Results of the questionnaire analysis PARU, ASI 2006 Public Administration Reform Coordination Unit, Coordination Unit, Government Office Human Resource Management in Civil Service
... in modern economy, 80% of the success is ensured by a well- conceived administration system oriented towards innovation and based on total compliance with the proposed goals, professionalism, clear internal incentives, and control over the execution of decisions.... in modern economy, 80% of the success is ensured by a well- conceived administration system oriented towards innovation and based on total compliance with the proposed goals, professionalism, clear internal incentives, and control over the execution of decisions. PARU, ASI Our executive power organization system should accumulate the best intellectual resources and make the elimination of corruption and incompetence possible. Excerpt from the speech of Vladimir VORONIN, President of the Republic of Moldova delivered in the Parliament meeting (Chisinău, 8 April 2005) The Need for Central Public Administration Reform (1)
Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova “On Approval of the Action Plan for Functional Review, Development and Implementation of the Strategy for Central Public Administration Reform in Moldova” No.711 of Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, No /784 of PARU, ASI The Need for Central Public Administration Reform (2) Decision of the Government of the Republic of Moldova “On Approval of the Strategy for Central Public Administration Reform in the Republic of Moldova” No.1402 of Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, No.1-4/9 of
PARU, ASI Objectives of the study to determine the extent to which civil servants are satisfied with different aspects of the their activity and to identify the possibilities for increasing their motivation; to find out the opinions of civil servants about a number of human resource management practices that affect them; to find out the opinions of civil servants on how to improve the efficiency in CPA; and to evaluate the degree of awareness about the reform among civil servants and their commitment to participate in the reform program.
PARU, ASI Methodology applied in the questionnaire Part A, Degree of employee satisfaction : determining the importance of certain factors, as well as the extent to which these factors are present in the activity of civil servants. Part B, Human resource management practices: identifying the extent to which the civil servants agree with a number of statements regarding the current situation in civil service, such as “Appointments and promotions in function are impartial and transparent”. Part C, Public Administration Reform: Civil servants were asked to express their opinions about the obstacles encountered by the central public administration, as well as about the priorities in improving the CPA activity. 21 factors 41 statements
PARU, ASI Profile of respondents The questionnaire was filled in by 488 civil servants from 15 CPAA Tenure in civil service 26% with a tenure of over 15 years 39% with a tenure between 6 and 15 years 35% with a tenure of less than 5 years Salary category 30% in category 18 and higher 70% in category 17 and lower Age 28% aged over 50 42% aged between 30 and 50 30% aged under 30 Gender 58% women 42% men
PARU, ASI Factors that are important or very important in the civil servants’ perception of an IDEAL activity Reasonabl e salary Well- equipped work place Being informed about the expectation of the manageme nt Having c ol l e a g ue s that are respected for their serious attitude Work hours according to the program
PARU, ASI Reasonabl e salary Benefits from activity Decent pension Securing the maintenan ce of the work place Respected colleague s The extent to which these factors are present in the CURRENT activity of civil servants Friendly colleagues
PARU, ASI Difference between civil servants’ expectations and the presence in the current activity of factors subject to analysis Civil servants’ dissatisfaction area Share of respondents who appreciated the factors as being important of very important Share of respondents who appreciated the factors as fully present of present to a large extent
URAP, ASI Top 10 factors identified as important, but not present in the activity of CPAA to a satisfactory extent Reasonabl e salary Pensie decentă Benefits from activity Training opportunitie s Opportuniti es for promotion in function Insurance s of maintaini ng the job Honest appreciati on of the results of activity Equipment and resources available at the work place Having an activity that brings satisfactio n Having freedom to decide and plan your own work Motivation
The respondents expressed a very high disagreement in the following context: “My salary is sufficient for a decent life for me and my family” - 87% of respondents disagreed with this statement; “My salary is adequate to the contribution/efforts made” - 85% of respondents disagreed with this statement; “The benefits I receive from work cover my needs” - 80% of respondents disagreed with this statement. Training and development Appointment and promotion in civil service Staffing Performance management Salary and benefits URAP, ASI Part B: Human Resource Management Practicies
PARU, ASI Part C: Central Public Administration Reform 1: Higher quality public services for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova 5: Reduced corruption 2: Professional civil service6: Improved EU integration opportunities for Moldova 3: Better career development opportunities for civil servants 7: Other benefits 4: Higher salaries for civil servants8: I need more information in order to provide an answer Benefits expected as a result of reform implementation
PARU, ASI Suggestions, comments to: Public Administration Reform Unit (Experts group within the Government Office), Tel.: