IES e-PATT Grant e-PATT: Parents and Teachers Together
e-PATT – Parents And Teachers Together Grant funded by the Institute for Education Science (IES) Measuring the effectiveness of two interventions Remote coaching for teachers Remote coaching for parents Impact on teachers’ skills and children’s school readiness
Grant Dates Start: October 2014 End: May 2015
Participating Head Start Classrooms 12 Classrooms 11 Classrooms Control Teachers Target Teachers
Texas School Ready! Model Materials: Start Up Kit, School Readiness Kit Professional Development: Coaching and e-CIRCLE Child Progress Monitoring : CIRCLE assessment System
CIRCLE Teacher Manual Early Language and Literacy including Mathematics Manual Best Practices and Social/Emotional Development Phonological Awareness Written Expression Language Development Book Reading Letter Knowledge Mathematics
Classroom Start-Up Kit The Start-Up Kit provides materials for effectively organizing and managing the preschool classroom. These proven systems help teachers smooth transitions & provide classroom structure with routines that maximize learning time. Each classroom will receive a classroom start-up kit. The kit includes: Daily Schedule Chart Classroom Helpers Chart Attendance Chart Center Management System Classroom Rules Poster Letter Wall Cards Activity Transition Book Read Aloud Chart Classroom Environment Labels
Classroom Start-Up Kit Teacher’s Role Use the learning center management system throughout the classroom Label learning centers and materials Use classroom management charts daily Review Classroom Management Video on how to set-up a preschool classroom: wmv wmv Arrange the room to include a minimum of 7 well-defined learning centers Collaborate with assigned coach Maintain and inventory all materials in the Classroom Start-Up Kit Coach’s Role Provide information on accessing the Classroom Management video Model or provide verbal instructions on how to set up and use of materials for teachers
School Readiness Kit The School Readiness Kit contains a variety of books and materials used to support and enhance classroom instruction. Each classroom will receive a School Readiness Kit. Literacy Kit Writing materials Letter Knowledge materials Oral Language materials Phonological Awareness materials STEM Kit Math and Science materials
School Readiness Kit Teacher’s Role Use the School Readiness Kit to enhance cognitive instruction Document the use of School Readiness materials and activities in lesson plans Use materials for centers, large group, small group, and one- on-one instruction Maintain and inventory all materials in the kit Coach’s Role Model or provide instruction on how to use the School Readiness materials.
CIRCLE Assessment Teachers will administer child progress monitoring at 3 time points throughout the year. BOY Dates: November 3-26 MOY Dates: January 15-February 15 EOY: Dates: April 15 – May 15 All teachers will be trained remotely. Coach will send dates and times for trainings.
Engage Platform
CIRCLE Assessment Tool i-Pad Teachers’ in the grant will use the i-Pad to administer the CIRCLE Assessment. iPads will be turned in to The Children’s Learning Institute at the end of the study.
CLI Engage Dashboard Teachers in the grant will receive training on Engage platform and CIRCLE Assessment.
Help Ticket Support Submit a “Help Ticket” if you need assistance with the registration process by clicking on the green ticket on the dashboard.
e-CIRCLE Professional Development e-CIRCLE Professional Development is a series of web-based courses designed to provide teachers with a common experience, and knowledge around early childhood education. The 2 hour self-paced sessions are focused on specific content areas designed to deepen content knowledge and build specific skills which will improve classroom practices. Target teachers will complete all professional development sessions using a self-paced model and including some facilitated sessions.
e-CIRCLE Remote Remote Coach Responsibilities Responsible for making sure teachers have study guides. Set due dates for “On Your Own” assignments and assessments to be submitted by teachers. Reflect with teacher on eCIRCLE course content during feedback calls. Teacher Responsibilities Review eCIRCLE Course study guides. Complete assignments and assessments by due dates. Participate in discussion about eCIRCLE Course content during feedback calls.
e-CIRCLE Self-Paced Guides Self-paced guides include information on what teachers should view and do for each course.
Remote Learner e-CIRCLE Platform
Remote Learner
e-PATT Professional Development Schedule for Remote Teachers Teachers will receive a PD schedule for the grant. Teachers will use the e- PATT Professional Development schedule to keep track of scheduled course content and implementation activities.
TSR! Remote Coaching Approach COT-based Feedback provides targeted information about specific skills and teaching strategies and should inform goal setting priorities Annotated video feedback adds meaning by allowing for reflection in context and should be shared with teachers before coaching calls Feedback Sessions allow teachers an opportunity to ask questions, reflect with support, and set goals with guidance from coach Resource library should be used to demonstrate important skills/activities and provide additional content linked to Short Term Goals
Data-based Feedback and Goal Setting Instructional Improvement Goals Reinforcing Positive Strategies
Remote Teacher Feedback Call Notes
Remote Coaching Follows a cycle- observe, assess, evaluate, feedback, planning Demonstration to show what good practice looks like Cognitive supports – Scaffolding (hints or suggestions) Articulation (making reasoning or choices visible) Reflection and problem solving to deepen understanding and awareness COT/STG provide targeted information about specific skills and teaching strategies and should inform goal setting priorities. 27
Grant Data Collection What’s expected: Teacher observations—3 x during the year and once the following year Questionnaires about teacher’s training and beliefs (Pre/Post) Questionnaires about teacher’s observations of the behavior of the children in the class who are in the study (Pre/Post) Assessments of the children in classroom by research staff (Pre/Post) Parents will be asked to complete a questionnaire on their child 1x (Post) What classrooms/teachers receive: Teacher stipend 2 day CIRCLE training CIRCLE manual Coaching Support Access to C-PALLS Assessment Access to e-CIRCLE Professional development Classroom Materials Use of loaned i-pad
Teacher Incentive Pay Upon successful completion of the project requirements, teachers can receive up to $1,000
Teacher Resource Link: IES e-PATT Grant