Add to side bar: Life skills are a set of tools and guidelines that prepare you for living as a mature adult in a complicated world.
The salon is a creative workplace *artistic talent Requires strong self-discipline Excellent people skills
enthusiasm Make solid connections with each client Stay focused Display competence and enthusiasm
Your livelihood, as well as. your personal feelings of Your livelihood, as well as your personal feelings of success, depend on how well you do this
***Life skills are your foundation Add to side bar: ***Life skills are your foundation ***A common characteristic shared by most people is: they love what they do
Being genuinely caring and helpful to other people Some of the most important life skills are: Being genuinely caring and helpful to other people Making good friends Feeling good about yourself
Having a sense of humor to bring you through difficult situations Maintaining a cooperative attitude Being consistent in your work
Successfully adapting to different situations Sticking to a goal and seeing a job through to completion Mastering techniques that will help you become more organized
The Psychology of Success Put in extra effort, enthusiasm, and excitement into your studies Be fueled by passion
Guidelines for Success Defining success is a very personal thing Principles form a foundation of all personal and business success
Build self-esteem based on inner strength and begins with your ability to achieve your goals.
Visualize Imagine yourself working in your dream salon Practice visualization Turn your vision into reality
Build on your strengths Practice a positive self-image Activities that you love, allow you to feel good about yourself
Be kind to yourself Stop self-critical or negative thoughts If you make a mistake, tell yourself that it is okay and you will do better next time.
Define success for yourself Become a success in your own eyes.
Practice new behaviors Because creating success is a skill ~ speaking with confidence ~ standing tall ~staying true to yourself ~ use good grammar
Keep your personal life separate from your work Counterproductive Whole salon will suffer
Successful cosmetologists *do not run themselvesragged Keep your energy up Successful cosmetologists *do not run themselvesragged *do not eat, sleep and drink beauty Take care of personal needs *family, friends, activities
Respect others Relate to everyone with a feeling of respect. Exercise good manners Do not interrupt people and be a good listener
*procrastination *perfectionism Stay productive Three bad habits that can keep you from maintaining peak performance *procrastination *perfectionism *lack of a game plan
Procrastination Putting off until tomorrow what you can do today. Poor study habits
Perfectionism Unhealthy compulsion Success is not defined as doing everything perfectly Success is not giving up, even when things get really tough.
Game Plan The conscious act of planning your life instead of just letting things happen Large chunks of time (five or ten years ahead)
To be successful, you must take ownership of your education Rules For Success To be successful, you must take ownership of your education Commit yourself to: Attend all classes Arrive for class early
Pay close attention during summary and review questions Have all materials Listen attentively Highlight important points Take notes Pay close attention during summary and review questions
When something is not clear, ask, ask, ask Regularly seek continuing education opportunities Never stop learning New trends, techniques, products, and information available
Motivation and self-management Motivation propels you to do something Add: (On final exam) Motivation is the ignition for success Self- management is the fuel that keeps you going Self-management involves knowing what you want-keeping yourself on track
A motivated student finds it much easier to learn If your motivation comes from an external source-you will have a difficult time finishing school To achieve success- must feel a sense of personal excitement and good reason for staying the course
Physical Shelter Clothing Food ***Satisfying Your Basic Human Needs Add all to side bar-write small: 5 Basic human needs in order from lowest to highest Physical Shelter Clothing Food
2. Emotional Loving environment 3. Social Good people around you
4. Mental Don’t worry or stress 5. Spiritual Morals
Your Creative Capability Creativity is an unlimited inner resource of ideas and solutions To enhance the skill of creativity: Do not be self-critical ~ blocks the creative mind
Do not look to others for motivation ~ tap into your own energy and creativity Change your vocabulary ~ positive vocabulary
Do not go it alone!!!!! ~ you will be more creative in an environment where people work together and share ideas
Add: One trait essential to reach and remain at the highest level of professionalism is…commitment
Design a Mission Statement Establishes the values the business plans to live by and that establishes future goals Individuals can also have a mission statement. Answers the questions in The Interests Self-Test
Prepare a mission statement that communicates who you are and what you want for your life. Keep a copy of your mission statement where you can see it and read it frequently.
Goal Setting Helps you decide what you want out of your life Focuses your attention
How Goal Setting Work Two types: Short term goal ~ what you wish to accomplish in a year or less
Long term goal ~ measured in sections of time such as five years, ten years, or even longer
Goal setting is to have a plan and reexamine it often to make sure you are on track Adjust your goals and action plans as you go
Time Management Learn to prioritize to-do lists-most important to least important Design your own time management system Never take on more than you can handle
Learn problem solving techniques Give yourself some down time Carry a notepad Make daily, weekly schedules for study and exams Identify high energy times of day
Reward yourself Do not neglect physical activity Schedule a block of free time each day Understand the value of to-do lists Make time management a habit Read FYI to yourself-What are the two most important points?
Study Skills Focus on small tasks at a time Study in smaller chunks of time Write down key words or phrases as your instructor discusses them Discuss new material with others Study together/study buddy
Establishing Good Study Habits Where: Find a comfortable, quiet, uninterrupted spot Have everything you need Remain alert by sitting upright
When: Estimate how much study time you need Study when you feel energetic and motivated study during blocks of time that would otherwise be wasted-doctor’s office, on the bus
How: Study a section at a time Note key words and phrases Test yourself on each section Every effort you make to follow through on your education is an investment in your future
Progress will increase your confidence and self-esteem Work at mastering a range of information and techniques Your self-esteem soar with your grades
The moral principles by which we Ethics The moral principles by which we live and work When your actions are respectful, courteous and helpful, you are behaving in an ethical manner
Provide skilled and competent services Be honest, courteous, and sincere Avoid sharing clients private matters with others Participate in ongoing education Always give correct information to your clients
*Honesty *Compassion Ethical characteristics: Add: Ethical characteristics: *Honesty *Compassion *Attentiveness *Punctuality *Cooperativeness *Pleasant and agreeable personality
Other qualities of an ethical person include: Page 30 side bar Self-care: take care of yourself Integrity-make your behavior and actions match your values. ~ If you do not believe in a product do not “sell” it to a client Integrity-make your behavior and actions match your values, if you do not believe in a product do not “sell” it to a client
Discretion-do not share your. personal problems with Discretion-do not share your personal problems with your clients/never breach confidentiality Communication-add: your interactions must be clear and direct, not passive and withholding
Personality Development and Attitude Cosmetologist deal with people from all walks of life It is useful to have a sense of how different personality traits and attitudes can affect your success
(all three statements are on the test) Add to side bar top of page 31 (all three statements are on the test) ~Personality-defines who you are Focus on page 32… ~Personality is the sum total of her or his inborn characteristics, attitudes, and behavioral traits. ~A pleasing attitude gains more associates, clients, and friends.
A healthy, positive attitude looks like this: Diplomacy-known as tact is the ability to deliver truthful, even sometimes critical or difficult messages in a kind way. Tone of voice-soften the sounds or speak clearly,
Emotional stability-learning to. handle a confrontation and how to Emotional stability-learning to handle a confrontation and how to share your feelings without going overboard
Sensitivity-combines understanding, empathy, and acceptance Values and goals-guide our behavior and give us direction
Receptivity- means to be interested. in other peoples opinions, Receptivity- means to be interested in other peoples opinions, feelings, and ideas ~ involves taking the time to really listen
Communication skills ~ caring personality ~ can listen ~ can ask for something clearly and directly
Human Relations Add to page 23 *** (Write small) *** Understanding people is the key to operating effectively in many professions *** Being treated with respect and having people listen to us, gives us a good feeling about them and ourselves *** Learn to make the best of a situation