Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2014 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence.
www. pdst. ie Option 2 While you are waiting…………. Go to your app store and download the Socrative Student App Enter the following code: Option 1 Using the browser on your phone/tablet/laptop 1)Go to 2)Select ‘student login’ from the drop down menu 3)Enter the following code:
www. pdst. ie Integration of ICT in the Teaching and Learning of History
www. pdst. ie The integration of technology in the classroom involves a planned, highly structured and purposeful use of technology with students with the aim of engaging students and helping them develop new thinking skills. Using technology, without identifying exactly what the purpose of the programme is can be described as a random process where the main goal is to instruct students on content not to engage them with content. The PDST’s Approach
www. pdst. ie What animal did Florence Nightingale carry around with her? a)Kitten b)Puppy c)Robin d)Owl e)Hamster
www. pdst. ie Which Irish town was raided by pirates from Algiers in 1631 and captured. They captured almost all of the villagers and took them back to North Africa for a life of slavery hostages. a) Balitimore b) Rathmullan c) Westport d) Dingle e) Castlebar
www. pdst. ie Name the town Che Chevera stayed on 12 th September
www. pdst. ie ICT & Literacy Word Clouds Padlet Exam time Digital Literacy
Word cloud of aims and objectives of the Junior Certificate History Syllabus
Word cloud of aims and objectives of the Leaving Certificate History Syllabus
www. pdst. ie
www. pdst. ie How can Padlet used to develop key skills and encourage higher order thinking skills? Padlet is a free online tool that is best described as an online notice board. Padlet can be used by students and teachers to post notes on a common page. The notes posted by teachers and students can contain links, videos, images and document files.
www. pdst. ie Sharing success criteria Negotiating success criteria Brainstorming Project work Communicating with parents Summarising student learning Possible uses for Padlet
Revision & Development of Higher Order Thinking Skills: (mind maps, flashcards, quizzes and notes)
www. pdst. ie Developing Core Competencies using ICT Digital Literacy Functional Skills Creativity Critical thinking and evaluation Finding and selecting information Effective communication E-safety Adapted from ‘Digital Literacy across the Curriculum, FuturLab, March 2010
www. pdst. ie ICT & Numeracy
www. pdst. ie Timeline
www. pdst. ie Essential Elements of Assessment for Learning Learning Outcomes and Success Criteria Effective Feedback Effective Questioning Self assessment Peer Assessment
www. pdst. ie Effective Feedback integrating ICT Adobe Reader
www. pdst. ie What one thing would students find it very difficult to do without? Think About!!!!!!
www. pdst. ie mLearning
www. pdst. ie mLearning Courses Is cost effective for schools Reduces the need for all students to have access to computers in classroom Need less equipment like digital cameras, camcorders, microphones etc. Supporting locational learning contexts such as field-trips, museums and work-based learning Can be used as creative tool – making podcasts, picture blogs, etc. Encourages engagement & interactivity –Socrative. Pupils are encouraged to use general reference books so why not phones – as dictionary, spell checker, thesaurus, encyclopaedia etc. As specific research tool via web access
www. pdst. ie Why Animations? 1.Learn a concept 2.Find out more about an idea 3.Restructure thinking around an idea 4.Communicate understanding 5.Compile a group record
www. pdst. ie Blended Learning A blended learning approach combines face to face classroom methods with computer-mediated activities to form an integrated instructional approach. The goal of a blended approach is to combine the best aspects of both face to face and online instruction.
www. pdst. ie TedED ~ Blend Space ~ Virtual Learning Environments e.g. Moodle, Schoology & Edmodo Options for Blended Learning
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