Cupping Therapy 拔罐法
Cupping(拔罐) 1.what’s the cupping? Cupping is to apply to skin a jar Call Huo Guan(火罐),from which the air has been expelled with a flame to create a vacuum (or negative pressure )inside and to produce Suction of the Jar to the skin,It’s popular Used tech in common familly of china .
2.Mechanism of cupping(原理) 20% o2 in the air ,when fired,change to Co2, leave 20% space inside Cup for sucking skin
2. History of Cupping and it’s Equipment Hollowed-out animal horns,when heated,sucking abscess
bamboo cup
pottery cup
glass cup
Withdraw air cup
3.Function of cupping 1.) warming up point and channels to get rid of wind –cold pathogen(温经通络,祛风散寒) for treatment to Rheumatic arthritis 2.) 止痛作用 the best deep tissue massage avilable to stop pain, like sprain in limbs,joint etc. draws up the underlying tissues,in a few min,blood congestion in cupping area is formed,thus causing tissues to release toxins,activate the lymphatic system,activate the skin,clear the veins,arteries and capillaries. 3.)加速或放大针刺的疗效 help strengthening the “qi”sensation(增加得气感),accelerate or enlarge the acupuncture result 4.)辅助放血祛瘀 help making bleeding on pain point after acupuncture. Apply to strong or not so weak person for making bleeding.for example,frozen shoulder pain,lumbago (back pain ,keep show in one point)
4.Manipulation common used(常用操作方法) 1.)Shan Huo Fa or Twinkling fire cupping ( 闪火法) A.Grip(with pincers) a cotton ball soaked in 95%or 75% alcohol,ignite it ,move it around the inner wall of the cup and quickly take it out and cover the cup on the skin B.The duration of cupping(留针时间) is generally 3-10 min when the skin become purple red or even black(chinese thinking,more black ,more good),but too long a time may cause a blister.A small blister can be smeared with Gentian violet(龙胆紫) , A big one should be wrapped with a sterilized gauze after withdraw the liquid by injector.
2.)Pricking blood cupping (刺血拔罐) Sterilize the skin to be cupped,peck the point or the superficial veins to bleeding with big diameter needle or three-edged needle (三棱针)or a plum-blossom needle(梅花针),and quickly apply the cup to draw the blood and secretion out of the area. Apply to strong or not so weak person(depends on pulse judgement).
5.Precaution (预防措施) A. skin ulcer(皮肤溃疡),eczema(湿疹) and bleeding diseases are prohibited B. Umbilicus center,nipples,epigastric region (上腹部 ),eyes as well as the abdomen, lumbar and Sacral regions of pregnant woman are prohibited. C. areas with hair,depression and prominence as well as poor resilient parts of skin is not desirable D. when applying to the face,try not to make the skin black and blue or blister lest the face be spoilt. E.heart area and big blood vesse is not available Carotid artery
6.Manifestation of cupping
7.Other type of cupping
7.其他形式的拔罐方法 1.Sliding cupping(走罐):rub the skin with some lubricant or vaseline before applying the cup.Slide the cup in parallel on the skin up and down along the back muscle utill those cupping area become deep red or black. 2.herb steam Cupping(草药蒸汽罐):Cooking with herb,when bamboo cup heat getting down ,put on the pain point to release pain ,especially for rheumatism.