The Great Gatsby Characters
Nick Carraway narrator of the book honest and tolerant Daisy Buchanan’s cousin born in Minnesota served in WWI moves to West Egg (outside of NYC) parents have money
Nick’s House described as a “weather beaten cardboard bungalow” $80 a month the Finn is his “maid” next door to Gatsby
Daisy Buchanan married to Tom Buchanan beautiful socialite Nick Carraway’s cousin grew up in Kentucky lives in East Egg (outside of NYC) parents have money
Tom Buchanan married to Daisy has “old money” racist and sexist arrogant bully lives in his “glory days” lives in East Egg (outside of NYC)
Pammy Buchanan Tom and Daisy’s daughter rarely mentioned in the book
The Buchanan’s House enormous; Tom is certainly proud of it
Jordan Baker Daisy’s childhood friend competitive golfer reputation of dishonesty
East Egg and West Egg EAST (OLD $): Daisy and Tom Buchanan WEST (NEW $): Nick Carraway Jay Gatsby
protagonist of the book man of mystery; many rumors about him served in WWI lives in West Egg (outside of NYC)
Gatsby’s House enormous; rents for $12-15 thousand a season a place for many parties
Gatsby’s Car
Valley of Ashes DR. TJ ECKLEBURG Wilson Garage
George Wilson described as a lifeless, run-down man owns a run-down mechanic shop lives in the Valley of Ashes has no money
Myrtle Wilson George’s wife described as a voluptuous woman lives in the Valley of Ashes wants better things in her life having an affair with Tom Buchanan
The New York Apartment apartment for Tom and Myrtle rendezvous notice how people react at their party
Catherine Myrtle Wilson’s sister attends one of Myrtle’s parties and tells Nick information
The McKees live in a New York apartment building attend one of Myrtle’s parties
Owl Eyes one of many Gatsby party attendees surprised that Gatsby’s books in his library are real
Klipspringer one of many Gatsby party attendees Stays at Gatsby’s house so often they call him the “boarder”
Meyer Wolfsheim Jay Gatsby’s business associate supposedly fixed the World Series of 1919 has human molars as cuff links
Dan Cody employer and mentor to Jay Gatsby Taught Gatsby lessons on ladies and money
Henry Gatz James Gatz’s (Jay Gatsby) father poor farmer from North Dakota
The Green Light Gatsby can see it across the water on the Buchanan’s dock across the bay
The Plaza Hotel Location of the fight between Tom and Gatsby