Female Bovine Reproduction System Biological Animal Sciences Spring 2011
Reproductive System http://cvm.msu.edu/courses/AP/bessie/cowreproorgans3.jpg
http://www.ca.uky.edu/agripedia/Classes/ASC106/media/FEMALE.GIF The female reproductive organs consist of the ovary, uterus, cervix, vagina and vulva. Female reproductive tracts of various farm animals are similar to the cow, but differ primarily in the shape of the uterus and cervix.
Uterus ianrpubs.unl.edu/ beef/g537.htm The uterus of the cow is bipartile, while the uterine horns are relatively long and well developed. The fertilized embryo moves from the oviduct into the uterine horn, where fetal development begins. The fetus grows within a layer of membranes called the placenta, where it is nourished.
Bovine Reproductive Tract
Swine Reproductive Tract
Swine Tract with ripened follicles
http://www. ansi. okstate http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/course/3443/study/AnatomyFemale/bovine/sld015.htm The oviduct begins as a funnel-shaped tube that engulfs the ovary. When ovulation occurs, the ovum is picked up by the infundibulum and channeled into the oviduct (also known as the Fallopian tube), where fertilization takes place if sperm are present.
Ovaries The ovary, is responsible for two basic functions: Production of the female egg or ovum. Production of two primary reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
Fallopian Tube (Oviduct) site of fertilization.
Corpus Luteum- formed after follicle bursts (ovulation)
Cervix The cervix has thick walls that allow a passageway for sperm at mating and expulsion of the fetus at the time of birth. During pregnancy, the cervix is filled with a thick mucus secretion known as the cervical plug, which protects the uterus from infections entering from the vagina. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/course/3443/study/Notes/female/cervix.jpg
The vagina serves as a receptacle for the male's penis. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/course/3443/study/AnatomyFemale/bovine/img024.JPG The vagina serves as a receptacle for the male's penis. In the cow, the semen is deposited in the vagina near the cervix during natural mating with the bull. When artificial insemination is used, an insemination instrument is threaded through the vagina and cervix and semen is deposited at the uterine side of the cervix. The external opening of the vagina is called the vulva.
Dissect a Reproductive Tract 1. Observe the tract. 2. Draw the tract on your own paper and label the parts. 3. Cut the tract open through the top layer. 4. Observe how the placenta is attached to the uterus. 5. Remove the following parts and place in trays Ovary Cervix Fetus Oviduct and fimbria Cotyledon