Anatomy of Reproduction Exploring Reproductive Systems
Male Reproductive Organs Testicles- Produce Sperm & Testosterone. There are two testicles present in male animals. Sperm- Male sex cells Testosterone- Causes the behavior & appearance of an animal to be masculine.
Male Reproductive Organs Epididymis- Storage site for sperm cells. The cells enter the epididymis from the testicle to mature. There is a separate epididymis attached to each testicle.
Male Reproductive Organs Scrotum- Two-lobed sac that contains and protects the two testicles & regulates testicle temperature. When the environment temp. is low, the scrotum contracts pulling the testicle into the body for warmth. When the temp. is high, the scrotum relaxes, letting them hang away from the body.
Male Reproductive Organs Vas Deferens- a transportation tube that carries the sperm containing fluid from each epididymis to the urethra. Urethra- Large, muscular canal extending from the urinary bladder. Semen and urine move through the urethra to the end of the penis.
Male Reproductive Organs Seminal Vesicles- Open into the urethra. They produce a fluid that protects and transports sperm. Prostate gland- Produces a fluid that is mixed with the seminal fluid. Cowper’s Gland- Produces a fluid that moves down the urethra ahead of the seminal fluid to clean & neutralize the urethra. All of this mixed together is called SEMEN.
Male Reproductive Organs Penis- Deposits semen within the female reproductive system. The urethra is surrounded by spongy tissue that fills with blood when the male is sexually aroused. This causes an erection that is necessary for copulation (mating).
Male Reproductive Organs Sigmoid flexure- (found in bulls, rams & boars) and the retractor muscle extend the penis from the SHEATH. Sheath- A tubular fold of skin that protects the penis.
Exploring Female Reproduction Reproductive Anatomy Exploring Female Reproduction
Female Reproductive Organs Ovary- Produces female gametes. Gamete is a sex cell that can unite with other sex cells. These are called ova or eggs. Ovaries also produce female sex hormones, estrogen & progesterone. Within each ovary there are tiny follicles. The eggs are produced in these follicles.
Female Reproductive Organs Oviducts- Two tubes that carry the ova from the ovaries to the uterus. They are also called fallopian tubes. They are close, but not attached to the ovaries. The funnel-shaped end of each oviduct is called the infundibulum. At ovulation the follicle ruptures, releasing an egg that is caught by the infundibulum.
Female Reproductive Organs Uterus- Y-shaped structure consisting of the body, two uterine horns and the cervix. The size and shape varies among species. Animals who have large numbers during birth, typically have large horns and a small body. Animals who have single or twin births have small horns and a larger body. The fetus grows within the uterus, and that is where it remains until parturition (birth).
Female Reproductive Organs Cervix-Composed of connective tissue that is the gateway between the uterus and the vagina. Vagina- Serves as the female organ of copulation at mating and as the birth canal during parturition.
Female Reproductive Organs Vulva- External opening of the reproductive and urinary systems. Labia majora- Exterior, visible part of the vulva, consisting of two folds. Labia minora- Two folds located just inside the labia majoria. Clitoris- Sensory and erectile organ of the female, located just inside the vulva. Produces sexual stimulation during copulation.
Other Things to Know… When a sperm fertilizes the ova, a zygote is created. Zygote- Fertilized egg cell. Fertilization occurs in the oviduct. 2-4 days after fertilization the cell will move to the uterus, where it will stay until parturition.
Reproduction Anatomy Avian
Male Reproduction Male poultry have testicles, but they are located inside the body, opposed to the scrotum. The Vas Deferens carry the seminal fluid & sperm cells to the Cloaca. Cloaca- Enlarged part where the large intestine joins the end of the alimentary canal.
Male Reproduction Alimentary Canal- Food carrying passage that begins at the mouth and ends at the vent. Papilla- The organ in the wall of the cloaca that puts the sperm cells into the hens reproductive tract.
Female Anatomy The chicken does have two ovaries and two oviducts. Only the LEFT ovary & oviduct function. The right is obsolete. The OVA produced in the ovary turns into egg yolk.
Female Anatomy The Oviduct has 5 parts. Funnel- Receives the yolk from the ovary. The sperm a chicken receives stays here. Magnum- Secrets the thick white of the egg. It takes around 3 hours for the white to be placed around the yolk in the magnum.
Female Anatomy Isthmus- The yolk & white move here, two shell membranes are placed around the yolk & white. It takes 1.25 hours. Uterus- The thin white & outer shell are placed around the egg. It stays here for about 20 hours.
Female Anatomy Vagina- From the uterus, the egg moves here. The egg stays here only a short time before it is laid. It takes about 25-27 hours to produce one egg.
How It Happens Male Papillae deposits sperm in the cloacal wall of he female. Sperm moves up the oviduct to the funnel, where it is fertilized. Sperm Cells remain the oviduct 2-3 weeks after mating.
Other Things… The YOLK provides nourishment, just like an umbilical cord in mammals. It also provides passive immunity, like colostrum. The egg white is called an ALBUMIN. It serves as a shock absorber for the developing embryo.