Hopeteam.biz HEALTH OPPORTUNITY PURPOSE EVERYONE The Ultimate “Secret” Encrypted Code for Success!
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Success is a Formula!
NOT LUCK! This is a Business NOT the lottery!
It doesn’t matter what works… it only matters what: DUPLICATES
IF what you do is too: COMPLEX it won’t DUPLICATE!
So how do we make it: SIMPLE & DUPLICATABLE?
We use a TOOL
In the HOPE Team TOOLbox 3 TOOLS
A TOOL could be: 1. CD/MP3 2. Website 3. Webinar 4. HOPE TEAM Event 5. Printed Material 6. Corporate Event 7. Someone Else! BUT NEVER YOURSELF!
In this Business… There is NO Party! Unless it’s a 3 rd Party…
As a HOPE Team Champion! “YOU POINT”
You point to three things: 1st
You point to three things: 2nd
A HOPE Team Event 3rd
Let’s review our tool box!
But? “What do I say?”
“If I gave you a CD could you listen to it, with someone?
“If I sent you a video could you watch it, with someone?
“If I invited you to a CASH FLOW summit could you come with someone?
1st 2nd 3rd
Where to find the tools? At the TOOL TABLE - $1 At the Website: “MP3’s” tab “Something Better CD” “Resources” tab “HOPE team Calendar”
The “Secret” Encrypted Code for Success!
Success is a Formula!
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? K 2M 1K 2K
“If I gave you a CD could you listen to it, with someone? 2 invites a day! ,000 2,000,
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? 2 invites a day! 14 invites per week! ,000 2,000,
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? 2 invites a day! 14 invites per week! (10) 3 Presentations per week 1 10,000 2,000,
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? 2 invites a day! 14 invites per week! (10) 3 Presentations per week 1 Business builder per week. 10,000 2,000,
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? 2 invites a day! 14 invites per week! (10) 3 Presentations per week 1 Business builder per week Do 2 a day for 2 years = $10,000+ /mth 2,000,
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? 2 invites a day! 14 invites per week! (10) 3 Presentations per week 1 Business builder per week Do 2 a day for 2 years = $10,000+/mth $10K is equal to about $2M in Equities
The Secret Encrypted Code for success? 2 invites a day! 14 invites per week! (10) 3 Presentations per week 1 Business builder per week Do 2 a day for 2 years = $10,000+/mth $10K is equal to about $2M in Equities 1000 invitations in 2 years
Bottom Line: Your 1000 invitations you gave people to look at your business over a two year period resulted in each invitation being worth $2000! 2,000,000 /1000 = $
2 invites per day! 10 invites per week! 3 Presentations a week! 1 Business Builder per week! Do that for 2 years = $10,000+/month! Asset = $2,000, Invited 1000 people over 2 years Each personal invite is worth at least $2000+
HOW BIG IS YOUR DREAM? Your KEYS…. Join the HOPE TEAM! Take ACTION! Be CONSISTENT! Give it TIME! Learn the SCRIPTS! Get and use the TOOLS!
Where can you find the tools? HOPE Team CD tool “MP3’s” tab “Something Better CD” “Resources” tab “HOPE team Calendar”
HOPE Team Champions Require Reading:
The 8 Steps to a Professional Invitation: 1. Be in a hurry 2. Compliment the prospect 3. Make the invitation 4. “If I,… Would you?” 5. Confirm #1: Get the time commitment 6. Confirmation #2 Confirm the time 7. Confirmation #3: Schedule the next call 8. Get off the phone
Step #3 & 4: Make the Invitation! “If I… Would you?” The invitation is ANY conversation that discovers a personal need that leads them to ask for more information, or to say “What is it?” “If I gave you a CD could you listen to it with someone?” (“If I gave you a CD would you listen to it?”)
The Steps to a Professional Invitation: Steps 4-8 – Memory Items 4. "If I gave you a CD could you listen to it with someone?" 5. "When do you think you could listen to the CD, for sure?" 6. "If I called you ______(time or date) you'll have listened to it for sure, right?" 7. "What's the best number and time for me to call?" 8. "Great! I'll talk with you on ________(time or date) then!"
Mannatech pays(Impact Rewards) you based on how many children are being supported in your entire team. (GPV) You are paid to advertise and “Share The Mission”(STM) Regional Director - 15 Children $150/mth National Director - 60 Children $800/mth Executive Director Children $3000/mth Presidential Director – 600 Children $6800/mth YOU (PD) Bronze = 1PD in ANY one leg Silver = 1PD in ANY two separate legs Gold = 1PD in ANY three separate legs Platinum = 1PD in each of four separate legs $10,000 Bronze $18,000 Silver $27,000 Gold $56,000+ Platinum
Where to find the tools? At the TOOL TABLE - $1 At the Website: “MP3’s” tab “Something Better CD” “Resources” tab “HOPE team Calendar”
Get your tools at the Tool Table Featured Items: “GoPro” by Eric Worre “Something Better” – CD HOPE Team Polo Shirts “Company of Destiny” Booklet