The use of Artemia nauplii as live food for the rearing of fish and crustacean larval stages, has been one of the most important steps in the development of marine aquaculture. Advantages *Different size *They are visible as prey and are highly palatable to the larvae *With special feeds can be given to improve its nutritional value *Their carapace are digested easily with digestive secretion Disadvantages * If nauplii and shell are not separated well, larvae take them together *Nauplii consume their yolk in a short time
HATCHERY OWNERS Advantages *Cysts can be stored for many years and live nauplii can be obtained after 24 to 36 h incubation. *Incubation is easy *They tolerate wide range of temperatures and salinities *applicability of disinfection *Because of wide range of size, it can be used for feeding different species Disadvantages *Even if artemia cysts still remain an expensive product *Their market availability shows fluctuations *Sources of artemia cyct are threatened day by day
Phylum: Arthropoda Classis: Crustacea Subclassis: Branchiopoda Genus: Artemia Species: Artemia sp • A. salina Linnaeus 1 7 58: England (extinct ), Mediterranean; • A. tunisiana Bowen and Sterling 1978 synonym of A. salina; • A. parthenogenetica Barigozzi 1974, Bowen and Sterling 1978: Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia • A. urmiana Gunther 1990: Iran • A. sinica Yaneng 1989: Middle and East Asia • A. persimilis Piccinelli and Prosdocimi 1968: Argentina; • A. franciscana America, Carribean and Pacifik Island, A.(franciscana) franciscana and A.(franciscana) monica (Mono Lake, California); • Artemia sp. Pilla and Beardmore 1994: Kazakhstan
Morphology Adult Artemia (10-15 mm in length) have an elongated body with two stalked complex eyes, a linear digestive tract, sensorial antennules. The male has a paired reproductive organ in the posterior part of the trunk region. Female Artemia can easily be recognized by the brood pouch or uterus. Eggs develop in two tubular ovaries in the abdomen. Once ripe they become spherical and migrate via two oviducts into the unpaired uterus.
Ecology *Artemia populations are found in about 500 natural salt lakes scattered throughout the tropical, subtropical and temperate climatic zones, along coastlines as well as inland. *eurythermal and euryhaline 1 %0 – 250 %0 30 %0 - 35 %0 optimal 6 – 35° C 25-30° C incubation of cysts *Its physiological adaptations to high salinity provide a very efficient ecological defense against predation *As Artemia is incapable of active dispersion, wind and waterfowl (especially flamingos) are the most important natural dispersion vectors
REPRODUCTION Parthenogenetic and bisexual Artemia strains exist, where ovoviviparous and oviparous reproduction alternates. Cysts hatching gives ovoviviparous offspring; eggs are retained inside the uterus until embryonic development is fully completed. In extreme conditions the embryos only develop up to the gastrula stage. At this moment they get surrounded by a thick shell, enter a state of metabolic standstill or dormancy (diapause) egg (200-300 µm) and are then released by the female (oviparous) Cyst Ovovivipar Partenogenetik Adult Naupli Metanaupli
Feeding As a non-selective filter feeding, brine shrimp feed on particulate matter of biological origin, bacteria and algae of suitable size (1-50 µm ).
Size, individual dry weight and energy content of Artemia instar I nauplii from different cyst sources hatched in standard conditions (35 g.l-1,25°C) Cyst source Length (µm) Dry weight (µg) Energy content (10-3 Joule) San Francisco Bay, CA USA 428 1.63 366 Macau, Brasil 447 1.74 392 Great Salt Lake, UT-USA 486 2.42 541 Shark Bay, Australia 458 2.47 576 Chaplin Lake, Canada 475 2.04 448 Tanggu, Bohai Bay, China 515 3.09 681 Aibi Lake, China 4.55 - Yuncheng, China 460 2.03 Lake Urmiah, Iran 497
High amount HUFA: > 15 mg/g dwt No need extra enrichment AF Nauplii length: ± 430 µm High amount HUFA: > 15 mg/g dwt No need extra enrichment AF 480 Nauplii length : ± 480 µm High amount HUFA: > 15 mg/g dwt No need extra enrichment
10€ / 100g Original Artemia-Eier in PLATINUM-QUALITÄT! Schlupfrate: 95% - Schlupfzeit: 9-18 Stunden – Cyst count/gram: 330.000 – Protein: 61,8% - Carbohydrate: 21,5% - Ash: 5,5% - Min. 8,0% area, 20:5 omega-3 - Min. 3,5% area, 22:6 omega-3 - Min. 3,0% area, 18:3 omega-3. Inhalt: 10 gramm original ARGENTEMIA PLATINUM EGGS!
Incubation of cysts *25 °C *%0 30-35 salinity *2000 lux continuous *oxygen 2-4 mg/l *pH 8-9 *strong aeration *cylindrical shape tank
Decapsulation *Hydration of egg *Addition Calcium hypochlorite or Sodium hypochlorite *Addition NaOH or NaNO3 *Change egg colour *Washing egg *Addition Sodium thiosulfate *Move to incubation tank
* For 1 g egg For decapsulation process; Ca(OCl)2 Calcium hypochlorite NaOCl Sodium hypochlorite KOCl Potassium hypochlorite * 0.5 g active chlorine must be per 1 g egg * It can be used NaOH for supplying pH value higher than 10 * For 1 g egg 10 ml NaOCl, % 40, 0.33ml NaOH 3.67 ml marine water Total 14 ml solution After Decapsulation, washing tap water and adding % 1 sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3)
Advantages decapsulation ; Nauplii that are hatched out of decapsulated cysts have a higher energy content Disinfection of egg Nauplii size near each other and smaller (5 %) than without decapsulation Increase of hatching rate For decapsulated cysts, illumination requirements for hatching would be lower Disadvantages decapsulation * When the temperature reach to 40°C, embryo or egg may damage
Egg 200-300 µm A0 350-500 µm A1 700-800 µm A2 800-900 µm
Factors of affecting hatching rates; - Physicochemical factors *Ion composition *Temperature *Salinity *pH *amount of oxygen *Illumination *Water quality -Artemia *Strain/Origin *Density
Enrichment of Artemia *Some stocks of Artemia nauplii have shown a deficiency in EPA (20:5n-3) and DHA (22:6n-3) *Nauplii are harvested, washed, counted and moved to enrichment tank *Prepared enrichment solution according to enrichment time and kind *During enrichment operation, oxygen level has to be higher than 3-4 mg/l *Larger quantities of enriched nauplii can be produced but require storage at 5C at a density of 5 000/ml with appropriate aeration Dolphus - cuve
Larval feeding of gilthead sea bream Microdiet (2-10% biomass) Artemia metanauplii (0.5-2 ind/ml) Artemia nauplii (0.5-2 ind/ml) Rotifer (8-12 ind/ml) Algae (20-40 x 104 cell/ml ) 0 10 20 30 40 Days
References Akbary, P., Hosseini, S. A. and Imanpoor, M. 2011. Enrichment of Artemia nauplii with essential fatty acids and vitamin C: effect of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae performance. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences, 10(4):557-569. Conceiçao, L. E., Yufera, M., Makridis, P., Morais, S., Dinis, M.T. 2010. Live Feeds For Early Stages of Fish Rearing. Aquaculrure Research, 41, 613-640. Lavens, P., Sorgeloos, P. 1996. Manual on the production and use of live food for aquaculture. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 361. Lakshmanasenthil, S. Vinothkumar,T., D. Geetharamani, D., Maruthupandi, T. 2013. Influence of micro algae in enrichment of Artemia salina for aquaculture feed enhancement. J. Algal Biomass Utln. 2013, 4 (2): 67–73 Pechmanee, T. 1989. Food Organisms For Seabass Larval Rearing. Report on the Training Course on Seabass Breeding and Culture. Project reports (not in a Series) No.9 FAO. Schwarz, M., Delbos, B., Mclean, E., Craig, S. 2009. Intensive Marine Finfish Larviculture. Virginia Cooperative Extension. Publication 600-050. Tamaru,C.S., Ako, H., Paguirigan, R. Pang, L. Enrichment of Artemia For Use in Freshwater Ornamental Fish Production. Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture Publication Number 133,DP-21.html