DEEMING REQUIREMENTS AND APPLICATION PROCESS FOR FTCA MEDICAL MALPRACTICE COVERAGE For Calendar Year 2013 Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care Office of Quality and Data
Call Agenda Introduction Brief summary of Deeming Requirements Helpful Resources and Technical Assistance Question and Answer
Types of Applications There are two types of applications for FTCA coverage: –EHB System will be open to receive applications on February 23, 2012 –INITIAL DEEMING APPLICATION o May be submitted at any time during the year when the EHB system is open to receive applications. o Will be acted upon by HRSA within 30 days after receipt of a completed application –ANNUAL REDEEMING APPLICATION o All currently deemed health centers must file a renewal deeming application to be deemed for CY This year’s deadline is April 5, 2012
CY 2013 Requirement Updates Minutes from any six QI/QA committee meetings. All minutes must be dated between June 1, 2011 and the submission date of the application. –Remove patient names and other identifiers Minutes from any six Board meetings that reflect Board approval of QI/QA activities. All minutes must be dated between June 1, 2011 and the submission date of the application. –Remove all information not related to QI/QA activity
CY 2013 Requirement Updates (continued) Board-approved Credentialing and Privileging (C&P) policies –Must be signed and dated by the Board (C&P) Plan + Page with Board of Directors Signature (C&P) Plan + Signed Board Minutes showing C&P plan was approved Clinical policies and procedures for the following activities: Referral Tracking Hospitalization Tracking Diagnostic Tracking (Should include X-Ray Tracking Lab Result Tracking)
Requirements A complete initial or redeeming application must include: 1.An Application Form completed in EHB 2.An approved Quality Improvement/Quality Assurance Plan, including governing board signature and approval date 1. Two Methods to demonstrate Board approval QI/QA Plan + Page with Board of Directors Signature QI/QA Plan + Signed Board Minutes showing QI/QA plan was approved
Requirements 3.Summary of professional liability history for cases filed or closed within the last 5 years, if applicable Name of provider(s) involved Area of practice/Specialty Date of Occurrence Summary of allegations Status and outcome of claim
Requirements (continued) 4.Explanation of any “NO” responses 5.Deeming applications for any sub-recipients (as documented on the organization’s most recent approved scope from FORM 5B - see “sub-recipient submission instructions.”)
Requirements (continued) 6.Credentialing list (in an excel spreadsheet) of all licensed and/or certified health care personnel employed and/or contracted by the health center, with the following information: o Name & Professional Designation (e.g., MD/DO, RN, CNM, DDS) o Title/Position o Specialty o Employment Status (full-time employee, part-time employee, contractor, volunteer) o Date of Hire o Current Credentialing Date o Next Expected Credentialing Date ** Please note that for the 2012 application “Initial Credentialing Date (the first time the individual was credentialed by your organization)” has been removed and is no longer required.
Sub-Recipient Applications Health centers must submit a separate deeming application on behalf of each sub-recipient seeking FTCA coverage –A single application package that includes the grantee and all appropriate sub-recipient applications should be submitted. Each sub-recipient application will be collected as an attachment in the system. The system will provide a downloadable template which the grantee can send to sub-recipients to complete and return to the grantee –It is recommended that the grantee download the template from the system and send it to all the sub-recipients that are requesting coverage and participating in the program as soon as they begin working on their own application –The grantee is required to upload the sub-recipient application within the system once they have received it from the appropriate sub-recipients
CY 2013 FTCA Application Technical Assistance (TA) Videos Online Instructional Videos –Step by step instructional videos that demonstrate how to fill each section of the FTCA application and general EHB guidance. –Supplemental videos that reviews best practices and points out resources that are useful in developing policies and procedures that are connected to the FTCA Deeming process. –Currently Available on the ECRI website at the following link: : eos_Deeming.aspx eos_Deeming.aspx
Risk Management Resources Other Helpful Resources –Tracking Tool Kit –Credentialing Tool Kit –Credentialing Webinar ( Next Webinar will be tomorrow Thursday February 23, 2012)
Quality Improvement Resources HRSA Quality Improvement Webinars: ECRI Resource Page: Quality Improvement: px px
Risk Management Resources Risk Management Plan: Event Reporting Toolkit: it.aspx it.aspx Webinars nf_Archive.aspx: nf_Archive.aspx –Clinical Risk Management Basics Part I –Developing a Risk Management Plan
Risk Management Resources Sample Risk Management Policy: Physician Office Practice aspx aspx Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire aspx aspx Anecdotal Note for Patient Concerns px px Handling Patient Complaints px px Safety Attitudes Questionnaire (Ambulatory Version) aspx aspx
FTCA/BPHC Help Line Phone: BPHC ( ) 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM (ET) FTCA Website: