Sturgeon Diversity Lesson1 Language in the Classroom Andrea Sturgeon Education 301/ Section 02 Diversity Technology Lesson
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson2 The Structure Unit: Poetry Intended Grade Level: Open for grades 7-12 depending on the poetry selection Lesson: Voice in Poetry
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson3 Objectives Recognition of multiple voiced speakers in the poems Recognition of multiple voiced speakers in the poems Audible identification of dialects, intonations, and cultural linguistic traits. Comprehend the value of multiple dialects Linguistic Variances Individual Perspectives Cultural Identity
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson4 Materials Needed Poetry Selections from You Hear Me Ed. Betsy Franco Selections from Things I Have to Tell You Ed. Betsy Franco One classroom Computer Classroom Setup Conducive to Discussion
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson5 Does Language Affect Our Environment? Take 3 minutes to free write examples of language affecting your personal environment Consider your realities…home, school,social life school,social life
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson6 Do Words Have a Different Meaning and Power in Different Setting or Situations?
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson7 What Is the Study of Language Linguistics is the study of language, and the system of human communication. Linguistics involves multiple fields.
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson8 Linguistic Fields Dialectology investigation of regional variation in language Sociolinguistics relation between social structure and language usage, and of social issues involving language Semantics study of word and sentence meaning
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson9 What does Linguistics Have to do with Me? Remember learning to read, all those goofy sounds the letters had? That was the Phonetic alphabet, a product of Linguistics. And where would Grammar be without its big brother Linguistics?
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson10 Dialects and Stereotype What stereotypes are equated with certain dialects? Does geography play a role?
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson11 So what is Dialect? Dialect is variation in language. This variation is also called an accent, and usually depends on the region you live in.
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson12 Dialect Example From Huck Finn It was a close place. I took...up [the letter I'd written to Miss Watson], and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling, because I'd got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: "All right then, I'll go to hell"—
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson13 Grab a Partner, and Decode the Underlined Words Word from HuckYour Definition Definition Clues that Helped You What do we Huck? Close - Place Took Up A-Tremblin Betwixt
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson14 Modern Examples
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson15 How does a reader identify with a speaker Language is the only method available to cross the void between speaker and audience. If a conscience effort is made to speak properly the writing will be stiff and difficult to relate to. A reader will seldom understand the speaker or characters.
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson16 What does this speaker reveal ? Take notes while I read the following poem Try to answer the five W’s and H I’m Asian. But my heart’s something else, another tone entirely. Yeah, I’m a black kid, though I’m white. A redhead on my bus mocks the speech of a Caucasian, who gets off the bus with his best friend, a darker counterpart. I watch through the windows as they push and laugh. Their friendship knows no separation of skin. Respect. So give and get. Diversity. Cannot be avoided. Utterances By Want You’re either black or white; there’s no in- between. Then what does that make me? The Hmong kid in the back asks my question, as I consider my skin. Traditionally, I am supposed to be yellow But I’m not. There is no crayola color for me. I’m pale, and sure:
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson17 Speaker Revelation
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson18 What does language tell us? Who HowWhyWhereWhenWhat
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson19 Advocates for Dialect Affirm the students' right to their own patterns and varieties of the language -- the dialects of their nurture or whatever dialects in which they find their own identity and style. A nation proud of its diverse heritage and its cultural and racial variety will preserve its heritage of dialects. –NCTE – 2.html#8 2.html#8http:// 2.html#8
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson20 Problems with Dialect Some type of endorsement of one particular language variety seems inevitable. Issued a weaker version asserting that students should learn the conventions of written standard English Can you think of any other problems??
Sturgeon Diversity Lesson21 21Your Personal Dialect Take 10 minutes to record your personal language conventions –Do you have an accent? –Do you say certain words “funny” –Do you say different phrases?