ICT Revision
Database – Data Management The insertion and deletion of fields The insertion and deletion of records Tables to be linked together The editing of information with records The validation of data on entry A simple search on one criterion only A complex search on two or more criteria The control of content of reports by selection of fields The control of the format of reports
Key fields / Primary Key Sorting data – Ascending / Descending Organising data Mail Merge Database – Data Management
Spreadsheets – Data Management Text, numbers and formulae to be entered into cells The insertion and deletion of columns and rows Formatting of cells – number, text, currency Editing of entries within cells Replication of cells The solution of ’what if’. Problems Formulas and functions Absolute cell reference – refers to the same cell $A$2, this stays the same when copied Relative cell reference – A1 when copied changes e.g. B2
Charts – Presenting Data The construction of bar-charts, pie-charts and scatter graphs from Tables of data Labels on axes, legends and headings Numbers scales on the axes to be edited Displays data
Word Processing – Presenting Data The movement, copying and deletion of blocks of text The alteration of margins and spacing The use of tabulation Left, right, centred and full justification Font types Text image converted to PDF Graphs and charts from spreadsheet software Cut and paste Tables of data Clipart etc
Word Processing – Presenting Data Alignment of text Bullet points Colours Borders to pages and text boxes Templates to ensure consistency Font size
Mail Merge The automatic production of documents, where each document contains standard text together with personalised information inserted at the same point within each document usually from a database or spreadsheet
Web Authoring Software Integrating several components Text and pictures to be imported The use of table to position text and graphics Hyperlinks to be created from text and graphics Hot spots to be placed over parts of pictures Insert video clips Insert animations Insert digital photographs or images
Desk Top Publisher Text and graphics to be imported Text and graphics to be positioned on the page Text to be formatted, including, changes in font type, style, and size Picture frames / boxes
Graphics The use of brushes Sections of the picture to be moved or copied, reflected and scaled Images to be imported Addition of text
Drawing freehand drawing use of pre-defined shapes use of colour addition of text colour fills textured effects rotation of shapes