(Your name and your partner’s name) present:
In this textbox, describe the kind of person you think this ad is targeting and why. Paste your ad here
Place your answer to the question below here. Paste your ad here Often, ads give you the message: “Buy our product and you, too, can be like this.” What image is this ad trying to project? In other words, buy this product and you, too, can be…what?
The words ________ or phrase suggest __________ The words _________ suggest _______. Paste your ad here What WORDS in the ad show this? Use circles and arrows to indicate the words.
The image of the _______ suggests _________. Paste your ad here What IMAGES in the ad show this? Use circles and arrows to indicate the images.
Who in Great Gatsby might be attracted to this ad? Why? Paste your ad here Bonus: Find a sentence or two in The Great Gatsby that shows how this ad fits into the society.
In this textbox, explain what this ad says about what might be important to some people in the 1920s? Paste your ad here
In this textbox, describe what decade the ad is from, what the ad is selling and the kind of person you think this ad is targeting and why. Paste your 2 nd ad here
Place your answer to the question below here. Paste your 2 nd ad here Often, ads give you the message: “Buy our product and you, too, can be like this.” What image is this ad trying to project? In other words, buy this product and you, too, can be…what?
The words ________ or phrase suggest __________ The words _________ suggest _______. Paste your 2 nd ad here What WORDS in the ad show this? Use circles and arrows to indicate the words.
The image of the _______ suggests _________. Paste your 2 nd ad here What IMAGES in the ad show this? Use circles and arrows to indicate the images.
In this textbox, explain what this ad says about what might be important to some people in the decade in which it was produced. Paste your 2 nd ad here