Leadership for Christian healthcare Case Study: Lithuania 2004 Those that turn the habitable world upside down have come here too… And these all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying another is king, namely Jesus Acts 17: 6b, 7b Literal translation
Those that turn the world upside down Network with other organizationsNetwork with other organizations Christian Medical Fellowship / Association / ICMDAChristian Medical Fellowship / Association / ICMDA Nurses Christian FellowshipNurses Christian Fellowship CiCP, PRIME, HiC, MedIchthys, CiG, etc.CiCP, PRIME, HiC, MedIchthys, CiG, etc. Collaborative ProjectsCollaborative Projects Healthcare SundayHealthcare Sunday Saline solutionSaline solution Mentoring networksMentoring networks
Seven areas of excellence 1. Prayer, evangelism and discipleship in healthcare1. Prayer, evangelism and discipleship in healthcare 2. National Leadership Team providing inspiring servant leadership2. National Leadership Team providing inspiring servant leadership 3. Facilitation local church ministry to the sick and to healthcare staff3. Facilitation local church ministry to the sick and to healthcare staff 4. Effective communication with four groups: National staff, HCF supporters, local churches and Christians in the health field4. Effective communication with four groups: National staff, HCF supporters, local churches and Christians in the health field 5. Addressing healthcare issues from a Biblical perspective5. Addressing healthcare issues from a Biblical perspective 6. Partnering another country for mutual blessing6. Partnering another country for mutual blessing 7. Demonstrating financial generosity: 10% of the undesignated income to the Regional HCFI; 5% to the poor7. Demonstrating financial generosity: 10% of the undesignated income to the Regional HCFI; 5% to the poor
Lithuania healthcare: 4 developments 1.Modern technologies available 2.Professionals well-trained 3.Private family healthcare centers 4.Service networks for the weak 1.Psychosocial problems 2.Disabled persons 3.Drug addicts
National Healthcare: 3 biggest problems 1.Healthcare insurance system ineffective 1.Money does not go after the person 2.Limited budgets 3.Unfair allocation: tertiary level / technology; preventive and primary care 2.Corruption 1.Double payment ‘system’ 2.?? Allocation: physician interest; patient needs 3.Abortion 1.High rates 2.Private clinics without proper supervision
How to solve these problems? Your answers: 1.Finance 1.Budget reforms: save primary healthcare centers / small regional hospitals 2.Insurance system effectively implemented 2.Structure 1.Better cooperation healthcare social services
In what areas can our organization help transform the healthcare system? Levels Elements Macro (national / global) Meso(institutional)Micro(interpersonal) PolicyXX TechnologyX StructureX FinanceX PeopleXX Which two areas can we start with? Appointed authority
What can our organization do about Area One at macro (national) level? 1.Policy Point One: Policymakers influenced to make better policy regarding financing of healthcare 1.Prayer for this specific transformation 2.Research: current policy, legal base, spiritual root issues 3.Network with other Christian organizations who want the same changes 4.Intercession about the results of research and networking 5.Build contact network in ministry = Christians and other persons (co-belligerents) 6.Present results in a publication / conference
What can our organization do about Area Two at macro (national) level? 1.People Point 1: Educate society in healthy life-style 1.Prayer 2.Personal example 3.Integrate education in work situation 4.Educate at schools and other institutions 5.Education through the media 6.Oppose unhealthy life-style commercials including drug company commercials 7.Reduce dependence of patients on doctors and drugs
One practical project to educate the people for healthy life-style Total life fitness program for healthcare workersTotal life fitness program for healthcare workers
What can we do about ourselves? (Micro level) Grow to become the best leaders we can be for the glory of God and the blessing of our nationGrow to become the best leaders we can be for the glory of God and the blessing of our nation Remember: leadership = influence + focusRemember: leadership = influence + focus