Although all people are exposed to the same 4 types of Unemployment we learned about; Unemployment does not impact all people in all places at the SAME rate. During a Recession, some people may be hit harder and have a higher unemployment rate than others. During an Economic expansion, some people may not benefit as well as others. Unemployment rate can be different by: Location / State Race Gender Age Group and Education Level !
UNEQUAL UNEMPLOYMENT Current Unemployment rate in U.S.: 7.0% Current Unemployment rate in De.: 6.5% One example of unemployment differences is location, for example, in Delaware, unemployment is different by county: New Castle: 5.8% Kent: 6.1% Sussex: 6.2% We will look at education level and unemployment / earnings. Typically, the higher the education level the lower the unemployment rate for a person Typically, the lower the education level the higher the unemployment rate for a person Typically, the higher the education level the higher the yearly salary or earnings Typically, the lower the education level the lower the yearly salary or earning
UNEQUAL UNEMPLOYMENT Unemployment may be higher for older workers and teenage workers. Unemployment is different based on job skills. For example, the construction field was hit hard during the last recession. Unemployment is different based on race. During the recent recession some states had much higher unemployment rates than others. North Dakota had and still has one of the lowest unemployment rates. Why do you believe it is not the same for all people in all states?
Today’s Activity For Today’s activity, we are going to analyze education levels, potential salary income and unemployment rates. The First worksheet has 4 charts to analyze and will focus on the relationship between education level and unemployment and earnings. The Second worksheet is looking at unemployment by race and state location in U.S. You will answer questions from two worksheets that I will provide. You may work alone or with a partner.
Education Pays…Chart Summary Chart #1, You will find data based on education level. The education level is found in the middle of the bar charts, comparing education level to both unemployment rate and weekly earnings On the left is Unemployment in 2012 and on the right side is Median weekly earnings in 2012
Unequal Unemployment by State The data shows unemployment for all people, different races (white, black, hispanic) and gender across the top of the page. Down the side is a listing of all of the states. The top row is for all of the USA. On one side is 2007, which was the start of the most recent Recession. On the other side is Answer the questions, numbers #1 - #6