Review of the Effectiveness of Communication in Relation to the Implementation of the Review of Public Administration in Health and Social Care MARIE MALLON DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES BELFAST HSC TRUST TUESDAY 9 DECEMBER 2008
Facts about the Belfast Trust Came into operation 1 April 2007 Was a merger of 6 distinct and separate Trusts 22,500 staff £1 billion Serving population of 340,000 plus regional services for all of N.I. Comprises primary and secondary services
The Challenges First part of the Public Sector to be re-organised Time Constraints Management Capacity Financial Environment Vacancy Controls Business Continuity
The Challenges Performance Targets Potential for precedent No blueprint We were not our own masters Meaningful consultation with our Trade Union colleagues Political Environment
The Approach - External HR Advisory Group Re-configuration Board at the Department of Health Central Joint Forum PSC Guiding Principles HR Implementation Group Human Resources Framework Transfer Scheme Protection arrangements Early retirement and voluntary redundancy schemes Independent dispute resolution
The Approach Communication/Engagement Early promises re Our People Creation of new structures – tranche by tranche Procedures for filling posts Reduction in Management and other costs Placement & Support Unit
The Approach Career direction seminars and interview training Morale Issues Developing the new cohort Letting go of the old Team Effectiveness While juggling
The Approach Business Continuity Financial Control Challenges Targets Patient and Client Safety Creating a New Organisation
Communication Face to Face - Chief Executive - Directors - Managers - with Trade Unions - Team Briefings - Service Group Meetings /Intranet Newsletters, Publications, Bulletins Open opportunity to all questions with a quick return delivered on
Hello and Goodbye letters Dedicated Placement and Support unit of all new structures and who populated them Staff Counselling, Occupational Health Communication
General Principles re Structure Must support organisation in meeting its objectives Cross cutting/not institutions Must focus on added value, pro-activity and professionalism Performance management culture Improve governance regime Must be affordable/savings Involve those it impacts on No such thing as the “right structure ”
The Result 60,000 Health Service staff transferred on 1 April 2007 Re-structuring and re-organisation continuing Structures designed and populated Staff displaced being redeployed Exiting on voluntary redundancy Vacancy Controls/ Workforce controls
The Result Strategies for re-training Personal development planning being put in place Communication, eg newsletters, communication, face-to-face Managing the fallout
The Result Meeting targets Provision of service Breakeven Commence OD Plan
Creation of the new organisation A Structures B Policies C People D Culture and the journey continues to ensure that both staff interests and the interests of the service are taken account of
So what have we said so far HOW Staff Engagement Volunteers not conscripts Communication and Recognition Staff Surveys Leadership Training and Development Team Development Individual Development Feedback, appraisal and courageous conversations Reliance on teams Accountability
So what have we done to date? Process started to set a strategic direction 5 THEMES
Setting a Strategic Direction PurposeImprove health and well being and reduce health inequalities Business In partnership with others and by engaging with staff, deliver safe, improving, modernising, cost effective health and social care SAFETY Provide safe high quality effective care Standards Outcomes Continuous Improvement Assurance MODERNISATION Reform and renew our health and social services Access “Localise where possible, centralise where necessary” Service Reviews Aligned capital plans PARTNERSHIPS Improve health and well being through partnership with users, communities and partners Citizen centred Joint working Civic Leadership
Setting a Strategic Direction STAFF Show leadership and excellence through organisational and workforce development Staff engagement Leadership Learning and development Team effectiveness RESOURCES Make best use of resources by improving performance and productivity Workforce diagnostics Process improvement Resource utilisation VFM Performance Management MORE Values and Behaviours Respect and Dignity Openness and Trust AccountabilitiesLearning and Development
They are all inter – related i.e. you have to rely on Staff as the common denominator to improve safety, achieve modernisation, work in partnership and make best use of resources Key element of OD Plan
And what else ………… Business Strategy - Developing the Vision - New Direction - Goals, Objectives, Performance Management Arrangements - Organisational Values - User Involvement and Engagement - Business Partnering Arrangements Learning and Development Strategy
And what else ………… People Management Strategy - Improving Working Lives (Staff Survey) - Cycling Scheme - Summer Schemes - Discount Schemes - Family Friendly Policies - Widening Participation/Social Responsibility
And what else ………… Leadership and Management Strategy - Medical Leadership - Clinical Leadership - Managerial Leadership - Personal leadership - Leadership Events
And what else ……………. Team Development Personal Contribution Framework Recognising and valuing contributions - eg Chairman’s Awards
And what else…………….. Involvement in decision making Safer Patient Initiative involving staff at all levels Partnership working with Trade Unions on eg control of infection Industrial Relations Machinery User Involvement and Engagement Strategy Internal Communication Strategy Trust Newspaper Team Briefings Internet Chief Executive Face to Face Leadership Visits
Some final thoughts……………. Challenge of delivery during major change Communicate…Communicate…Communicate… Involve Users and Stakeholders No such thing as the “right” structure Appoint on basis of competence and values Community of leaders
Some final thoughts……………. Recognise resilience is needed Recognise the emotional journey Hold to account Manage ambiguity Acknowledge and celebrate success