Changes in….. Ovary in estrous cycle & Repo. System (Preg.) source: Diagnostic and therapeutic Techniques in Animal Reproduction by Zamjanis
General Changes Asymmetry of horns Fluctuation in horns Position of uterus Fetal membranes Amniotic vesicle The conceptus Hypertrophy of uterine artery Corpus Luteum
Asymmetry of horn Due to increase in size of pregnant horn At day 35: slight to negligible, before this difficult to assess
Fluctuation Due to fetal fluids Distension and thinning of uterine wall Difficult in early pregnancy
Position of Uterus Due to increase in weight of gravid horn First, greater curvature is displaced laterally. At day 75 (2.5 month): ventral descent starts At day (4.5 month): ventral descent completes. After that uterus is at abdominal floor, expands horizontally and dorsally At month: Ascent starts. Rectal palpation between 4-7 month (b/w descent and ascent) difficult
Fetal membranes Also called as Fetal membrane slip test Membrane recognized is ‘Chorioallantois’ Felt as distinct separate structure Compression of pregnant horn & letting it slip between fingers. Easy if compressed at widest portion and entire circumference is surrounded before contents slip Performed at rd day of pregnancy
Amnion Amnion + amniotic fluid= amniotic vesicle Bean shape, turgid (early pregnancy), attached by long stalk to CA, free floating At day 28 th to 31: palpable Escapes on palpation Use thumb on one side of horn and all four fingers on other side of horn Found on anterior edge of ICL Turgidity lost at day 45 th -50
Cotyledon Fetal cotyledon=maternal cruncles= Placentome Circumscribed prominences Larger near site of attachment, smaller in periphery At 65 th -70 day: palpable. Size increase as pregnancy increase
The Conceptus Only when it reaches at certain age can be palpated Ballottement test: rock the on the fetal fluids to set a movement and results in rebounce of the fetus
Hypertrophy of uterine artery Increase blood requirement: hypertrophy of middle uterine artery. At 75 th day to 80 th day: freemitus or buzz is felt. Location: branch of internal iliac artery, passes laterally, posteriorly and ventrally along medial edge of illiac wing. leaves pelvic wall and descend ventrally. Form S shape curve and enter in broad ligament
Corpus Luteum Fertilization,,,,,,, persistent corpus Luteum Pregnancy CL is supposed to be embedded deeper in ovary. Ipsilateral,,,,,,,,,,, Located on side of gravid horn’s ovary
Remember Four All physical changes are present in all pregnancies But some are associated with abnormal conditions So these are not reliable, However, supportive Then remember Four: Fetal membrane slip test Amniotic Vesicle Test +Ve signs of pregnancy Cotyledons Fetus