Patient Care Passport - Regulation and Mobility Jovan Zubic
Policy-makers’ perspective “People should get appropriate, high-quality treatment with fewer bureaucratic obstacles.”
Two perspectives with simillar goals From the policy-makers’ perspective, patient mobility is considered positive in many ways: It opens up new opportunities for patients, Allows the best available resources to be combined in centres of excellence at international level, Helps to clarify what is meant by a international standard of quality of care and Provides insights into pricing policies elsewhere in World. From the patients’ perspective, patient mobility is considered positive in few ways: Access to health care in all world countries Cost benefits with ensuring quality of care
Emerging issues Several types of mobility that are likely to develop: more direct contracting and purchasing by the national authorities more provider–provider arrangements for exchange of patients and common use of facilities; “second opinion” and similar types of diversified and increased demand for health care. Developments in patient mobility are likely to depend on the following: future trends in liberalization of the health care market(s) in the World; share of private insurance and out-of-pocket payments in each country; institutional and legal provisions for patient exchange and mobility
Regulation and Mobility Policy-makers are concerned about the financial sustainability of the national health system lest more patients seek health care services in other countries. The need to know more about this phenomenon and to learn more about people’s preferences, attitudes and experiences of using health services abroad. ICT is no longer an add-on to traditional methods of health care, but rather an integrated, integral part of practice. Unique tool for researching and controling patient mobility can be Patient care Passport project.
Patient Care Passport ICT powered ID Card Storing of data and information: Personal ldentification Data Only Life saving information (allergy) Health Insurance Information Smart Card ID Solution Physical & Logical access control Secure portable data storage with encryption and control All informaton are stored in Medical Terminology format
Using a Patient Care Passport Issued by National Health Insurance Company Fast & Easy Identification of Patient anywhere/anytime Life saving information access Blood type Allergy Identification & Communication Between countries Health Insurance Companies Exchange of Provided Service & Cost Information Team Leader Organization must be UN! Each UN member country appoints three representatives One from National Health Insurance Company One from Ministry of Health / Government One from National Patient Organization
Benefits Patient Access to Health Care Worldwide With Patient Care Passport patient can access any health care institution in the World. Patient Safety & Quality of Care Ensuring patient quality and control of provided service of health care. Connecting different important information’s and knowledge’s as well as documenting the most important data in patient care will lead to optimal quality of healt care in emergency situation. Reseaching Enable easy research base about Health systems context, information and financial flows.
Conclusion Increased cross-border patient mobility has public finance implications but better co-ordination of national health policies and more co-operation at International level is expected to bring benefits both to patients and health systems. A need to strengthen co-operation on patient mobility to promote access to high-quality health care "while maintaining the financial sustainability of healthcare systems". To provide clarity and legal certainty on the cross-border access to care, must be established an International framework on healthcare services with interational project and legislation changes in every UN member country. Patient Care Passport Project can be unique identfication and service tool for patients’ safety and health insurance companies mainly in emergency case situation.
Thank you! Jovan Zubic