DecisionEdge Solutions for Microsoft Project
DecisionEdge Who is DecisionEdge? A leading provider of business intelligence software specifically designed for project-centric organizations. An organization with years of experience helping project managers A company that licenses business intelligence tools to project management software vendors, including Primavera Microsoft Partner A company focused on helping you better understand and communicate key information in your projects Project Management Business Intelligence
DecisionEdge See Projects More Clearly DecisionCharts – Includes over 70 new charts for Microsoft Project Coming Soon: DecisionEdge Suite – Includes both charts and tabular reports Coming Soon: DecisionReports – Tabular reports only Coming Soon: DecisionEdge Designer – Developers can create and share charts and reports with all DecisionEdge users
DecisionEdge DecisionEdge Features Bundled Charts– Get started quickly with over 70 new charts for all versions of Microsoft Office Project Interact – Filter, scroll, and drill-down to see trends and make earlier decisions Live View– Not just pretty pictures, DecisionEdge provides a window into live business data New! Multi-Project – Charts combine and compare multiple projects Customize – Change colors and styles to make graphics look just right Save Snapshots– Share project snapshots with full support for common graphic file formats and a wide range of printers and plotters Create – With DecisionEdge Designer, developers can create and share completely new charts and reports with all DecisionEdge users
DecisionEdge Bundled Chart Highlights NEW – Measure Earned Value – Complete set of charts based on the AS4817 standard for project performance management using earned value See the Image Gallery on the website for more samples! Improve Resource Management Track Schedule Status Keep Stakeholders Informed
DecisionEdge New Ways to See Your Projects
DecisionEdge Charts for Specific Requirements DecisionEdge consultants are available for immediate needs
DecisionEdge DecisionEdge Designer Features Map – Show almost any data from Microsoft Project Create – Build interactive charts and reports with mapped and calculated elements Model – Use the integrated VBScript programming language to create custom calculations, embed logic structures and select data elements to display Customize – Change colors, fonts, and layouts to make everything look just right Share – Send new charts and reports to other DecisionEdge users to share the insight Save – Stop wasting time trying to get custom graphics and reports out of spreadsheets
DecisionEdge DecisionEdge Benefits Improve collaboration with a live, interactive window into project data New chart types help managers see projects and project portfolios from a new perspective Interactive charts and tabular reports help managers quickly understand and communicate key information Eliminate manual workarounds by creating new graphics and tabular reports for specific visibility requirements Offload chart and report maintenance to DecisionEdge Leverage your investment in Microsoft Project
DecisionEdge Are Your Projects Keeping Secrets? More information than ever stored in projects Not just single projects, entire portfolios! As computing power increases, the decision-making bottleneck moves away from the computer and closer to you, into that little space between you and the screen Key is to bridge that gap! Pictures are an ideal way for us to understand and communicate information. Unlike words and numbers, we are programmed to quickly understand images. vs.
DecisionEdge The Secrets Hiding in Your Projects Schedule Delays Cost Overruns Resource Shortages Performance Variances Missed Milestones
DecisionEdge Secrets: Schedule Delays and Cost Overruns Secrets Revealed: – CV/SV Matrix Chart – Cost and Schedule Variance Chart – Actual vs. Baseline Hours (demo)
DecisionEdge Secret: Resource Shortages Secret Revealed: – Work Chart – OverAllocation Chart
DecisionEdge Secret: Performance Variances Secret Revealed: – Task Dashboard – Current Element Performance
DecisionEdge Secret: Missed Milestones Secret Revealed: – Project Milestones Charts
DecisionEdge Software Demo
DecisionEdge The DecisionEdge Advantage Start Quickly – Immediately see projects and project portfolios in new ways with over 70 new charts Easy-to-Use – New perspective into your projects Address Specific Visibility Requirements: Consultants are available for custom design work Proven Customer Success – Standalone and embedded into other project management tools Inexpensive – For a relatively small added cost, unlock information in your projects for greater impact across your entire team Part of a Complete Suite – DecisionEdge provides a complete set of tools for better business decisions Focused on Your Success
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