CSCI 200 Introduction To Programming with Visual Basic Bob Bradley
Catalog Description CSCI 200 Introduction to Computer Programming (3) Introduction to principles of computer science, information systems and beginning programming techniques in Visual BASIC. Includes the use of Visual BASIC for Applications to customize application software such as Microsoft Office. Credit does not apply to computer science minor requirements.
Not CS 201 This is not CS201!
Instructor Info Instructor: Mr. Bob Bradley Office: Business Admin 17 Office Phone: (731) Department Phone: (731) Office Hours: See my web page Web Page:
Book Programming in Visual Basic.NET (2005 Edition), by Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh
Grading Tests: There will be 3 tests and a Final Exam Quizzes: There will be a few quizzes Scale: A, B, C, D, 0-59 F Points: 40% Tests, 40% HW Projects, 20% Participation and quizzes
Home Work Programming Projects (40%) There will be many programming projects. A description of the problem and a date due will be given. To get the best grade, a project will need to be demonstrated on time.
Class participation points (20%) These points will be given on different (usually unannounced) days throughout the semester. Depending on the day, points will be given for either taking a quiz, asking questions, answering questions, participating in class discussions, or (on some days) for just attending class that day. If you miss a participation point day (for any reason) and want to make up those participation points, makeup assignments can be given. Only three participation points may be made up. At the end of the semester, your percent of the total points given out will be averaged as twenty percent of your grade.
Attendance Either a sign-up sheet will be passed around or the roll will be called most days. These points will be included as part of the participation points. School Functions - Those having to miss class due to official school functions (such as athletic events or school trips) may make up missed items, provided that they schedule make up work ahead of time.
Computer Programming We are going to learn to read and write computer programs. A computer program is a set of instructions that you write that tell the computer exactly what to do. These instructions have to be written down and entered into the computer in a very specific syntax. Sub NewTotal() Dim N, Total As Integer For N = 1 To 20 Step 2 Total = Total + N Next N MsgBox("The total is " & Total) End Sub
Running Your Program When you are ready for the computer to follow your instructions, you “run” your program. When the computer runs your program, it will do exactly what you told it to do. This means it will not necessarily do what you “meant” it to do.
Binary Numbers Computers convert and store every thing as binary numbers (strings of 0s and 1s) –Text, Pictures, Music, Movies –Programs In the old days, to write a computer program, you had to learn to convert every thing to binary numbers by hand Now days, we usually program in a higher level (more English like language) but you will still need to understand how binary numbers work
Flow Chart A Flow Chart is a simple way to describe a set of instructions Get out a piece of paper and follow the instructions from start to stop Start Write the number 2 Add 3 to the last number Write the new number Add 2 to the last number Write the new number Have you written down 7 numbers? Stop Yes
Answer Did you get the following?
Computers are very good at Computers are very good at doing things that most humans are bad at: –Math, Speed, Repetition, Accuracy A computer can add billions of numbers a second A computer can add a set of numbers together a billion times and always get the same correct answer –Storing large quantities of information Computers can easily store and retrieve multiple encyclopedia volumes worth of information
Computers are bad at Computers are very bad at doing things that most humans are good at: –Recognizing faces, sound, speech, written letters –Being aware, recognizing where they are and what their surroundings are –Using common sense Knowing to do more than just what is told of them Knowing what to do in new situations
Note: This must be done in your head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it. –Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another –Now add 30. Add another Now add 20. –Now add another –Now add 10. What is the total? Very Tricky Math!
Tricky Math Answer Did you get 5000? Sorry, but that is wrong The correct answer is actually 4100, and a computer would have gotten it correct!
Instructions for Adult Humans Pretend you have a big brother (about 16) and you need to tell him that mom said for him take a bath and go to bed. What would you need to tell him? “Hey stupid! Mom said to take a bath and go to bed!”
Instructions for Computers Unfortunately, when it comes to instructions, computers are not as smart as humans –They are very literal minded –They only do exactly what you tell them to do –They are a lot like little children Therefore you must: –Use simple instructions –Be very detailed and exact
Instructions for Children Pretend you have a little brother about 4 or 5 years old and that you need to tell him to take a bath and go to bed On a piece of paper, write down the instructions you would tell him Remember: –Use simple instructions –Be very detailed and exact
Did you tell him to? Fill up the tub with water –Turn on the water (hot and cold) –Put the stopper in –Make sure the water is not too hot or too cold Get in the tub and wash –Turn the water off before it starts to spill –Don’t splash –Wash with soap –Wash the soap off –Wash his hair Get out of the tub –Take the stopper out to drain the water Dry off with a towel Brush his teeth Put on his pajamas Go to bed Go to sleep
Tell Us About You Where are you from? What is your major? Why are you taking this class? Do you like computers? Do you already know how to program?
Next Class For Friday –Bring book to class –Figure out what kind of computer you have –We will talk about computers and continue introduction