1 Make sound business with us!
2 EximBank Mission EximBank was established in 1992 according to the traditional ECA model, to promote Romanian exports through: financing guarantees insurance Since 2005, EximBank’s mandate has been extended to provide support for the development of Romanian business environment.
3 Strategic Areas EXPORT SMEs PRIORITY DOMAINS Infrastructure Infrastructure Public utilities Public utilities Regional development Regional development R & D R & D Environmental protection Environmental protection Personnel employment and training Personnel employment and training STRUCTURAL FUNDS PROJECTS
4 Export Financing PRE-EXPORT FINANCING PRE-EXPORT FINANCING - up to 2 years, covers manufacturing and goods delivery expenses BUYER CREDIT BUYER CREDIT - provide the Romanian exporter instant payment of the equivalent of exported goods and services, through the credit line EximBank places at the disposal of importer’s financing bank DOCUMENTARY CREDITS DOCUMENTARY CREDITS - up to 1 year, cover temporary lack of cash until collection of invoices, bills of exchange, promissory notes Factoring Discounting Forfeiting FOREIGN EXCHANGE COVER FOREIGN EXCHANGE COVER
5 De minimis financing - subsidized interest rates - - subsidized interest rates - SME Development Loans Loan amount: up to EUR 1,500,000 Tenor: up to 10 years SME Working Capital Loans Loan amount: up to EUR 300,000 Tenor: up to 1 year SME Microloans Loan amount: from EUR 10,000 to EUR 35,000 Tenor: up to 1 year for current business and up to 5 years for investments Loans for priority domains Loan amount: up to EUR 1,500,000 Tenor: up to 10 years
6 Structural funds projects FINANCING Pre-financing of project Co-financing of eligible costs Financing of non-eligible costs Bank guarantees SOVEREIGN GUARANTEES
7 Guarantees IRREVOCABLE AND UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEES Bank Guarantees Bid Bonds Advance Payment Guarantees Performance Bonds Warranty Bonds Payment Guarantees, etc Sovereign Guarantees Export Credit Guarantees – up to 80% collateral for bank loans Export Guarantees for Complex Projects - up to 80% LG warranty Export Guarantee for General Commodities - up to 80% LG warranty Guarantee for internationalization – up to 80% collateral for bank loans.
8 Guarantee for companies in financial difficulty State Aid Scheme approved by the European Commission under the Temporary Framework applicable between July December 2010 support access to finance in the current economic and financial crisis covers maximum 90% of new loans granted to SMEs or large firms for investment projects or working capital reduction of annual premium for maximum 2 years maximum loan amount does not exceed the total annual wage bill of the beneficiary (including social charges as well as the cost of personnel working on the company site but formally in the payroll of the subcontractors) for 2008.
9 Insurance policies Against External Payment Default Risk EximBank covers payment default risk associated with enforcement of short-term export contracts for goods and services For Medium and Long Term Export Credits EximBank covers the reimbursement default risk of delivered products according to export contracts concluded with foreign partners on medium and long term For Buyer Credit EximBank covers the reimbursement default risk related to buyer credit applied by foreign partners to the payment of export products delivered by Romanian companies
10 Insurance policies For Export Output Credits EximBank covers the reimbursement default risk related to the credit contracted by the Romanian exporter for the accomplishment of export output For Romanian Capital Investments Abroad EximBank covers the capital investments implemented by Romanian companies abroad
11 Insurance covered risks Risks covered political risks – difficulties or delays for money transfer from the importer’s country as a result of a general moratorium on external debt, deeds of foreign governments precluding the credit convention, wars and other risks related to public debtors) commercial risks due to debtor’s insolvency or to protracted default from his part. force majeure risks (natural catastrophes) Benefits 85% at least 85% collection reliability of the amount of export performed irrespective of the foreign partner’s financial standing evolution or economic and political risk developments occurred in latter’s country. higher access to advanced financing methods relevant for international trade, by means of the assignment to the financing bank of indemnifying rights resulting from the insurance policy
12 Risk Mitigation Commercial and Credit Information Companies are able to know their future partners before concluding contracts. Information provided: Identification & legal status; Identification & legal status; Officially financial data; Officially financial data; Financial standing assessment and company’s creditworthiness evaluation; Financial standing assessment and company’s creditworthiness evaluation; Credit limit, risk analysis and recommendation regarding the developing of safe credit transactions. Credit limit, risk analysis and recommendation regarding the developing of safe credit transactions.
13 28 Romanian Banks28 Romanian Banks 44 International Financial Institutions44 International Financial Institutions Over 200 Correspondent BanksOver 200 Correspondent Banks Partners
14 Thank you for your attention!