Sport und Ernährung Ergebnisse einer Erhebung an der Europaschule an 146 Schülern und Schülerinnen Sports and nutrition Results of a research at Europaschule Köln 2009
anlässlich des Comenius-Workshops in Ibi, Spanien am
What kind of sports do you practice? blue: endurance sports pink: outdoor sports yellow: team sports green: sports with music light blue: sports with meditation light pink: combat sports, martial arts
How many hours a week do you practice sports?
Are you a member of a sports club?
How many hours a day are you sitting in front of your TV/computer/games console?
During weekends: how many hours a day are you sitting in front of your TV/computer/games console?
During school days: How many hours do you normally sleep?
Do you smoke?
Do you drink alcohol? blue- never yellow- 2-3 times a month pink- once in a month green- once or twice a week light blue- several times a week
Do you think your personal diet is healthy?
How often do you eat during the day?
How much do you drink during the day?
How often do you have vegetables during the week?
Do you take dietary supplements?
How many meals a day do you have together with your family?
What have you brought to school today for eating? blue: sandwiches pink: fruit or vegetables yellow: dairy products green: cereals light blue: cereal bars light pink: chocolate bars or sweets grey: others
What have you brought to school today for drinking? blue: water pink: milk yellow: juice light blue: limonade light pink: iced tea
Have you had breakfast at home today?
Health is very important for me. blue: thats not true pink: thats hardly not true yellow: thats hardly true green: thats true
Health is very important for my family. blue: thats not true pink: thats hardly not true yellow: thats hardly true green: thats true
Health is very important at school. blue: thats not true pink: thats hardly not true yellow: thats hardly true green: thats true
Do you know how often you should eat fruit and vegetables during the day?
What drink contains less sugar? blue: water mixed with juice pink: juiceyellow: lemonade
blue:salamipink:turkeylight yellow: lever What kind of sausages has less fat?
Vielen Dank für die tolle Arbeit den teilnehmenden Schülern und Schülerinnen Daria, Hannah, Jan, Jake, Leonie, Lilli, Nanna, Raphael und Walfran Ute Bushuven und Ute Geller