FEMALE REPRDUCTIVE ORGANS Primary reproductive organs; Ovaries.
FEMALE REPRDUCTIVE ORGANS Duct system: Uterine tubes, Uterus and Vagina.
FEMALE REPRDUCTIVE ORGANS External genitali (vulva): Mons pubis, Labia, Clitoris, Vaginal orifice Greater vestibular glands.
OVARIES Paired organs in the shape and size of almonds lie in the pelvic cavity. They contain the developing egg which is ejected during ovulation. ovulation occurs every 28 days.
OVARIES They are secured to the lateral walls of the pelvis. They lie in relation to the uterine tubes.
UTERINE TUBES The uterine (fallopian) tubes receive the ovulated egg and provide a site for fertilization. Each tube is 10 cm long, extends from the uterus to lateral wall of pelvis.
UTERUS It has size and shape of a pear. Located in the pelvis between the urinary bladder and the rectum. It has body, fundus and cervix. It receives, retains and nourishes the fertilized egg, and accommodates the growing fetus.
VAGINA The female copulatory organ and a birth canal. Thin-walled tube, 8-10 cm long Extends from the cervix of the uterus to the exterior (vestibule), between the urethra and anus. It's distal end is closed by a thin fold of mucosa (hymen) which is ruptured during the first intercourse