Building risk indicators of surface water contamination by pesticides at the small catchment scale. Taking into account spatial and temporal dimensions. Support for risk assessment and management : MIRIPHYQUE project
2 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Background Only few indicators exist at the catchment scale (Devillers et al., 2005). But there are still needs for : tools to assess catchments’ potential to contaminate surface water, methods to base the choice a priori between several mitigation solutions. … which take into account spatial distribution of pesticides uses and existing or potential buffer zones.
3 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Project general aim To design a method in order to assess the potential of surface water contamination by pesticides at the small catchment scale, taking into account : spatial and temporal dimensions, man made structures’ influence on pesticides fluxes (buffer zones, ditches, banks, roads), Hypothesis Numerical simulation models versus Indicators Hybrid method, associating indicators and hydrological modelling at the catchment scale
4 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Methodology Numerical modelling at the different relevant scales Organization of simulated time-chart results in a spatio- temporal warehouse Modelling results aggregation ; statistical analysis of results, comparison with observed data. Implementation on two catchments with contrasted agro- pedo-climatical characteristics: la Fontaine du Theil et la Morcille Catchment typology (geology, pedology, climate, agricultural practices) in order to prepare the adaptation of developed tools from one catchment to another (similar) one.
5 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Methodology Aggregating, at the catchment scale, results from modelling at the field scale, for “typical” fields and “typical” agro- pedo-climatical scenarii. In order to lead to water quality “indicators”, CdF, and to compare them to observed data (chemical or biological data) Virtual example of resulting indicators : Concentrations exceedance durations T = return period x
6 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Global chart Field scale modelling results (discharges and concentration time charts, surface and subsurface)
7 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Methodology : Workpackage 1 Physical modelling at the relevant scales 1.1 Defining pesticides uses scenarii 1.2 Field scale modelling 1.3 Man made structures modelling 1.4 Catchment scale modelling Fontaine du Theil : Assessment of hydrodynamical characteristics of soil layers.
8 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Workpackage 1 La Morcille site Sandy soils upon weathered granite (UCS 1) Hydrodynamical characteristics (K-Psi-Theta) Bimodal porosity.
9 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Workpackage 1 Fontaine du Theil. Simulation at the field scale with MACRO (Jarvis et al, 1994) Brown non hydromorphic soil.
10 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Methodology : Workpackage 2 Organization of simulated time-charts in a spatio-temporal warehouse 2.1 Developing a conceptual model to represent data 2.2 Designing a data warehouse for numerical modelling results Homogeneous unit 1 Vegetative filter strip Exchange lines Exchange coefficients (surface, subsurface) Homogeneous unit 2
11 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Workpackage outlets simplification Outlet trees Field deconnection by hedges Alternative solution : SACADEAU (tree of fields outlets)
12 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Methodology : workpackage 3 Aggregation at the catchment scale 3.1 Design of the catchment scale aggregation method 3.2 Validation of « SACADEAU » tool on La fontaine du Theil 3.3 Sensitivity analysis at the different modelling scales ; reflection about implementation on other catchments 3.4 Comparison with existing data
13 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Workpackage 3 Field 3 : type « brown soil », slope 3% Soil occupation : corn Post emergence use of pesticides Field 5 : type « hydromorphic soil », slope 1% Soil occupation : winter wheat Pre emergence use of pesticides Vegetative filter strip. Efficiency varying with time C(outlet, t) = (f(field, buffer zone, t)) surface subsurface Data warehouse Simulation results ; year 2000
14 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Conclusion First year of the project. Next step : finalization of simulation results warehouse ; aggregation. Project which will lead to a method having both advantages of numerical simulations AND indicators …
15 Innovative approaches for the management of environmental risks from plant protection products october 2011 Thank you for your attention Thanks for funding to :