Rated # 1 “BEST PLACES TO WORK IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” Dale A. Powers US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2 Topics Congressional Acts Congressional Acts Mission/Functions Mission/Functions Staffing, Offices & Activities Staffing, Offices & Activities Enforcement Enforcement Historic Plant Licensing Historic Plant Licensing New Plants New Plants
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 3 NRC was established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, which amended the Atomic Energy Act of When Congress abolished the Atomic Energy Commission: Its regulatory duties were assigned to NRC Other functions were assigned to DOE The NRC is headed by 5 Commissioners, appointed by the President, and confirmed by the Senate. NRC: Who We Are
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 4 NRC Mission Mission - Regulate civilian uses of nuclear material (nuclear reactors that generate electricity, research reactors, reactor fuel production facilities, medical and industrial applications) Mission - Regulate civilian uses of nuclear material (nuclear reactors that generate electricity, research reactors, reactor fuel production facilities, medical and industrial applications)
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 5 Primary Functions: 1. Establish Regulations 2. Issue Licenses 3. Provide Oversight, Inspection, and Enforcement 4. Evaluate Global Operational Experience
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 6 Staffing Approximately 4000 people located: Approximately 4000 people located: Headquarters Rockville, MD Headquarters Rockville, MD Four Regional offices Four Regional offices Chattanooga, TN Training Center Chattanooga, TN Training Center High-Level Waste Management Office High-Level Waste Management Office Resident Inspector offices at over 60 sites Resident Inspector offices at over 60 sites
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7 Headquarters Office NRC Office Locations Rockville, MD Region II Atlanta, GA Region III Lisle, IL Region IV Arlington, TX Region I King of Prussia, PA
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 8 NRC Regions
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 9 External Outreach In 2008, NRC Conducted > 850 public meetingsConducted > 850 public meetings Issued 445 press releasesIssued 445 press releases Conducted > 250 Congressional interactionsConducted > 250 Congressional interactions
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 10 Enforcement Options Notice of Violation Notice of Violation Civil Penalty Civil Penalty Order - requiring modifications, shutdown, or prohibiting involvement in NRC-licensed activities Order - requiring modifications, shutdown, or prohibiting involvement in NRC-licensed activities and and Press Release Press Release Referral to Department of Justice Referral to Department of Justice
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11 Examples of Enforcement Actions $5,450,000 issued in 2005 for multiple safety violations at Davis-Besse. $5,450,000 issued in 2005 for multiple safety violations at Davis-Besse. A licensed reactor operator, as part of a 1998 plea agreement for deliberately compromising an NRC exam, will never reapply for a position at any facility under NRC oversight. A licensed reactor operator, as part of a 1998 plea agreement for deliberately compromising an NRC exam, will never reapply for a position at any facility under NRC oversight. By order in 2007, a company president was prohibited from involvement in licensed activity for 3 years because he had deliberately misrepresented the compliance of an export shipment of radioactive material. By order in 2007, a company president was prohibited from involvement in licensed activity for 3 years because he had deliberately misrepresented the compliance of an export shipment of radioactive material. By order in 2007, a security officer was prohibited from licensed activity for 5 years because he removed from a specific weapon from a licensee’s facility. By order in 2007, a security officer was prohibited from licensed activity for 5 years because he removed from a specific weapon from a licensee’s facility.
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 12 Historic Plant Licensing Original Stages Original Stages Environmental & financial submittalsEnvironmental & financial submittals Limited site work permitLimited site work permit Preliminary Safety Analysis Report submittalPreliminary Safety Analysis Report submittal Construction permitConstruction permit Final Safety Analysis Report submittalFinal Safety Analysis Report submittal Low-power operating licenseLow-power operating license Full-power operating licenseFull-power operating license Hearing opportunitiesHearing opportunities Dresden 1 – first commercial-sized plant started operating Dresden 1 – first commercial-sized plant started operating Standardized plant designs Standardized plant designs Applicant lines of the 60s and 70s Applicant lines of the 60s and 70s Brown’s Ferry fire of 1975 Brown’s Ferry fire of 1975 Three Mile Island accident of 1979 Three Mile Island accident of 1979 Chernobyl Accident of 1986 Chernobyl Accident of 1986 Shoreham Shoreham
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 13
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 14 New Plant Licensing Processes Early Site Permit Early Site Permit One Step Combined License One Step Combined Licenseand License Renewal License Renewal
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 15 Plant Licensing
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 16 Advanced Reactor Designs Advanced Reactor Designs AP 1000 (Advanced Passive) ESBWR (Economic Simplified BWR) EPR (Evolutionary Power Reactor)
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 17 Questions ?