Learning for Life: an evaluation of the Learn 2b project, Changing Minds Dr Dan Robotham Senior Researcher (Mental Health Foundation) Sonya Terry Peer Support and Time Bank Manager (Changing Minds)
Structure The Learn 2b programme The evaluation
Project Concept The development of adult learning courses that: Encourage people to engage in non-medical interventions These interventions support / sustain their recovery These interventions will improve recovery and reduce the volume / nature of any relapses and generate overall savings to public expenditure
Potted History November 2007 to July 2008 – project planning, pilot courses, obtaining ethical approval, tutor engagement, training and recruitment July 2008 – launch in Northampton with a handful of courses planned September to December 2008 – countywide calm and content sessions January A rolling programme of courses running throughout the county
Potted History 2011 onwards - A commissioned service responsible for delivering 750 hrs of adult learning/psychological education courses across Northamptonshire A service to encourage and promote research and innovation - the use of telephone groups - How are clinical outcomes achieved from a non- clinical service
Making groups effective Time limited – Vary from one session to nine sessions Promoting independence Planning for the end of the course A stepping stone onto something else Effective learning that increases skill and knowledge Support Strict group guidelines – Confidentiality and anonymity; Respect for others; Punctuality and attendance; Responsibility for safety and wellbeing
Referral system Wellbeing team Self referral GP Learn 2b programme
Healthy Living (Food and Mood, Tai Chi Complementary Therapies …) Creative Expression (Card Making, Creative Writing, Creative Arts…) Wellbeing (Positive Under Pressure, Improve Your Mood, Anger Management…)
Structure The Learn 2b programme The evaluation
Research Methods 256 active participants in evaluation Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) Recovery Evaluation Form (REF) Qualitative interviews or focus groups – Adult learners – Tutors
Evaluation design Start of course End of course 6 MONTHS12 MONTHS Measurement Time 1 Measurement Time 2 Measurement Time 3 Measurement Time 4
Findings After attending course – Better wellbeing – Less severe symptoms of depression and anxiety Improvements sustained over 12 months 94% would recommend programme to a friend 36% accessed programme through GP Non-stigmatising
‘ That’s the biggest shift that has the biggest impact. It’s acceptable to say that you are going to college; it’s taking it out of that medical field and into education. It makes all the difference; it changes people’s attitudes about mental illness’. Female, Sleep Management
I hope the course will provide an opportunity to look at the way I am thinking negatively about my situation…a chance for me to declare and acknowledge my low mood and high anxiety. Hoping for help, inspiration and tips and how to make my situation better. I have enjoyed being part of a friendly group and looked forward to our Saturday morning sessions…I have picked up some useful advice from group members…I have had some of my thoughts and stances challenged in a good way! Male, 48, Creative Writing
Impact on Employability 40% of participants went on to access other learning opportunities 10 became employed, one as a peer supporter Several participants felt that this was a direct result of accessing Learn2b… “ While I was on the course I started applying for voluntary work, just afterwards I managed to get a position and now I’m working part time” (Male, Improve Your Mood)
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