Slide 1 Working Together to Support your Child 1.Welcome and introductions. 2.Toilet locations. 3.Mobile phones – switch off / silent. 4.Fire exits. 5.Aim of evening – further information and opportunities to ask questions now that your children have completed nearly 4 weeks. 6.Partnership between school and parents to ensure the academic success, happiness and well being of your child. 7.Please feel free to make notes. Please note any questions that you have as we will be available after the presentations to answer any individual questions. Presented by Mrs M Bradshaw (Leadership Group) Working Together to Support your Child
Slide 2 Working Together to Support your Child Areas of Focus 1. Diary 2. Timetable 3. Free time / enrichment activities 4. Rewards and sanctions 5. Reports, assessments, parent / teacher & parent/tutor meetings 6. Organisation
Slide 3 Working Together to Support your Child Diary Responsibility of pupil £2.00 to replace Develop good organisation skills and self managers – reasoning behind the new diaries Effective Use: recording homework, events and important information Pupil post recorded Fridays – we are going electronic so please make sure that you have provided the school with your address Remain well presented as an adult would
Slide 4 Working Together to Support your Child Timetable Groups 2 x half yr groups X and Y band mixed ability Set groups in Maths Teaching group determined by language studied Subject codes MA = Maths, Ge = geography. Pupil should be fully aware of this now Two week timetable Wk A and Wk B - different Homework timetable – prioritise hwk according to due date. Homework timetable to pupils soon. Reference to timetable when packing school bag Pack bag night before
Slide 5 Working Together to Support your Child MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Maths English Spanish ScienceMaths Science EnglishSpanish MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Maths English ScienceMathsEnglishScience Spanish WEEK A Example – differs for each teaching group WEEK B - Maths, English, Science – 4 per fortnight - All other subjects will set as required - Languages – 3 per fortnight Example homework timetable
Slide 6 Working Together to Support your Child Free time / enrichment activities Learning Resource Centre (LRC) open before school 8-4, break, lunch and after school. Computers, internet access, books, stationary etc Restaurant and Cafe redesigned the restaurant facilities, we now have a chef, Café facility created for hot drinks, sandwiches, pannini’s, jacket potatoes with outdoor decking seating arrangements, sample menu Clubs TT next slide – opportunity to make new friends.
Slide 7 Working Together to Support your Child Year 7 Enrichment activities Meet new people and make new friends, develop existing skills, learn new ones and have fun Pre-SchoolLunchAfter School M Junior Choir Yr 7-9 Rugby Yr 7 Girls Hockey Yr 7-11 Young Chefs KS3 Science Club T KS3/KS4 Badminton RS and Art Club (Wk A only) Book Club (once a month) Junior Orchestra Yr 7-9 Football Yr 7 Latin Study Support Yr 7-11 W Trampolining T KS3/KS4 Basketball Dance Dance (Week B Only) Netball Yr 7-8 Art Club KS3 Soul Band Rock Groups Food Study Support Yr 7-11 Chinese Club F Girls Football (to be changed to Indoor Cricket after October half term) Drama Club Years 7-9Jazz Band Guitar Ensemble Trampolining
Slide 8 Working Together to Support your Child Rewards and sanctions TG Credits, certificates, letters home Gain credits from doing their bit, being organised, good work, good school citizens, feed into the college system / competitions eg. Bombardment, ready steady cook, rowing, shoe box, spelling bee. Penalties minor behavioural infringements, not meeting classroom expectations, failure to return homework Detentions College / Personal / Dept - To be signed to acknowledge Out of circulations Accumulation of penalties for Uniform / Late to Lesson / Late to Tutor (all individual offences) – OOC’s given for accumulation of x3 penalties and multiples thereof – accumulation of penalties is per term.
Slide 9 Working Together to Support your Child Reports, assessment, parent/teacher meetings Progress Report (published during the second week after every half term / end of term) Common assessments throughout year to ID strengths and areas for development. Nature of assessment may vary across subjects eg Project, test, performance Tutor / Parent Evening – Y7 6 th October 2011 discuss how settling in, Tutor is the first point of call unless subject specific issue then contact subject teacher or curriculum leader for that subject. Booking appointments – child to book appointment with tutor. Subject / Parent Evening – Y7 10 th May 2011 Progress reports will be distributed on Thursday 3 rd May with accompanying appointment sheet. Booking appointments – child to book appointment with subject teachers.
Slide 10 Working Together to Support your Child Organisation Reference to timetable Equipment Presentation of work Neat and tidy, title and date underlined Use of school website and learning gateway – we are developing a new online gateway should have it online in mid-October hopefully Punctuality Ready to start tutor time at 8.35am and get to lessons on time Uniform on way home and to school Homework – dedicated area at home Quiet, free from distractions, tidy room able to consult with others in necessary / support from parents as required
Slide 11 Working Together to Support your Child 10 Top Tips Click Here to View Video How you can support your child – Probably already doing some of these, but others you may not have thought about.
Slide 12 Working Together to Support your Child Can view all video clips at this address. Now introduce Mr Mitchell to highlight what happens in your child’s SAS curriculum After…. 1.Thank you for coming – I hope that it has been helpful. 2.I would be grateful if you could complete the evaluation form for this session and also the transition questionnaire. 3.If you have any questions please see one of us at the back of the Hall.