles technologies ENQUËTE 2001 After a PhD ( ) In Biology, Medical Sciences, Health 617 answers
Ministère délégué Recherche et nouvelles technologies ENQUËTE 2001 After a PhD ( ) In Humanities 573 answers
After a PhD ( ) In Physics and Engineering Ministère délégué recherche technologies nouvelles 825 answers
Employment in companies ABG/MGS-mentors 17/2/04
Researchers staff in companies source OST Total company staff :
As early as 2004, a growing number of managers will retire Source : Apec 2002
PhD career in compagnies Administration et direction générale Marketing Informatique Études socio-économiques Études techniques Recherche Logistique Production Ten years later First position SOURCE : CIFRE A NRT 2001 %
PhDs skills experts in a technical specialization, but also « multi-skills » ableto express complex problems with rational terms, to suggest solutions, and to apply them in a project process experience of research within an international and competitive framework scientific rigor and creative spirit capacities for innovation and change, flexibility autonomy … To emphasize towards the companies and the PhDs ABG/M-GS/2002 IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
From PhD to employment in a company: ABG
ABG : To facilitate PhDs integration into companies Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) mission IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS PhD Companies
Association Bernard Gregory founded in 1980 by the physicist Bernard GREGORY a non profit association funded by public and private members staff:10 people in Paris a network of local volunteers partners: universities, European associations, companies, research organizations, régions, agency for employment... IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Today ABG services PhDs professionalism actions communication help for recruitment A European project : IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Two proposed professionalism programmes during the PhD Years PhD start 1 PhD defence Doctoriales® « New chapter in the thesis » 2 3
Scientific competences Well recognised Professional and personal competences Useful for R&D jobs Well marked by PhDs Neither well identified nor enhanced by PhDs themselves Not well known by French companies Enhanced in the Thesis dissertation Enhanced in the “New Chapter in the Thesis” Useful for all public et private jobs PhD competences IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Final objective (at the end of the PhD): to be able to introduce oneself as both a good researcher and a highly-qualified executive Thesis « A new chapter in the thesis » + to be able to present one’s thesis as a first professional experience ABG/MGS-mentors 17/2/04 IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
“A new chapter in the thesis” How ? By analysing a posteriori the PhD work from the perspective of a project By identifying the professional and personal skills developed, and illustrating them by examples With the purpose of adding value to the skills and experiences and leading to identify future professional opportunities IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
“A new chapter in the thesis” general framework of the thesis, addressing to non-specialists project management and cost skills, know-how, qualities developed assessment of the deliverables - prepared with a non-academic mentor, - expected to be a part of the PhD defense The objective is to consider the thesis as a self-contained independent project. The review includes :
Today ABG services PhDs professionalism actions communication help for recruitment A European project : IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
ABG communication Internet Web Site visits each month Magazine : Docteurs&Co copies Guide From PhD to Employment downloaded Career fairs / Forums 100 participations From PhD to Employment IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
From PhD to Employment Useful information from preparing a PhD to employment in each European country Topics: 1. PhD studies 2. Addresses of information providers 3. How to become a researcher in a public research organization or a teacher in university 4. Recruitment in the private sector Available for 14 European countries ABG and FEDORA è 77,000 copies printed in 2003
Today ABG services PhDs professionalism actions communication help for recruitment A European project : IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
A network of 105 partner services (antennes) France UK Belgium Japan USA Ireland Germany Switzerland MCFA The ABG correspondents are employment professionals in Universities advising PhDs looking for a job in the private sector They advise them on an individual basis on their career planning, and job hunting 6
Recrutment Website : Abg - Jobs u PhD’s targeted companies job offers (630) u academic positions (1125) u a PhD’s CV data base, validated by the local correspondents, continuously updated (950 currently in the data base) u ~ 1000 PhD’s proposals Extension toward Humanities and Social Sciences and toward a European labour market In 2003 :
Job offers and thesis proposals 52% SME 42% in biology 20% out of France 86% permanent positions 1420 visits/offer mars 03/ MGS
meetings run by and for ABG member companies; PhDs invited ò examples of topics: - a job in a start up - PhDs in Humanities and Social Sciences and companies - why do companies hire PhDs on permanent contracts? - graduate schools as companies partners ò summaries of the meetings are published on the ABG website mars 03 / MGS IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Today ABG services PhDs professionalism actions communication help for recruitment A European project : IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Toward European activities: why? uThe scientific labour market is international, at least European uEuropean dimension for the offers increases the choices for PhDs and employers uthe mobility of researchers in Europe appears as a key component in the development of European R&D
The objective of AMEDEE is to build a common European platform for the skills offered by PhDs and the employment's needs of companies IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
European labour market Young PhDs ’ Skills AMEDEE :Access to the labour market of young PhDs on a European scale Partner services network IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS
Two years after... u European extension of ABG network: fits local needs and structures u Partner services in UK, Belgium, Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, MCFA u Out of France 16% of the CVs 10% member companies 20% job offers u The website is available in French and in English 25% international information u By this summer, a new information system adapted to international users,employers, PhDs, partner services u ABG is a bridge head of the French mobility centres (EU programme)
IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS Conclusion The first results of the AMEDEE experience show the interest and dynamism of young scientists for intersectorial and geographic mobility.
Summary : how can ABG help PhDs ? During the PhD: information a website: a magazine: Docteurs & Co training: the Doctoriales, the project « a new chapter in the thesis, adding value to skills » When the PhDs look for a job: individual help, by the antenne ABG (local correspondents) a website dedicated to employment, aiming at a European dimension: AbgJobs a guide to apply for a job anywhere in Europe: « From PhD to Employment » ABG/MGS-mentors 17/2/04
IV Jornades doctorials à Catalunya - 2/4/04- ABG/MGS In France 3 complementary actors for the PhDs professional integration 1) Graduate schools: - scientific guidance, - professional training, - follow up of PhDs 2) PhD associations: - informal meetings between companies and PhDs, - PhD directories, - defense of PhD students rights 3) ABG: national and European framework and tools, - national and European framework and tools, - individual help and advice by local correspondents, - individual help and advice by local correspondents, - close relationships with companies... - close relationships with companies...