CCPS Conference Mission Critical – Providers as Partners Martin Cawley.


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Presentation transcript:

CCPS Conference Mission Critical – Providers as Partners Martin Cawley

What is your greatest fear?

People’s top fears?

What I want to talk about A little bit about CCPS A little bit about the environment A lot about providers as partners The challenges of today and beyond The type of response that will be required in the future

Disclaimer The following presentation may be full of inaccuracies but that is in no way any fault of the presenter. If there are inaccuracies, it is the intention of the presenter of the aforesaid presentation that you do not notice them. If you do know more than the presenter and do notice the previously mentioned inaccuracies PLEASE do not hesitate to highlight your superior knowledge, thereby letting everyone else know what a smart a--- you actually are.

CCPS Members Support approximately 200,000 people and their families across Scotland Manage a total annual income in excess of £1.3 billion ( ), a significant proportion of which relates to publicly funded service provision Employ approximately 44,000 staff and mobilise the support of over 7,000 volunteers in providing services Work in all 32 of Scotland’s council areas, with many members also providing services elsewhere in the UK and internationally

Present challenges More demand for support More demand for savings/cuts Need for creativity and new ideas Focus on evidencing quality and impact Mixed position on tendering across Scotland Management and workforce implications – flexibility is crucial

Health and social care integration Self directed support Joint strategic commissioning Regulation and inspection Welfare reform Be prepared !!

Common success factors for a profit making business Effective leadership Maintaining the small company culture A focus on quality Market driven Control of finances Focus on profit

Characteristics of a not for profit/charitable organisation Vision/Mission/Purpose Meet a need/fill a gap Social public benefit cause Mission/values before money Focus on welfare/civic society No shareholders/owners Philanthropic governance

….but we know it’s much more than that! To be the best organisation you can be requires values, vision and passion….but these are simply not enough!

Providers were described as:

“ At best: innovative, flexible, creative, partners At poorest: defensive, rigid, isolated, insular” - Commissioner Responses recognised that there are a range of perceptions of a diverse sector :

Feeling from providers that we’re good value for money “ (Usually) cost about 60-70% of statutory run equivalents” - Provider

“ Need more robust reporting on performance” - Commissioner “A sometimes over inflated view of performance and impact” - Provider Need to be better at evidencing this value

Contribution beyond service delivery “ We bring an important perspective to debate, decision making and strategic planning” - Provider “Ahead of the curve at times in trying what is new and what works” - Provider

Focus on issues allows us to develop expertise “ Capacity to focus and excel at particular areas of activity” - Commissioner “Depth of understanding. Ability to get ‘under the skin’ of issues” - Provider

…but this focus can sometimes be problematic “ having a single-issue focus can be rigid” - Commissioner

We don’t think that we’re seen as partners “ Hard to get a seat at the table” - Provider

“ Unwillingness of some to engage with LAs on modernisation agendas…unrealistic about fiscal pressures and requirement to change what they do” - Commissioner …and statutory agencies don’t think we always act like partners

May be able to address some criticisms by greater collaboration “ Greater consolidation would create larger economies of scale and ability to compete” - Commissioner “Publicly recognise that collaboration and partnership across and between voluntary sector providers is an essential component of 21 st century social care provision - Provider/Commissioner

The engine room Understand how the system works Identify key connections and valves Be clear about where the voluntary sector fits in Build on our interdependence

So what type of leadership behaviours are needed? Agility and ability to embrace uncertainty Innovation Honesty and integrity Challenge our own assumptions Bring creative ideas to the market Have an open appetite towards risk taking External orientation beyond our own parameters Build new collaborations Evidence what we do makes a difference Embrace diverse leadership approaches

Why are events like this important? Consider shared issues from a wider perspective Identify the common ground Think about how we should respond Think about our own/organisational roles and responsibilities Meet others and learn together Think about what’s important for the future Engage and enjoy

So how can you contribute? Question and critique Listen and learn Influence Shape the future Be part of the solution