Government Property?… Oh yeah, we have some of that Savannah River Site Aiken, South Carolina June 16, 2010 Dave Hepner, Director Acquisition Operations Division U.S. Department of Energy Savannah River Operations Office
Savannah River Site: A Long-Term Asset Rich History Established in 1950 to support national defense missions –Produced tritium (only U.S. source) and weapons-grade plutonium –Over 38,000 workers at peak –Site covers 198,000 acres [310 sq. mi.] Today Multi-program Site with National Missions: DOE-Environmental Management (EM) and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) EM cleanup and risk reduction mission is top priority Making measurable progress in cleanup of legacy waste contamination, reduction of stored legacy waste, and closure of defense-related nuclear reactors Federal workforce focused on contractor performance Highly skilled workforce >12,000
Savannah River Site Greatest Resource: Skilled Workforce DOE: Savannah River Operations Office NNSA: Savannah River Site Office Office of Site Engineering and Construction Management U.S. Forest Service U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EM Contractors: Savannah River Nuclear Solutions [Site Management & Operations and Savannah River National Laboratory] Savannah River Remediation [Liquid Waste operations] Parsons [Salt Waste Processing Facility construction and operations] Wackenhut [Security] University of Georgia [Savannah River Ecology Laboratory] Recovery Act Hires/Subcontractors
Cleanup Complete THE FUTURE WHERE WE STARTED Nuclear materials Science leadership Innovative technology National security Nuclear nonproliferation Homeland security Energy independence ONGOING MISSIONS Reduced Mission Footprint 800+ contaminated facilities, soils and groundwater Excess nuclear materials 37 million gallons radioactive liquid tank waste Cleanup of environmental legacy complete Home to ongoing missions of national importance Safely and Efficiently Clean Up Environmental Legacy * Reduce Risk Protect Public Health and Environment * Transform Site for the Future SRS EM Mission Contaminated facilities, soils and groundwater Radioactive tank waste
CLEANUP SOLUTIONS THAT RESOLVE THE NUCLEAR WASTE LEGACY Turning radioactive liquid waste to a solid, safe form for disposal since 1996 Disposing of salt waste Emptying and closing radioactive waste tanks Completing disposal of solid waste [>30,000 drums of TRU waste dispositioned] Protecting groundwater with technologies developed at SRNL [state-of-the-art] Single integrated cleanup of large contaminated areas [saving $$ and time] Decommissioned over 240 facilities, or approx. 2.5 million square feet Remediated over 330 of 515 waste units GATEWAY FOR NATIONWIDE NUCLEAR MATERIALS CONSOLIDATION AND ULTIMATE DISPOSITION Maintaining critical infrastructure and capabilities [H Canyon, K Area] Placing nuclear materials in a form for re-use or safe disposal Recycling uranium for commercial power production De-inventory and shutdown of other facilities to reduce cost & enhance security H Canyon CONTINUING VITAL MISSIONS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AND ENERGY INDEPENDENCE T Area Before T Area After SRS is Getting the Job Done Proven Track Record = SUSTAINED public confidence in the Site’s people and capabilities
Continue TRU waste shipments Progress in D&D of P & R Reactors Doing it all SAFELY. Continue construction of Salt Waste Processing Facility Continue nuclear materials disposition in H Canyon and consolidation in K Area Continue M Area closure activities Process 700 kgal of salt solution through ARP/MCU Produce 186 canisters of vitrified waste at DWPF Continue tank cleaning and closure work in F Tank Farm Process 1.3M gallons of low- activity salt waste at Saltstone Quest for Continued Success Key Priorities of Fiscal Year 2010 Baseline Budget Savannah River Site
More Opportunities for Success SRS Recovery Act Footprint Reduction Project CREATE jobs STIMULATE local economy ACCELERATE SRS cleanup program REDUCE SRS industrial area by 67% by Sept ENABLE reuse of DOE resources, including land and infrastructure ENSURE reduction of environmental risk with large return on investment 2,000 Recovery Act jobs saved or created 30,000th drum and 1,000th shipment of transuranic (TRU) waste shipped to WIPP Remote-handled RH) TRU waste shipments begin P and R reactor deactivation activities underway Decommissioning of A Area facilities started TAKING RECOVERY AND RESULTS FORWARD AT SRS $1.6B ARRA FUNDING TO: SRS Recovery Act Job Fair RH TRU waste shipment P Reactor shield door
S *R*S Focused Priorities for the SRS Team Superior Performance * Raising the Bar Continually * Securing the Future ACCELERATE CLEANUP WITH RECOVERY ACT FUNDING –Strong DOE and contractor oversight –Funds spent wisely and work completed on schedule –Openness and accountability to taxpayers MAINTAIN PERSPECTIVE –Disposition of nuclear materials and liquid waste remain high priority projects DEMONSTRATE ABILITY TO DELIVER –Support National EM program mission –Meet cleanup commitments –Execute all work safely –Make remarkable reductions in risks –Cut lifecycle costs
Speaking of Strong DOE Oversight Oversight of contractors’ property management responsibilities –Performance in accordance with approved systems –Proper property management business practices –Frequent assessments –Walk-throughs –Monthly meetings –Formal reviews Reporting and Documentation –Ensure property systems are updated and various agencies receive required information Execute and Oversee Asset Transition Program –Work with Community Reuse Organization
Our Property Activities Precious metals Fleet management –1,174 vehicles (94 DOE-owned, balance is leased) –78% of the light duty fleet are alternative fuel vehicles (E85 ethanol) –Automated fuel dispensing system requires on-site refueling Portable equipment (PECMC) management Site walkthroughs Closeouts ARRA funded property Review and approve property to the CRO Coordination and activities meetings with the contractors Security property –Firearms, ammunition, and explosives –High risk and sensitive items –Disposed with in accordance with DOD rules –Canines Review Property Control Systems Annual reports Chemicals Computers for Learning
Community Relations and Business Development Community Assistance/Economic Diversification –SR partnership with the regional community Work with Savannah River Site Community Reuse Organization (SRSCRO) Chambers of Commerce, Depts. of Commerce and other regional economic development groups –Staff work for external initiatives (e.g. use of onsite buildings and property) –Program lead for excess equipment –Computers for Learning –Administration of community assistance grants –Oversight of contractor community assistance programs
Why We Care Why We Care Section 3161 of the Defense Authorization Bill of 2005 Hall Amendment One of the five focus areas –Community, State, and Regulator Relationships Meeting Obligations Communications and Trust Because we live in the same area as we work!
Some Successes Some Successes Sage Mill Industrial Park
Some Successes Some Successes Bridgestone-Firestone SC
Some Successes Some Successes EFCO (window and doors)
Some Successes Some Successes South Carolina Advanced Technology Park Manufacturers of chemical and allied products, fabricated metals, and electroplating Recycling service providers dealing with ferrous metals, glass and glass fabrication and precious metals from electronics Current home to: –UNITECH Services –KRONOTEX USA –Bolin Marketing Group –Composite Materials Technology –Alliance Scaffolding –Horsehead (Zinc) Recycling
Some Successes Some Successes A few of our local projects B&B Glass Products Entrepreneurial Center at USC- Salkehatchee Allendale Airport Shaw Building purchase Youth Challenge Academy Pointe Salkehatchee Department of Social Services Office Courthouse/County Government Center complex
Some Successes Some Successes Other successful ventures Mid-American Manufacturing MacLumber Incorporated (Synthetic building materials) B&B Products (glass etching) CamoVision (Camouflage glasses) High Voltage Specialist (service utility) Water works equipment to several municipalities Over 5000 jobs and $680 million invested!
SRSCRO & Site Excess Property Receives property lists from DOE Posts the lists on the website Advertises availability of excess property in local newspapers Reviews requests and performs due diligence Available to businesses, non-profits etc. at a reduced rate Focuses on economic development benefits of excess property All equipment is offered for sale or auction Contact SRSCRO at (803) , Extension 1409 Bolin Marketing at (803)
In-Marketing as well Excess is the first source of supply Excess is material and equipment that is available for reuse within DOE and other Federal agencies Materials and equipment are free; you have to pay shipping costs When resources are limited it provides a major benefit It can cut your costs significantly Everything you can think of may be on an excess list somewhere
Our Process As you (or your contractor) develop your program/project plans, prepare a list of materials and equipment that will be required Provide this list to OAM and we will search available inventories for items –Internal Excess Program under SRNS –Direct contact between property managers at other DOE sites –Energy Asset Disposal System (EADS) which covers the DOE complex –GSAXcess System (covers the entire Federal Government) OAM will provide you information on the materials and equipment available for your approval and arrange to get it to SRS
Some Recent Opportunities Office furniture and items obtained from FAA in Atlanta –Approximately $70,000+ in value –Brought to SRS by an small business mover for $2,600 Materials and Equipment from a completed contract –Items brought to SRS by moving company –Included furniture, tools, containers, etc. Locomotive –Discovered on EADS list at the ETTP –Liquid Waste work –$200,000 value Gondola Rail Cars (2) –Discovered on EADS list at the ETTP –Liquid Waste work –$127,108 value
Recent Excess Equipment Received
Other Available Excess And some memorabilia