Act I Vocabulary The Crucible
Inert (adj.) 1) unable to move or act; 2) sluggish in action or motion Synonyms: immobile, stationary She laid inert in her bed; nothing could get her up.
Paradox (noun) 1)a statement or idea that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth Adj: paradoxical It’s a paradox that many times you need a vacation from your vacation. It is paradoxical that standing is more tiring than walking.
Dissemble (verb) 1) to hide the truth, pretend; 2) give a false or misleading appearance The clever feline dissembled his appearance in order to trick the hungry mouse.
Begrudge (verb) 1)to envy; to not want someone else to have or do something My dog Stella begrudged the other dog’s bacon flavored bone.
Formidable (adj.) 1) causing fear 2) difficult to defeat because of strength, power, size, or strength The gorilla’s formidable stare caused the other animals to run away.
Trepidation (noun) 1)a state of alarm, fear or anxiety 2)involuntary shaking or trembling Even though the homeless puppy survived the hurricane, he was in a state of trepidation every time it rained.
Reckon (verb) 1)to count or do arithmetic 2)to deal with someone or something Noun: reckoning Before creating a budget, I need to reckon my bills. The little girl warned her bully, “If you hurt me, you’ll have to reckon with my big brother!”
Partisan (noun/adj.) 1)A strong, emotional tie or connection to a particular party, person, group, or cause The students are partisans of the petition that is fighting against the school dress code. Her partisan speech made it clear that she is against abortion. Republican Democrat
Titillate (verb) 1)To excite or entice Adj: titillating Noun: titillation The thought of bacon for breakfast titillated the kitten. The titillating smell of bacon caused the kiten to run to the kitchen.
Pretense (noun) 1)An act that is usually pretend or false 2) A piece of make-believe The boy’s “business” of selling video game codes was pretense; he never played a single game in his life!