F. Scott Fitzgerald
Birth and Death Born September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota Died December 21, 1940
Childhood Went to Roman Catholic boarding schools Family lived off his mothers inheritance from the time he was twelve Felt like a poor boy crashing a rich mans party First writing published at 13
Family Life Married Zelda Sayre in 1920 Daughter Frances born in 1921 Zelda spent her last years in mental institutions Suffered from alcoholism and depression
Education Attended the St. Paul Academy Went to the Newman School in New Jersey at 15 Enrolled at Princeton after graduating Dropped out to join military in 1917
Facts Encouraged to become a writer by Father Sigourney Fay Non of his works were more than moderately successful during his lifetime The Great Gatsby didn’t achieve its status until the fifties and sixties
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Works Cited The Beautiful and Damned. Digital image. Angus and Robertson. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Apr Chanel, Sunny. The Great Gatsby. Digital image. Babble. Disney, 12 July Web. 24 Apr Concept: Charming. Digital image. Panorama of Pandemonium. N.p., 10 Mar Web. 25 Apr Cullen, Jim. "Reception of The Great Gatsby." F. Scott Fitzgerald. Montgomery College, n.d. Web. 17 Apr "Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 24 Apr Grose, Jessica. Tender Is the Night. Digital image. Elle. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Apr Henry, Jay. F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald Grave. Digital image. Wikipedia. N.p., 18 Feb Web. 17 Apr Krauss, Sara. Fitzgerald. Digital image. Americans in Paris. N.p., 10 Nov Web. 17 Apr Pangburn, Richard L. This Side of Paradise. Digital image. Little Known Gems: Reviews and Interpretations. N.p., 12 May Web. 24 Apr Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald. Digital image. Tout Ceci Est Magnifique. N.p., 28 Aug Web. 25 Apr