Chang Gung University 長庚大學 機械系 Pearson Education Taiwan HED Gino Kuo 2011-09.


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Presentation transcript:

Chang Gung University 長庚大學 機械系 Pearson Education Taiwan HED Gino Kuo

Before we start / 在我們開始之前 To register, you will need:  A valid address ( 1. 電子郵件)  The access code found packaged with your textbook ( 2. 註冊序號) (your access code will look something like this ) XLFGH-LKJHG-XXXXX-HKGKS-AKRJG ____________  Your Course ID :____________ ( 3. 課碼)  授課老師 : 通識教育中心 賴光昶 助理教授 ___________  Your Student ID ( 4. 學號) :___________

Registering for MasteringPhysics™

Go to Click Students

Step 1: Do you have an access code? An access code is a 6-part code. Here is an example of what an access code looks like: QUAYS-THUMB-PIPES-TRAWL-NOMAD-KNEAD NOTE: Y our text/package may have included a MasteringPhysics access code, or you may have purchased a code separately at your bookstore. If not, you can purchase access online at If you DO have an access code, click Yes and Continue

Read the Privacy Policy and License Agreement Click I Accept

Enter your 6-part Access Code HERE Create a Login Name ﹙學號﹚ & Password ﹙密碼 : 英文 + 數字八碼以上﹚ Confirm Password. Click Next Do you have a Pearson Education account? Select: No if this is your first Pearson product. Yes if you have another Pearson Account Not Sure

Enter School Country, Zip Code, School Name First Name ( 中文 : 名字 ) Last Name ( 中文 : 姓 ) Address ( 提醒你 !)

Click Next Select a Security Question and answer it.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully registered for MasteringPhysics. Click Log In Now

If you received a Course ID from your instructor, select Yes, enter your Course ID, and click Continue. If you DO NOT have a Course ID, follow the instructions on the NEXT slide.

Student ID (學號) Your instructor may provide specific instructions for completing this field. If so, enter the appropriate information and click Continue.

You are now viewing your MasteringPhysics homepage! Click here to View Assignments Click here to access the eText Click here to access the Study Area Tips to improve your grade!

Click Introduction to MasteringPhysics to learn how to use the program.

Click Welcome! These items will explain how to navigate in the program, how to submit your answers, and how you can expect to be graded.

The ActivPhysics Study Area is a comprehensive self-study resource which contains over 450 applets, text explanations, videos and over 1000 self-testing questions with answers.

Return to for future login. Enter your Login Name and Password. Click Log In

Effect study English textbook 有效的英文課本閱讀技巧 目的 : 有效率地閱讀英文課本,會讓你的大學 學業更輕鬆順利 快速瀏覽 快速瀏覽 的秘訣 –Summary – 章 & 節的標題 – 每一段的第一句 & 最後一句 (Why & Answer) – 粗體字、斜體字 ( 定理、定義、特別標註 ) – 圖表 ( 圖解、圖表的說明文字 ) 要到哪裡查詢單字呢 ?

專有名詞哪裡查? 國立編譯館 學術名詞資訊網 – – 各學門中的翻譯 – 加入前後文的專業翻譯 維基百科 – Wikipedia – – 英文、各式中文對照

Thanks for your attendance 祝你 在長庚大學有個美好的大學生活