© SmartCard Networking Forum Have I got old news for you? A flippant personal view Mick Davies SCNF Core Group member
© SmartCard Networking Forum Trust me, I know what I’m doing ! Of course you’ll need to use Council Tax data for other things! Privacy and Data Protection Act 2007 Let’s join up all our data entries Let’s not put this conviction data into the system just yet – let’s file it in a box- for a few months. Don’t use CTax data for other purposes Of course we’ve thought this through Who needs Iris scans anyway? We never wanted a great big new database What data standards?
© SmartCard Networking Forum …and the answer is… Pros Meeting increasingly high expectations Providing better service Treating people as customers Avoiding 44 contacts to confirm details of a death arising from a road accident Remove obstacles to improving service Cons Big brother state Cradle to grave database Government snooping Government “incompetence” at linking systems Demonstrable Government “incompetence” in handling data Added complexity will cause even worse service You decide
© SmartCard Networking Forum “The next ten years” - BT’s Mystic Meg, futurologist – Ian Pearson Smart paint Smart “Best by” dates Chips controlling cooking Chips in footballs Chips for Smelly telly Chips for smart self diagnosis Smart skin Smart bacteria Chips in players Intelligent clothing BT’s 2005 Timeline is worth looking at Smart yoghurt
© SmartCard Networking Forum …but it also included Cracking of public key cryptography within a few seconds using networked zombie machines by 2008 or so Chips with 10 billion transistors by around 2011 Worldwide population of over 65s increases by 1 million monthly by around 2008 And some of these are uncomfortably close now!
© SmartCard Networking Forum “The future is old” Prof. Alan Newell - Dundee COST219ter A project demonstrating that the EU really is focusing on “design for all” concepts – “Accessible design is basically good design”. The project has published “Towards an Inclusive future” available at –
© SmartCard Networking Forum don’t forget the good old DDA It is unlawful for providers of services to discriminate against members of the public on the grounds of disability by: –refusing to provide a service without justification; –providing a service to a lesser standard without justification; –providing a service on worse terms without justification; –failing to make reasonable adjustments to the way services are provided for disabled people; –failing to make reasonable adjustments to the physical features of service premises, to overcome physical barriers to access. The latest Code of Practice came into force on 6 th December.
© SmartCard Networking Forum This is where SNAPI fits in… Personalisation of cards to suit user preferences Drop back to default afterwards Based on EN Why don’t we include such personalisation on our travel and banking cards? It would not cost much, would meet European standards, Would help our DDA compliance, but most of all it would include lots of folk who are unable to use services at present. We’re trying to make things happen in this space
© SmartCard Networking Forum last but not least…. Kaisers supermarket in east Berlin has identified the “Grey” market as one worth worrying about. It has deliberately designed and promoted a store to attract older people: With magnifying glasses hanging in wide aisles to help with the small print on labels and with outsize labels, With rest areas, massage chairs, and shopping trolleys that can be used as seats, As a meeting place with sofas. This is the shape of things to come! At least it is on a personal basis.
© SmartCard Networking Forum seriously though… So we’d better design for it now. Let’s work on it - Thanks for listening. Kaisers realised that 1 in 3 Germans will be over 50 by But we have already arrived! Current percentages of over 50’s 32.8% across the UK 42.8% on the Isle of Wight (top of the bill!) This is set to increase by 30% by 2025 Giving us 44% overall! maybe over 50% in the good old IoW! Its only a matter of time for today’s designers (32 years old now…!)