Quotations and Underlining Titles of Works must be either underlined/italicized or you must put quotes around the title. But how do you know when to use quotation marks and when to use underlining/italics?
It’s easy. Just use the thought process below. If it takes a LONG time to create the work then use a LONG line underneath it. Books: The Great Gatsby Newspaper: The New York Times Magazine: People Movie: Bourne Identity Sculpture: The Thinker Ship, Train, or Plane: The Santa Maria Play: Death of a Salesman Album/CD: Blazing Glory
Example: Did you see the movie Twilight? (It took a LONG time to create the movie…so use a LONG line. Sometimes Italics (slanted words) are used instead of the LONG line: Twilight
Italics can be used instead of underlining Books: The Great Gatsby Newspaper: The New York Times Magazine: People Movie: Bourne Identity Sculpture: The Thinker Ship, Train, or Plane: The Santa Maria Play: Death of a Salesman Album/CD: Blazing Glory
Now, if it is a short work……takes a shorter time to create it… Now, if it is a short work……takes a shorter time to create it….use short marks to punctuate (“ “) Have you read the chapter called “Confessions” in the book Twilight? See, the chapter took a shorter period of time to write than the book…so use short marks (quotations)
Another Way to Look at it : …… Another Way to Look at it : …….if it can be contained inside of something else then it should be contained inside of quotation marks. Chapter : “Vanishing Glass” contained in book The Sorcerer’s Stone .…so contain it in quotes Song: “You Give Love a Bad Name” contained on an album or CD Slippery When Wet….so contain it in quotes Article: “Saban’s Tide” contained in ESPN magazine. Contain it in quotes, but underline or italicize the longer work. Episode of TV show: “Grandma’s Dead” contained in the series That 70’s Show
Now you Try it!!! Decide if it gets quotes or underline/italics Poem: The Road Not Taken Answer: “The Road Not Taken” Reasoning: It gets short marks (quotation) ….it is a short work and can be contained inside a longer work…like a book
Song: Lady antebellum Does it get Quotes or Underline/Italics??? Answer: UseQuotes “Lady Antebellum” The song is a short work that can be contained on a longer work = a CD
Chapter in a book: soaring with the eagles Reasoning: A chapter is a Short Work contained in a longer work = book Answer: Use quotes - “Soaring with the Eagles”
Magazine: Newsweek Answer: Use Underline or italics for magazines Newsweek or Newsweek
Short story: tell-tale heart Short story is a short work contained inside a book: so it gets short marks …quotation marks Answer: Use quotes “Tell- Tale Heart”
Newspaper: The daily sentinel Answer: Use Underline or Italics Answer: The Daily Sentinel or The Daily Sentinel
Article in newspaper: Cash for Clunkers Reasoning: an article is a short work contained inside a longer work…so contain the title of the article inside quotes Answer: “Cash for Clunkers”
TV Program: Buffy the vampire slayer Reasoning: Long work Answer: use underline/italics Buffy the Vampire Slayer or
Episode on Buffy the vampire slayer Episode: Dracula’s Return Reasoning: Episode is a Short part contained inside of a Long work like the DVD Answer: Use Quotes “Dracula’s Return”
The painting: Mona lisa Answer: IT took a long time to create….so long line. Answer: Use underline/italics Mona Lisa or Mona Lisa
Airplane: Air force one Answer: Takes long time to create it.. Use long line or italics Air Force One or Air Force One