Having trouble finding your way?
GPS is funded by and controlled by the US Department of Defense (DOD), and is operated by the US military Satellite signals enable the GPS receiver to compute position, velocity, and time. Four GPS satellite signals are used to compute positions in three dimensions and the time offset in the receiver clock. What is GPS?
A GPS device receives signals from satellites orbiting the earth to triangulate your location, which will be given as a global address. A GPS device can lead you to a previously marked location, much like a compass. How does GPS work?
SD Content Standards SCIENCE (Comprehension) 6.E.1.3. Students are able to explain processes involved in the formation of the Earth’s structure. –plate tectonics, volcanoes –Interpret topographic and digital imagery or remotely sensed data… Use geospatial technologies to investigate natural phenomena. Examples: GPS, GIS, remote sensing
SD Content Standards cont. GEOGRAPHY (Application) 7.G.1.1. Students are able to select appropriate resources, data services, and geographic tools to interpret information. Examples: atlases, globes, almanacs, thematic maps, satellite images, topographic maps, GPS, GIS
SD Content Standards cont. SCIENCE (Analysis) 8.E.1.5. Students are able to explain the impact of weathering and erosion on the Earth. Soil formation, deposition (deltas), land transformations (Grand Canyon), glaciation Use geospatial technologies to investigate natural phenomena. Examples: GPS, GIS, remote sensing
Magellan eXplorist 210 Enter/Toggle Zoom Out Menu Go To Zoom In Navigate Mark Escape Unit On/Off Light On/Off
Mark a POI (Point of Interest) OR Track a Trail
Garmin eTrex
Google Earth
Etch-a-Sketch using Track log
Other Classroom Activities Scavenger Hunts Letter Boxes Frisbee Golf Geocaching
What is Geocaching? One of the fastest growing “new” sports. Has participants in many countries outside of the US and Canada. Is a modern day active treasure hunting activity that allows you to use GPS – and therefore a “global address” – to locate a cache.
Are there rules for Geocaching? Yes, there are: –1. Take something from the cache –2. Leave something in the cache –3. Write about it in the logbook –4. Do not move the cache
GPS Career SDSU offers bachelor’s degrees –Geographic Information System (GIS) –Geography Some of these graduates work for the city of Sioux Falls in the GIS department
City of Sioux Falls GPS/GIS Department in City Hall
My Portaportal Great web-based platform that allows you to access a list of websites and edit from any internet connected computer Enter as a guest with this password: hauseresa2
Where can I find GPS units? Any sporting goods store DOE ESA 2 has 15 units available for check-out