Monthly Dinner Meeting Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Presenter: Dave Howard Release Management: How to Drive It to a Fully Integrated & Business Aligned Reality
Board Members
Open Positions Sponsorship Director Program Logistics Director Administration Director Professional Development Director Membership Campaign Director Academia Outreach Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator Community Outreach Coordinator Please Talk with a chapter board member for more information or questions
Open Positions VP of Membership VP of Outreach VP of Professional Development Please Talk with a chapter board member for more information or questions. Volunteering has many rewards.
Sponsor Dates: April 23 & 24 – Orange County April 30 & May 1 – Los Angeles June 4 & 5 – Orange County July 5 & 6 – Los Angeles
8 PDUs/ 2 day course May 25 th and June 1st 7:00 am – 11:00 am ©2011 Roeder Consulting Location: Internet Price starts at $ or $359 if registered 30 days in advance. Use Chapter Partnership Code: PMICIE for an additional discount. Register: Project Management Fundamentals (Part 1)
Leadership Training Project Management Software Quality and Best Practices Guidance
2012 Upcoming Speakers:
2012 Next Month’s Speaker:
Membership Growth Trend
Membership March Membership Stats March saw our chapter grow by 16 new members. We increased our membership by 9 people. We now have a total of 288 members. Number of new members: 16 Rejoin members: 3 Renew: 35 !!!
Thank you for joining PMICIE welcomes the following new members March Last NameFirst NameCompanyCity CanaanCynraCornsysWildomar DecraeneRobertDevryDiamond Bar DownsDennisRiverside CountyCorona EspanaErikSCEBaldwin Park GeorgesSamerCal-TransGlendora HawkinsAndrewTeradataMurrieta KlioraJonathonDoty Bros.Moreno Valley NipperJenniferVitalize ConsultingMira Loma OlsenSteve~Redlands ParsonsMatthewCity of HopeDuarte RealRamiroMWDUpland SearcyDonaldJMD BuildersMoreno Valley SrivastavaVikasNorth South GISRedlands SylvesterBryanUCRRiverside Vida BAE SystemsChino Hills WidickDarleneWidick ConstructionAlta Loma
Thank You for Renewing Last NameFirst NameCompanyCity BradyDeniseADPMurrieta CherryMichaelSkanska USARiverside DayRandallSCEPomona DickersonBary ~Chino Hills GarciaPamelaPomona Valley HospitalCorona GessesseMenasseCal-TransApple Valley GoldbergGregoryIBMMurrieta HunemillerGreggWooden it be NiceUpland JoinesJohnJPLLa Verne KoBruceCal-TransRowland Heights LalaSanjayESRIRedlands MarcinekJohnRiverside CountyRiverside MassingaleCliftonRaytheonCorona McDermottWilliamSiemensRancho Cucamonga MeyersThomasCal-TransBishop MillerTimothyRiverside CountyRiverside MirzaeiSousanCal-TransNewport Coast March
Thank You for Renewing Last NameFirst NameCompanyCity NikutowskiEnrique3M UnitekMonrovia ObadikeJosephCal-TransFontana OHIAERICHIEDOZIEKindred HospitalSan Bernardino PattersonPatriciaAbbott VascularTemecula RadcliffeNicholasRiconMurrieta SaghafiAbdolhosseinCal-TransBurbank ScimiaFrank~Rancho Cucamonga ScottSheilaSCELoma Linda SimontonKathleenAdams RiteChino Hills SmithDavidRiverside CountyMoreno Valley SmithRayFederal Health SignOntario TaylorTamaraAbbott VascularTemecula TimbermanStevenMTARancho Cucamonga TrindleGeorge~Upland VegaAnnaDellsan Jacinto WhitePhilipLoma Linda Medical CenterRedlands YanezJenniferSynergy Information SolutionsTemecula ZemitisCedrikCal-TransBishop ZhangYuAdvanced Industrial ComputerOntario March
3-Day PMP Exam Prep Workshop 3 day Live Instruction Tips, hints and more to help you pass the PMP or CAPM Earning your credential eliminates any doubt with employers Your name CONTACT: Bill McDermott VP of Finance
New PMPs March: None PMP
New Guests New to PMICIE? How’d you hear about us? PMP Goal? Other?
Growth in the IE 15 Freeway Large Remodel Multi acre lot Large Business park All businesses very similar
Growth in the IE 15 Freeway 2000 lot planned development South side of freeway Windy area
Growth in the IE
In transition? Networking: How are you building your brand? How are you positioning yourself to: Grow Hear about new opportunities Stay at the forefront of your contact’s mind when opportunities arise What networks & groups are you affiliated with? How might they help you? You: Have you invested in yourself? New Skills New Certifications Objectives Which employers Path – what is the best way to them? Professional Review Is your message and branding as good as it could be? &subarticlenbr=48
Chapter Member Employers
Sites, tips and Job search info Resume, cover letter, and career help/ guidance Networking suggestions MBA application guidance Interviewing help 1) LinkedIn 2) Plaxo 3) Twitter 4) Jobster 5) Facebook 1) BeKnown 2) Branchout 6) Craigslist 7) MyWorkster 8) VisualCV 9) JobFox 10) Ecademy Subscription based job search listings 12,000 recruiters
Dave Howard Attended Whittier College studying Social Science Certificate in Business Strategy & Analysis Manager’s Certificate in IT Service Management Author of “ IT Release Management; A Hands- on Guide” IT Release Management; A Hands- on Guide Former President of the itSMF Greater LA LIG Release Management: How to Drive It to a Fully Integrated & Business Aligned Reality
Helpful Tips Project Management: Plan your work, then work your plan Takeaways: Open positions!!!! Ask a friend/ Help a friend – 2012 goal!! Please get involved with your chapter (surveys, s, networking, sharing ideas and news) Takeaways from Dave Howard’s presentation – forum PMPs – help and mentor others seeking input/ advice